He meant the firewater that is a mexican tradition at local parks and recreations locally. While eating hot ass jalapenos, you must drink massive amounts of water. Therefore you have........ "FIREWATER". Even I knew that! KNUX!
I must be getting pretty old. This has to be the tenth time I've got Dan and Travis mixed up. Bad case of C.R.A.S.H. "Can't remember a fucking thing"
I have a question... are there any speedbumps in or on the way to the parking lot? My truck is alergic to them things... hah. are there any badges with momentumfoto on them??? hint hint? blake
no side or rear windows here also... come to think about it... no fuckin floor on the driver side... damn rain... fuckoff for me just this time. blake
Wow Dan... those are the fanciest Hamb name tags I've ever seen! I suppose it takes the guesswork outta poor penmenship though.
My shoulder and neck are NOT predicting rain. They did last week, right on schedule too. They are good for an ache three days before it rains so I'll tell ya more tomorrow.
Brandy, these two charactors were the only people who were really welcoming and cool to me at VLV. The others were a bunch of lame scensters. Naw, not the whole bunch, but Travis and Dan (or was it Dan and Travis? I always get them mixed up) were really cool. Actually the guy from Santa Rosa with the chopped A model was very cool too. And the guys with the Tiki bar were alright in my book. BUT, some HAMB celebrities were ass wipes. I will leave them nameless. But they are HUGE celebrities on here. Like 18,000 posts on their rebuild. Smart assed junior flips just the same. Now I'm really going to catch hell. Rum (Sailor Jerry) and posting might be a bad combo, huh? chili
When I sold that 50 Ford drivetrain, they kept messing with me SO bad. It got to the point I didnt know WHO I was talkin to......and they just kept it going. Sweet boys though. I'm a celeb.....but I'll sign your book ANYDAY. xxx
haha your awsome chili. It was good to meet you to. You probably felt as out of place there as i did, if you catch my drift. TRAVIS
HAHA that was soo funny. Fred came to buy it and i called you like i was mad that you sold it to someone else. We still laugh about that one. Travis
I owe you for that. I stood there with BIG EYES, TRYING to make amends to an angry man, just to find out it was a joke. NICE! You little shits. xxx
yep...i'll make these for the hambers that have posted they are bring'n something..oh, and don't be a pussy and not rock one cause your too cool..
shoebox, i'll need a nametag as well. dante has excused from needing to bring something so that's why i'm not on the list. momentumfoto and i are planning to drive there so if anyone else is going from the OC then we should all caravan to the picnic together. that would be cool.