I removed the soft top from my coupe and found silicone had been used to seal it. I've searched the internet for a product that would clean up the residue left from my removal. Question is, what'll clean the area for paint? I did find something called Dowsil DS-2025 but cannot find where to purchase some. Ron
See if Dow will send you a free sample. Go here: https://www.dow.com/en-us/pdp.dowsi...ing-solvent.04089120h.html#pdp-sample-options Or go here to buy a half liter: https://www.dow.com/en-us/pdp.dowsi...ing-solvent.04089120h.html#pdp-buying-options
Got any photos .. Is it just a little on the surface? I find just with a dry finger you cant just rub it off Do your usual pre paint clean But just dust a bit of paint over the area to check for fish eyes ... Sent from my SM-G960F using Tapatalk
Well, I tried lighter fluid, Silicone Remover from Home Depot, alcohol, WD-40 and Metal Prep. The most effective remover was WD-40. I used alcohol for residue clean up. Now I can only hope the paint sticks without fisheyes. Regards, Ron