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So who else has blown anything up in their garage

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by The Autronic-Eye, Dec 2, 2008.

  1. Goztrider
    Joined: Feb 17, 2007
    Posts: 3,066

    from Tulsa, OK

    I once had a flame run back up the hose into the Acetyline tank on my torches and pop the pressure valve on it. That fucker burned for more than 45 minutes before it burnt out. Freshly filled 48" tall bottle. Popped in my garage, so I grabbed the cart it was on and drug it out into the street and let it burn.

    Damnit, I was shitting pink twinkies that day!
  2. Roadsir
    Joined: Jun 3, 2006
    Posts: 4,040


    When I was 15 I had a 40 chev sedan. I wanted to test fire the small block chev with the front clip and radiator off. So I connected the transmission lines at the front of the motor with about 3 feet of soft vacuum hose. I started the car got out to work the throttle, in seconds it balooned up a few inches then split spewing the fluid into the fan and spraying a mist over the entire garage.

    I blew this car up by rebuilding the Holley 600 single feed carb and forgot to install orings on the fuel transfer tube. The HEI sparked the puddling fuel. Singed the hood side louvers, firewall, burned some wiring, had to dissasemble and repaint everything to get the extinguisher crap out. Hurt my pride, damn near burned the house and garage down.

    Blew the radiator in the same car be replacing the flex fan with big OEM fan with 3/8" clearance. Not enough room when tire spin turns into wheel hop, which turned into lateral engine movement, and the fan caught the radiator.

    Funniest was hearing my brother tell his story of building a PVC potato gun. He had it stuffed with a big 'ol tator, but could not get it to light with Aquanet, then he tried lighter fluid, and then charcoal grille fluid, spray paint. Nothing was working. So he thought what the hell and cracked the knobs on the torch and filled the chamber with Oxy/Acetylene. He was holding the butt of the gun against his stomach, gun aimed at a 45 deg angle and struck the match. KABOOOM! it knocked him back several feet and flat on his ass! Never did see the potato trajectory.... He put the gun away...Never did fire it again.
  3. yoyodyne
    Joined: Nov 26, 2008
    Posts: 855


    Wasn't me, but a '69 SS396 Chevelle got it's engine washed at a used car dealer by a dim recon guy. Engine wouldn't start. Ether applied to problem. More ether. Still more ether. Finally the plug wires dry out enough to fire the plugs. All the ether that wound up in the crankcase lit and blew the oil pan off the block, swelled up the valve covers, etc.

    I blew up a powerglide in a dragster in my garage. Apparently the later ones don't get a certain gasket in the rear governor that the early ones do. Trans guy didn't know that. I start the motor, cycle the trans to check fluid level, reverse seems funny. Try reverse again, still funny. The extra gasket means that high is partially applied at the same time as reverse. I lean across the trans and open the throttle a bit. Engine revs up, the high gear drum spins 3 times engine rpm backwards, clutches are getting hot, white smoke comes out of dipstick tube 1/2 second before the drum explodes right under me. Trans case is shredded, parts and ATF are showering all over the garage, engine idling at 2000 rpm and I'm cowering in the corner afraid to get close enough to shut the mag off. Fortunately I had the blanket laying across the top of the trans even though it wasn't buckled so I didn't get any shrapnel in me, just a couple scratches. Now I understand how all those parts get out of a Torqueflight during a bad neutral start, and why scatter shields are required on automatics. A week later I found the low gear band adjuster stuck in the wood wall like a arrow. Even ruined the blanket.
  4. Wesley
    Joined: Aug 12, 2006
    Posts: 1,670


    What Crease said. Dont ask me how I know this.

    Also, it is better to throw old sweatshirts and old t-shirts away than it is to save them for welding wear.
  5. Insane 1
    Joined: Feb 13, 2005
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    Insane 1
    from Ennis TX

    If the guy who owned that welding supply place in Dallas ever posted on here he would have us all beat!

    Of coarse he was the dumbass trying to put it out w/the water hose
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2008
  6. A doll was an out of control bachelor party...long story
    Joined: Jan 27, 2007
    Posts: 94


    Can still remember the guys at Woodgears Junk Yard in Dayton Ohio. To get anything off the bottom of a car (rear end, etc.) they turned the car on its side, stood around the back of the car and torched the tank until it blew, then cut off whatever needed. I think they just liked to see the gas tank blow!!
  8. DogTownKustoms
    Joined: Nov 19, 2008
    Posts: 114


    so we're BBQing outside my buddies garage the other day, we were cookin some carne asada so he goes to pour some tequila on them, guess he underestimated how flammable senor cuervo is, the flames travelled up the bottle which he dropped and it shattered sending a pool of flames in the garage and right by my feet, thankfully neither the oxy/acetalyne tank or the gas tank from the '32 were near it
  9. Not to sound like a wize ass but some of you guys have got away with some pretty crazy shit >>>>.
  10. GizmoJoe
    Joined: Jul 18, 2007
    Posts: 1,300


    Ok.. not sure I was shittin' pink twinkies but had a similar thing.
    Ran a tank too low. Flame ran in other hose and BOOM!
    LOUD bang.
    No damage other than to my nerves and pride.
    But I didn't even check.. I just change my underwear.

    Had a nice Cutlass burn like a bugger.
    I never even caused it! The car next to mine burnt and took mine out too.
    I was pissed. Someone have been cutting on the car and it burnt 8 hours later.

    WAY too many other booms, bangs and bumps to report here without reminding me of how plain clumsy I am. And lucky.
  11. budd
    Joined: Oct 31, 2006
    Posts: 3,478


    i blew a distributor cap off a sbc while it was running and i was checking for a vaccuum leak with an acetylene torch.
  12. yankbuilt
    Joined: Jan 28, 2008
    Posts: 386


    Not me, but had a friends brother that had a rag stuck were the gas cap should be, in a closed garage.Was doing some welding and BOOM,!!!! blew the back of the garage wall out a hole foot!!!!!Lesson learned, don't listen to older friends brother!!Some times the youngsters know better!! Dumb As@
  13. farmer_joe620
    Joined: Sep 7, 2005
    Posts: 176


    back in high school me and a buddy were building a chevy luv with a v8. so before we put the 355 in the truck we ran it on a test stand to break it in and such. so one day after school we go to his place and i went out back to start up the motor on the stand. it had a worn out mechanical fuel pump on it, so you had to pour gas down the carb to get it fired up. so i was tryin to start it. got a screwdriver in my left hand jumpin the starter, and a pop can full of gas in the other hand. so as im turnin over the motor it fires then sputters out. so i pour some more gas down the carb as im turning it over. then it backfires out of the carb, catches the pop can of gas on fire and startling me so bad that i spill the lit can of gas on my front! so the carbs on fire, and im on fire! so i instantly remember 'stop drop and roll'! i hit the ground in a hurry and put myself out. but the carb it still on fire. so i grab the closest thing to me... a plastic bag full of pop can... and i start beating the shit out of the carb. well the plastic bag melts, can go everywhere, and my buddy come out and stands there while all this is happenin. he put a rag on the carb and puts it out and then is all, "what the fuck are you doin trying to put a fire out with a plastic bag?" hahaha.

    when i told him that i was on fire for a little he just fell down laughing.

    lol good times
  14. was welding on the frame sparks flying like normal. then all of a sudden i fell my leg get really hot. i stop the bead pick my hood up and realize my pants were on fire. i hit my leg with my glove to put out the fire. a good portion of my pants were gone the insde of my leg hurt and was missing hair. lesson learned do not weld with cuffed pants!!! so i weld in shorts now!!!:D
  15. Found a yellowjacket nest in ground outside the shop one summer. Actually they found me when I walked over them. So I declared war by running up with a bottle of gasoline, pour it on the hole, walk back, throw match and WHOOSH! frickezied little stingers. Few minutes later, flames are out I decide to just give em a little more for good measure. Walk up with second bottle of gasoline, begin to pour into hole, musta been something still burning in hole because flames shoot up in face, ignites bottle of gas in hand which is quickly (but not expertly) dropped spilling burning gas down bare leg as I was wearing shorts. Run with leg aflame to small creek 10 feet away and dive in and begin rolling. 2nd degree burns from atop knee to ankle hurts lika a sumbitch.

    If that one was stupid enough, have 55 gallon metal barrel wood stove in father's shop and one cold morning I'm tring to build a fire but no paper or anything to start it with so I decided to spray the wood with starting fluid. With door to stove open I tossed in the match while looking inside. Ever seen a jet engine kick in the afterburners? Ever wondered how you would look without eyebrows for while?
  16. Busted Knuckles
    Joined: Dec 1, 2004
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    Busted Knuckles

  17. Gator
    Joined: Dec 29, 2005
    Posts: 4,016


    I've caught myself on fire more than once. Last year I was grinding a piece of metal clamped in the vice. The sparks were hitting me right in the chest, but it was wintertime and I was wearing two sweatshirts.

    Didn't realize I was on fire until it burnt through both shirts, one of which was brand new.

    My wife was thrilled.
  18. Greasy64
    Joined: Nov 1, 2008
    Posts: 198


    I bought a basket case 454 from a guy who got it hot tanked and it was ready for assembly so I assembled it for my boat. The fuel pump pushrod had never been removed and was stuck. I used wd40 to loosen it but it wouldnt come out just down with the cam lobe. The engine was in the boat so I primed the carbs figured it might loosen if it warmed and the fuel pump spring would start to return it back to the cam. No luck! I primed the carb several times and the block was now hot. Still no luck. The bright idea I had was to use a stick welder to stick a 1/8th welding rod to the end of the pushrod and pull it out. I figure they always get stuck all the time anyway, I'd just do it on purpose. My buddy Speedrome was behind me watching me. Next thing I know he has his arms around me pulling my ass out of the boat with my ears ringing. priming those carbs filled the crankcase with gas. I diddn't hear the boom or anything.
    The damage to the engine was minimal (I thought). The pan ballooned and the valve caver gaskets and other small stuff got fixed. got the fuel pump rod out and working.

    Great! time to finally fire the engine. Ran great till I started to add the water. then it ran like crap "wtf" felt like the timing retarded itself or something? I went to reach for the timing light and then this pancake batter shit started oozing out the top of the breathers!
    Turned out the boom blew a hole in the bottom of the water jacket DOH! Apart again for the 3rd time.

    Lesson learned is an old one: A shortcut is the longest distance between two points.
  19. plym49
    Joined: Aug 9, 2008
    Posts: 2,802

    from Earth

    These can't compare with the stories so far but,.......

    1) In my late teens, could not start my 49 Dodge outside in the dead of winter. I thought of a shortcut to get it started without taking that PITA oil bath air cleaner off. I ran some oxygen and acetylene into the vacuum fitting on the intake. Cranked the car and boom! Launched the air cleaner up and into the underside of the open hood. I still have that car and it still wears that inside-out ding in the hood. BTW, the engine started.

    2) Early 20s, was not getting brake lights in my 48 Willys SW with 283. Bad connection at the stop light switch, which was mounted on the master on the frame. I figured that I would just solder the connections to the switch. Upside down, I resolder the connections and, of course, drip a big wad of molten solder right onto my eyeball. Damn, that hurt.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2008
  20. rc.grimes
    Joined: Aug 14, 2007
    Posts: 694

    from Edmond, OK

    One of the previous welders on my old base was installing shelving in the shop. He began welding the shelving to the walls of the steel building when he ran out of hardware to bolt it. Alot of our steel buildings are insulated.......and that crap is flammable as all hell. Nothing was obvious for about ten minutes till the smoke started coming from everywhere. We cleared the building about two minutes before the fuel containers on the equipment went up along with the pallet of fertilizer.

    There is a playground where that shop once stood.

    On another note I dropped a packet of firecrakers under a coworker while welding just the other day. Sometimes things blowing up is funny.......when they leave a crater like the above mentioned incident it isn't quite a giggle fest.
  21. PATA32
    Joined: Oct 25, 2007
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    from keller,tx.

    Metal gas can touched of a spark on the race car, started fire. You cannot believe how far I threw that full 5gal gas can, at least 15' out of the shop. I only use the plastic containers now. SCAREY !
  22. Decided about 9PM to start repainting part of my garage (winter time). I'd bought one of those kits that fits on your paint can & pressurizes the roller. Had it on the top of a 6' ladder when I put the required 80 lbs. pressure to it. It went off like a bomb! It was 3AM by the time I got it cleaned up. I mean EVERYTHING got it including cars, me, etc.
  23. crackerass54
    Joined: Jun 1, 2009
    Posts: 364

    from dallas

    ok here we go, caught my back on fire twice, once was funny, the other time not so funny burnt me hand pretty good getting my sweatshirt off. blew up a plastic drain pan under my car (dad filled it with brake cleaner earlier that day, cleaning brakes) spark from the torch, BOOM, that i was dead, next was tack welding a blower belt gaurd on our race car and ignited the methanal in the hat, agin thought i was dead , turned the motor over and blew the blow off plate, next had my car on the rack well the rack was leacking hydralic fluid, cuting off some brackets and well you can guess we where running around the fire extinqisher trying to figure out what to do, my dad threw a burning shop rag on me at the track that sucked ( he still apoligizes to this day, it lit and he through it just happenend to be there) and countless carbs going off in my face I LOVE HOT RODS
  24. Da Tinman
    Joined: Dec 29, 2005
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    Da Tinman

    Was welding in steel tubs and such in a super stocker, behind the main hoop, under the back brace with both seats installed, customer was there to look at car, boss decides to start painting the trunk,,,, so he and 2 other guys grab rattle cans get after it. I figured the fumes and such were on the trunk side and if it blew it wouldnt get me.

    Didnt take long for them to finish the trunk, and I was still tacking the last of the sheetmetal in the front. As soon as I moved to weldup the 4link cover to the tubs, they reached in the quarter windows and started to paint the front of the tubs, rear door panels and the uprights in front of the tires.

    Tack, Tack, WHOOOOOSH<<<<<< I felt the heat and flipped up the helmet to see that hell wasnt underground, it was actually the backseat of a 63 catalina, and the exit was many contortions away.

    The would be Picassos were more than willing to help too, they were trying to blow out the flash fire with lung power and spit.

    I was out of there pretty fast, dropped the helmet on the floor and wordlessly walked out to my car and went home, minus all the hairs on my arms.

    The next day they were kind enough to let me know how fast the paint dried.
  25. 69fury
    Joined: Feb 24, 2009
    Posts: 1,643


    i've blown myself up numerous times (mom's best friend says i live by grace alone), but the most scared i ever was was when one of the Twin Saws needed replacing at work. The Twin Saws were four radial arm saws in a square rig that cut plastic sheets as they traveled through on a mobile table.

    Two saws turning standard. Two saws turning reversed.

    This is why OSHA states that motor brakes MUST be removed from saws used in industrial applications. Young mechanic did not know this.

    Break time. I hit the "kill" and 3 saws did their slow decel, but i heard sssshhhhhhhhhhhhzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZING! PaTANG! one saw, missing one blade. One cinder block wall, missing one cinderblock. I went home.
  26. My buddy installed a new starter on his 62 Ford Ranchero(260 V8).As soon as he started the engine. A loud knocking sound was comin from the flexplate. I disconnected the coil wire and had him click the starter while I was under car looking for any scuff marks on flexplate and saw nothing. Loosend starter and shifted it a little and retightend.Started engine again and it got worse. So now I'm stumped.What the hell should I try know. Autopart store is closed.
    Determind to find the problem I asked my if he had a can of spray paint. I'm going to spray paint the flexplate and we will be able to se were it's hitting.GREAT IDEA so I thought.Disconnected coil wire again.I'm under car spray painting (FUMES)the bottom portion of flexplate and then have him click engine so I can paint the whole flexplate.I said CLICK!"BOOOOOOOM"!
    The starter arc's upon ignition and lit up the fumes in my face. It happend so fast. No time to react. My buddy laughing his ass off asking what the hell was that.I got up in front of him and he starts laughing even harder.He sees my eyebrows,eyelashes,and my goattee burnt off.The smell of burnt hair was so bad. I couldn't help it. I started laughing my ass off too.
  27. verry glad i read this from post one to the last funny/scarry stuff guys and to think after my wife and her complaining the fireworks just went into the shop last night

    on another note its great to throw a large string of black cats under the door of a small bathroom in a shop and hold the door shut what is not so funny is when you are in the same bathroom and the guy who you tried to blow up with the black cats come back with a fire extighisher under the door and turns you white and short of breat man i loved that job

    true storie
  28. Da Tinman
    Joined: Dec 29, 2005
    Posts: 4,222

    Da Tinman

    umm carb cleaner and lighter works good too, but the favorite is the screaming meamie type bottle rockets.
  29. D-fens
    Joined: Aug 30, 2007
    Posts: 367

    from Huntsville

    Used to have a habit of wearing raggedy clothes while welding, until a spark or two set my work pants on fire. I was laughing so hard I could barely put it out.

    Earlier this year I was working on-site at Camp Lejeune, welding up some brackets, had them clamped in a vise but didn't notice there was a cardboard box soaked with JP-8 on the floor nearby. No fire extingushers in sight. Had to run outside dragging the (burning) cardboard box. Everybody in the shop but me was in hysterics.

    My friend and co-worker Mark got burned pretty badly trying to clear off some overgrown land next to his house (NOT his mom's house as previously posted). Poured some old gas around, took the can back over to the house (safety first and all that) then forgot where the gas trail ended. Lit it off without knowing he was standing right in the middle of it. Result was 2nd and 3rd degree burns on his lower legs and about six months or so of rehab. It was bad.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2009
  30. hillbilly4008
    Joined: Feb 13, 2009
    Posts: 2,925

    from Rome NY

    about 2months ago i was at work cutting something up with my oxy/acet. torches. Cant remember what i was working on exactly, but my back felt real hot. Like i was standing too close to a bonfire. I turn around and the acetelene tank was on fire. There was literally a Ring of fire two feet tall around the valve. No, it didnt blow up. but holy crap! I thought it was their job to inspect that shit? Threw a heavy rag on it and it went out.

    Had a gas tank explode at work. You'de think scrapnel and carnage. Nope, just balooned up.

    dropped a can of soda once, that made quite the mess.

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