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Hot Rods what age did you have to give up building hot rods?

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by drptop70ss, Feb 19, 2017.

  1. putz
    Joined: Jan 22, 2007
    Posts: 652

    from wisc.

    i,m 70 , couple buddies 72 ,another 76 . just like high school days only takes a little longer !
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  2. From what I've seen, when people get up there in age, it's when they give up being active and engaged in things that the end comes pretty quick. Better to keep your brain and body busy. My dad is starting to give up his activities, and sit around, I am trying to get him to keep busy and pursue his interests so he will be around a long time.
    Hang'emHigh, djr041060 and Kan Kustom like this.
  3. 41 coupe
    Joined: Nov 29, 2009
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    41 coupe
    from bristol pa

    I'm 65 and retired, I just don't have the money anymore,it is funny how it works,when you have the energy and money it is hard to find the time,now I have the time and I didn't think far enough ahead to have the money and I definitely don't have the energy!
  4. I don't plan on quitting,I don't work all day and come home and work in the shop till 2 or 3 in the morning like I did 20 or so years ago.

    I still do some afternoon work but most work takes place on weekends. HRP
    wicarnut, wackdaddy and Montana1 like this.
  5. Fitnessguy
    Joined: Sep 28, 2015
    Posts: 2,021


    Holy shit who knew there were that many old farts on HAMB!!! Ha ha my Dad is 70 and he's slowed down but still gets in there and his brain is "young" even though everything is a conspiracy! Ha ha. I'm 43 so have hopefully many years to come. My biggest fear is government or something else taking our hobby away because of technology or environment. I won't be working on any electric shit!! Here's hoping we all have many more years in the hobby we love!

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  6. olscrounger
    Joined: Feb 23, 2008
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    74 here and still good for a couple of more 40's I think. Not quite as fast but still manage to get things done-just takes a bit longer. Funny how it works-when I was younger I worked a 50-60 hr week and still had time to build a car but money was an issue. Now at 74 money is a non-issue but I don't have the energy and drive that I once did. I also don't want to check out with a half done project for my wife to deal with.
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2017
  7. hemiboy
    Joined: Apr 21, 2005
    Posts: 249


    My dad painted his last car at age 80- had a heart attack and died the next day. Wish he'd rubbed it out- I had to. I'm 62 and have to get moving and go grind on a frame all day. Hope to do what dad did!
  8. finn
    Joined: Jan 25, 2006
    Posts: 1,387


    I'm 65 and find that it takes me a week to do a days worth of work.

    I'm ok with that though, as it still keeps me somewhat active.

    In retirement, I've got the time and money to do what I always wanted to do when younger, but the old body just isn't cooperating.
    wicarnut likes this.
  9. Model A Gomez
    Joined: Aug 26, 2006
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    Model A Gomez

    I'm 67 and still at it but don't seem to have the drive to finish my latest project. Started it about 20 years ago and it kept getting pushed into the corner, did a 30 pickup, a 50 Ford, a 60 T-Bird, 2 Mustangs for the kid and a Model A for a friends dad when he had cancer. Started on it again about 2 years ago and still working at it. Apart again with the frame done and doing body work, hope to paint it this spring and have it running this year. Probably a lot of cars sitting around with stuff piled on them rather than being worked on.

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  10. Truckedup
    Joined: Jul 25, 2006
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    I'm closing in on 70 and gave up on hot rod trucks about 4 years ago....The truth is I have always like bikes better and have built several vintage racing motorcycles in the last few years...One of the bikes holds a LSR record...
  11. Jalopy Joker
    Joined: Sep 3, 2006
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    Jalopy Joker

    imagine that most of us have days when we wake up (good thing) and the body has aches and pains and feels old. also, times when a project can end up being much more involved, and expensive, than ever planned that slows down the momentum. maybe why it is easier to start another project than finish the original one. plus, day to day life gets in the way. bottom line is to just get out the door and make things happen, no matter how big or small, no matter how old you are.
    Hang'emHigh and hotrodA like this.
  12. DDDenny
    Joined: Feb 6, 2015
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    from oregon

    Roger that!
  13. trollst
    Joined: Jan 27, 2012
    Posts: 2,104


    I used to build a car every winter, including last winter. This last September a heart attack made me think a little, and slow down lots, although health wise I'm good as ever. Haven't built anything but top irons for my roadster pickup, been slowly cleaning up my shop, looking around at what might be junk, what might be good stuff. Also, I started building cars after years of building bikes, I wanted to learn as much as I could, having been at it for a long time, I know what I need to know, having built a few cars. At 61, my outlook has changed, I think I'm gonna try to drive more, take in some runs I've always wanted to, see how that pans out, I read posts on here from guys who got in their car and went where it was pointed, seems like a cool idea before I croak, Before the heart attack, I was never gonna die, breathed in shop air, from paint to grindings, welded my ass off, tomorrow was a given. Now, I've realised that tomorrow may not come, time to spend some of the cash I spent my life saving, load up the fifth wheel, or one of my cars and get out there.
    Not a change in attitude, just a modification of my lifestyle, still got a drag car to build, gonna start today, but it'll take more than a winter this time, but I'm determined to race this puppy. Age hasn't slowed me down, but my attitude has.
    Life is good.
  14. rockfarmer
    Joined: Nov 7, 2011
    Posts: 2


    I'm 70 in March. Still drive an 18 wheeler full time. Will retire this year. I had my dream garage built this year. About to start a new project. I'll stop when they pry my torque wrench out of my cold dead hand. Never give up what you love!

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  15. slinginrods
    Joined: Oct 6, 2008
    Posts: 422

    from florida

    My dads still building cars at 74. I weld everything because of his pacemaker , he doesn't slow down. We're building a car now. Heavy chopped model A with a warmed up 283 and a stickshift. All traditional bare bones. He's planning on using it daily.

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    clunker and Kan Kustom like this.
  16. Got out of hot rods and into Experimental Aircraft in 1982, I flew till 2007, 25 years, it wasn't the adventure it used to be, in 2010 I moved to Minnesota and remodeled the garage on the lake property I bought. A neighbor lady at the lake wanted another MGB like she had when she was younger, we found one and I went through it, 900 hours, my first build in many years, I then found my avatar (31 Model A) in Arizona, had it delivered to MN and spend a couple of years on it, a satisfying project, driven it 11,000 miles in the last 2 years. At almost 72 years old I'm looking for another project, I like all things mechanical and staying busy, great getting back to traditional hot rods, like I had when I was younger!!
    wicarnut and Kan Kustom like this.
    Joined: Jul 30, 2009
    Posts: 3,560


    I am 77 and have not given up yet but I sure am slowing down
  18. 30dodge
    Joined: Jan 3, 2007
    Posts: 498

    from Pahrump nv

    Over 60 and slowing down --- it's still all about the needed sanity breaks.
    47ragtop and trollst like this.
  19. Partime Hemi
    Joined: Mar 6, 2016
    Posts: 8

    Partime Hemi

    Started working on a '40 Dodge pickup with my son when he was 16. Life got in the way. He's now 42 and I'm 68 and finally starting to get back to it.

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  20. drptop70ss
    Joined: May 31, 2010
    Posts: 1,211

    from NY

    Lots of good stories here, so hoping if I can keep myself in once piece I can keep on wrenching till the end.
    rockfarmer likes this.
  21. scrap metal 48
    Joined: Sep 6, 2009
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    scrap metal 48

    Stupid question.. If you feel good, do it.. Read my signature....
    Max Gearhead likes this.
    Joined: Jan 24, 2010
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    from IDAHO

    I am 69 and find that it is a long way down to the floor and back but my Herbs 46 Project 2017 005.JPG mentor Herb is 86 and just putting the final touches on his Hemi powered 46 Ford coupe....
  23. tubman
    Joined: May 16, 2007
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    One thing nobody has mentioned and I have experienced, is that when you get well into your 70's, you start to lose strength. This will really limit you, as it did me. You "youngsters" in your sixties probably have another good decade in you, so take advantage of it. I exercise regularly, and keep records of what I do; no matter how hard I try, those numbers keep creeping down.
    wicarnut likes this.
  24. This is my biggest problem right now, between work and friends having families (very little time for cars) I find my passion and stamina slowing down. This combined with juggling to keep the old cars I have on the road and my stupid need for more cars before others are done (automotive a.d.d).

    I don't think I'll ever stop, I'll just have slower periods and hopes of picking up steam after I retire and have a proper place to work on them. With my family history and current issues I don't think I'll be here in my 70's so it full steam ahead now.
  25. dirtcop
    Joined: Dec 16, 2005
    Posts: 184


    I'm 69 and still working on the old cars, but it is getting harder. I have bad knees and A-fib (irregular heart beat) so I get tired pretty easily. I still think about doing new projects, but think it is time to finish up my '55' Chevy and '54' International and then start working on my old Triumph motorcycles. The old bikes are easier to work on if you have bad knees. I'll probably sell my '41' International short bed, but haven't decided yet. My older brother is 73, had his knees replaced, and still going pretty strong on his '48' Ford panel project. The idea is to be mentally and physically active as long as possible. Dirtcop
  26. I'm 70, and I can feel the hurt some days, especially after several hours on the concrete. Hips and knees the most. I try to turn a big task in to several small ones, with several plans. The inevitable snags and setbacks are easier to overcome if they're small. I try not to think of quitting, and having four projects keeps me mentally focused, even when the muscles and joints do their best to stop the action.
  27. ratrod0
    Joined: Apr 15, 2005
    Posts: 1,173


    My dad's last build was when he was 80. Now at 83 he still works on them tacks them apart buts them back together but does not weld, grind, drill because of a pacemaker. The doc got on him pretty good when they had to replace one.
    HOTRODPRIMER, clunker and LOU WELLS like this.
  28. Raiman1959
    Joined: May 2, 2014
    Posts: 1,427


    I'm 57....I still have the heart and ambition to build....but I've lately been coming to terms on the 'extent' of what I'm building...and have given away one car because it was 'too much' work, because I just couldn't do it. I worked in the forestry industry logging most of my life, with a lot of on site injuries over the years, ...I had to retire due to both shoulder and back issues and multiple fractures....I can still turn a wrench, but the heavy stuff and numerous 'wrong' positions necessary in building a car, literally leave me struggling the next "week" if I overdo it without taking notice! Pains and aches are a part of life, and often leave me in spasms if I don't take notice beforehand ....but I still 'try' to get things done on my car projects as many days' a week as possible, and moving forward, but it's not as 'devil may care' as it used to be....except in my head!

    Doing heavy lifting and 'smart' techniques really makes a difference...I wear wrist brace protection, as well as wrap-around back support most days, and really watch out for 'stupid' things I used to do... always watch what I'm doing, because if I don't...I'll pay for it over the next it's really a determined effort to keep my hot rod builds going forward with a smarter approach with better techniques...I'm still learning the ropes of what I can do, and can't.... Not sure 'how long' I can keep doing/trying the heavier work on a hot rod over 25 lbs...but I'm really focused on getting things done BEFORE I can't do it at all!!!....I give myself 5-7 years, and get my projects done....then spend my days driving, with nothing but 'small' repairs if necessary:D.....fingers crossed;)
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2017
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  29. Jeff34
    Joined: Jun 2, 2015
    Posts: 1,107


    I'm 54 and just getting started. Work has always gotten in the way. Fortunately I have a very supportive wife (total gearhead) and the tools and space to work. I'm looking at two more projects already after the '34. A '66 Ford truck and a '29 Ford roadster.
    So far I can do most of the work myself with the help of Aleve and Manhattans.

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    wicarnut likes this.
  30. 55chevr
    Joined: Jul 12, 2008
    Posts: 985


    71 .. no plans to stop anytime soon. I have a 31 Ford land speed project at about 50% completion with a 55 Chevy waiting in line. Just decided last season to stop racing motorcycles for the time being. Have a Harley fueler planned after the 55 is done.
    rockfarmer, Montana1 and LOU WELLS like this.

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