I will be taking my 64 to the Billet Proof drags In Lake Land Fla. This wk. end 10/20 64 an Older only can run.
Twisted6<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_9297029", true); </SCRIPT> : I hope you have better luck than I did last Friday night (couldn't hit 2nd)... GOOD LUCK to you...
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I just signed up to say this is a great thread! My dad (step-dad) is Jan Riedel. It has been great seeing several pics of his cars!! Unfortunately I never saw him race as he retired from racing the year before I knew him. He's alive and well and has been enjoying his retirement for several years. He's an awesome guy and I'm so glad he is my dad. He taught me a lot and I always enjoy talking shop with him. I believe over his racing career he set 33 national records. Anyway, thanks again for posting the pics. I wish there were more pics of his cars out there! Maybe when I'm home next summer I'll snag some pics from him and scan them to put on here. Hopefully he'll give me a little history lesson on them. Take care guys.