WARNING!!(its gonna be long winded boys n gals) lol So..here i was tryin to be a nice guy! A fellow HAMB'r ...stuck in MY neck of the woods with no transportation and jones'n for a car show !! ..So..i'm thinkin..(.the show is about 2 minutes from my house)...45 minutes to get him,45 minutes back,hang out at the show,45 minutes to take him back,then 45 to get home again...about 80 bux in gas in the "Woodro".. .."AHH WHAT THE HELL... it'll be nice to meet another HAMB'r !!" So we get in contact and make the arrangments !! ..Well as luck would have it, the next morning i awake to rain I phone him and we decide "to hell with it". He kindly thanx me for the offer anyhow.We chat abit and say g'bye. .. A couple hours later,it's decent out,so i head to the show. A while later my phone rings(fellow HAMB'r)says "hey man ,if ya wanna come down here,i can get ya some "in4free's"." ... .."saweet "I say ..So i drag the kid(BarretJackson on here)away from his ol lady and we head out. ..Anyhoor...to make it short...we got to hang out in the "cool" area all night...met some VIP's...it was all good !! ..After it was all over we grabbed "said HAMB'r" and went out for dinner and got to know each other a bit...(Nice Guy) ! (with some awfull addictions tho...like..the HAMB,HotRods and Skatin) lol After dinner we took him back to his hotel,said the "aloha's" ....Now, here i am a couple days later...thinkin "does he need more sunshine blown up his quilt?" *smile"n* ..Welllll over the years i've found that most (not all) but most CELEB type people that i've met and dealt with, are shall we say... "NOT NICE" ..Steve,i was trying to do something nice for you and ya turned the tables on me!! So i'm happy to say "the rumours are true folks" .. Steve:"Coupe De Cab"... deal with it bud ! (laffin)...your a nice guy!! It was a pleasure man!!...I owe you now !! And on that note..."anything!/anytime!"just call !!! and i'll keep my eye out for some KanuckKnievel stuff ! yours Rick (TheRev) and Tyson (BarretJackson) (thanx for reading)
Should be at least a couple of good sermons there,Rev. It's always great to find out people can be nice without an agenda. I wish it wasn't so rare that you had to tell us about it,but I am glad you did.
It's been my experience that the majority of people in this hobby ARE nice folks. When I needed a horn ring for my Plymouth, a guy on the other side of the country, who did'nt know me fron Adam, couriered me one at his expense free of charge. I owe him a beer or three!
yes he is...at englishtown he comped myself and son some tixs for the music jam...got too meet him...a real person and an all a round nice guy. he made my son very happy.
Was it you and your son that gave him the tool box?He told us the story..he's seemed quite proud of it !!...the tool box !!