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Some people have NO respect for your car!!!!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by 37fordtruck, May 6, 2007.

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  1. chrisp
    Joined: Jan 27, 2007
    Posts: 1,190


    Once I saw a 30 something car in a smog station and inquired if it was for sale, it was not, but as I was looking at the car some guy walked up to it, try to open the passenger door, then walked up to the driver side opened it and before he sat in I asked him if it was his, it was not, I tried to explain him that you don't touch or open somebody else car the guy didn't want to understand, I asked him if I could do the same with his car, his answer was no because this is different this is an old car, the point is if it's not yours, you don't touch.
    When I was fixing european cars we sometimes had to tell people inside the shop to step out of that 300 000$ Rolls or that A8 that didn't belong to them
  2. Too Funny!
  3. Mr T body
    Joined: Nov 2, 2005
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    Mr T body
    Alliance Vendor
    from BHC AZ

    I guess I've been lucky. I haven't had a problem with people sitting/leaning on my car. Well, they've sat on the slicks, but if they're stupid enough to get a dirty ass, I'll let them. Kids seem to like the 23... it's a giant Hotwheels for them, and they seem to gravitate to it. If I see one with a real interest (and respect) for it, I'll ask the parents if they want for the kid to sit in it. Probably 9 out of 10 take me up on it, but the deal is I lift them up into it. Obviously not a lot of older/fat kids get in it. :D Hopefully the kid takes an interest in the hobby and gets involved later on. If not, they had a good time and nobody got hurt.
  4. Bumpstick
    Joined: Sep 10, 2002
    Posts: 1,409


    I find this hard to believe. Don't want somebody sitting in your car? LOCK THE DOORS!!!!!!!!!
  5. Every day I see, read, or hear something that reminds me that I ain't had my last fistfight.
  6. Skimmer
    Joined: Jul 31, 2005
    Posts: 1,117


    A few years ago at a long established rod run there were kids going around in gangs stealing all the fancy tyre valve caps n anthing else they could find , i saw some off as they didnt realise i was sitting having a beer.................yet all the kids were rodders kids as it was after dark on the campsite.......
  7. loudpedal
    Joined: Mar 23, 2004
    Posts: 2,209

    from SLC Utah

    This is the majority of public's take on cars and is one reason I rarely go to a car show. A vehicle is merely a means to get from point A to point B to these people. When I worked for the Chevy dealer, it was a DAILY occurrence to see a brand new vehicle with:

    Numerous door dings
    Footprints on the hood<O:p
    Bumper stickers
    Paint scratches
    Food spills on the carpet
    Sticky fingerprints on the inside of the windows
    Words written in the dirt that was on the paint ("wash me" or "I love you mom")
    Trash all over the inside
    A few even smelled like they had several dirty diapers under the seats

    ... You name it, I've seen it! A BRAND NEW VEHICLE!!!

    The general public only cares about how many baby seats they can get in the thing and how much gas mileage they get.
  8. gasRus
    Joined: Sep 18, 2006
    Posts: 116


    Mike got kicked outa a local car show for poppin a nut at a guy who let his kid climb into and around Mikes car BEHIND the ropes at a show .:eek: The guy complained at the club show table about Mikes "rude" language. Ida snatched the rug rat outa my car and tossed him at his old man.:rolleyes:
  9. in 97 I bought a one owner low mileage chrysler 300 4dr ht,original mint paint.on a cruise night a "car guy" leaned on the rear fender,riveted jeans and all.I freaked out,chased him away while screaming things like"I&#180;m gonna smash your f-king face" and so on,man I hate people that can&#180;t leave my stuff alone.
  10. that's crap! it's all on the parents to, wether they wern't watching the kid or knowingly let the child do so... it's sad really :mad:
  11. I pulled into this cruise one time in my Elky and this kid sees me comin' and deliberately throws a frisby right at my car and hit my quarter panel! It didn't hurt anything, but WTF!?
    At another cruise this older fella was leaning on my car shootin' the shit with a couple others (his stock 60's mustang was next to mine so you'd think he would lean on that?).
    You'd think an older car guy would understand and respect other's rides. Anyway, I didn't give him any crap. I just politely asked him not to lean on my car. He said he wasn't paying attention to what he was doing and apologized. I personally think he thought it was ok to do since I didn't have a shiny paint job, interior, or bed floor.
    if I know you, or you are my friend then I don't care if you lean on my car. Bottom line is if you don't know the owner of a car then don't touch it!
  12. B.A.KING
    Joined: Apr 6, 2005
    Posts: 4,039


    glad you said that, i thought i was son who's takin psycology, said naw dad you ain't anti-social, you just don't like people! hell we now know why:cool: :D
  13. This is not the first time something like this has happened,,,I had just painted my model A truck and walked up on a kid with his mother and he was standing on my fender and running board,,,

    They came by the park after he had been playing baseball,,,,he was wearing cleats,,,scratches eveywhere,,,I ask her to get he child under control,,,,

    What she told me,,thru her tobacco chewing teeth that she had paid for here and her son to see these cars and thats what she was doing,,,

    I have never been cursed like that woman? and I had a drill instructor that was the second cousin to satin himself!:eek:

    This was 20 years ago at the nats south and I found a nsra rep and showed him what had happened,,,,he ask me if I would help him find her and we did,,,he and a police officer escorted her and her son out of the park,,,HRP
  14. asher
    Joined: Oct 13, 2003
    Posts: 258


    There is fixed it for ya LOL

    I have a 8 year old boy. He comes with me to car show. He knows better then to touch some ones car. I also don't let him out of my sight. I don't get people who just let there kids wander randomly at a young age.
  15. 38zephyr
    Joined: Sep 3, 2006
    Posts: 622


    This is something that drives me CRAZY and I see it all the time , kids and or adults touching , leaning on , opening doors , rapping on it with knuckles (Is it steel ???) etc . People should not touch if it aint' their's PERIOD , regardless of value , condition or anything else . I don't care if it's a primered Pinto wagon , don't touch . I was at a show a while back with my car and from maybe 50 feet away I see a Dad open my door for his kid to jump in , I yell loud enough "HEEEYYY" while I start walking towards it , that the kid jumps out and pretty much everybody looks up to see what's going on . Dad get's pissed and says in a loud , bassy voice " Okay , we won't touch your car " "GREAT FUCKING IDEA GENIUS " I told him thinking it's gonna be on , but he turned around and split . I'm normally real quiet and mellow , but I can blow head gaskets quick . I felt really bad for the kid , because he looked pretty shaken up and it was his old man's fault for not teaching him better . If they had asked beforehand , I would have put the kid in the car , taken pictures , whatever I could do for them . Simple stuff like this and people not knowing that it's wrong , is a big part of what's wrong with the world today . My kid WILL NOT touch anybody's car or property without permission PERIOD .
  16. 23 bucket-t
    Joined: Aug 27, 2005
    Posts: 1,366

    23 bucket-t

    my 2 cents if we watch over other people cars a lot of this will not happen .... if I see someone messing with around with someone else's car I will tell them not to touch, I would rather have someone say, to mind my own business, than what the f*ck did you let them f*ck with my car
  17. asher
    Joined: Oct 13, 2003
    Posts: 258


    This past Viva was bad. There was that little troop of girls walking around half nude (that's the best part of this story) with there photo guy and a huge screen for light. I sat there watching this photo guy and this pinup girl walk up to one of our friends car. He has louvers all over his hood. So this brod gets right on top of the hood to take her little pinup photo. The owner of the car wasn't there. When she got off the entire hood was all tweaked and dented. Of course we all ran over popped his hood and proceed to pound out the dents before he got back.

    I don't get these pinup girls and there photo guys. They think cuz they are there to take photos with the girls and the cars that they have immunity rights to sit, lay and stand all over cars they don't own without the owners permission. That really gets me.
  18. toledobill
    Joined: Apr 9, 2003
    Posts: 369


    I've never really had a "Show" rod, but I never wanted one after the year Ed Roth debuted the "Beatnik Bandit 2" at Cobo Hall. I was standing there when a 5-year old launched one of the chrome stanchions right onto the right front of the grille surround. The parent scooped up the little S@#$T and scurried off while the onlookers just stared at each other. I went around to the rear of the Bandit where Big Daddy was and told him what I'd just seen.

    Ed calmly walked around to the front, examined the damage (seemed minimal-to-none), stood the stanchion back up and resumed his showmanship.

    I figured that -- if Ed was so accustomed to that kind of crap at shows -- that I NEVER wanted to build a car for an indoor show.
  19. Slonaker
    Joined: Jul 21, 2005
    Posts: 524


    Spanking is not illegal. Abusing is. If it leaves a bruise, breaks the skin, or breaks bones, it is abuse. A swat on the bottom is not abuse.

    The parents who don't know the difference between abuse and discipline (both the ones who think spanking=abuse and the ones who think abuse=discipline) are the ones that make it so hard for parents to discipline their children.

  20. chopped
    Joined: Dec 9, 2004
    Posts: 2,148


    And me and my mom still hate you.
  21. I feel you man, but I am apart of the younger generation but I was always told never to touch the car becuase it wasn't mine... Also I sure as hell won't vote for hilary. She just wants to get back at Bill :p.
  22. usmc50lx
    Joined: Oct 3, 2006
    Posts: 711

    from St.Louis

    Well I grew up at car shows and learned early not to touch but the best was my go kart I used to take to shows a shriner's Model T but was made to look like a fad T took that behind my dads car alot when I was younger until Ice cream ended up all over my seat so that stopped that and now I get the guys rapping on my coupe like its a fucking door to only find its steel after they have asked," is it steel or glass?" shit pisses me off or the lady that at the "Easter show" asked her husband if my car was done and that she hoped not because whoever did the pinstriping did a terrible job(my first striping job and I will be the first to say I could do way better now) well she walked away quick when she was asked if she could do any better, and told that the whole car except seat upholstery was done by me. then her and her husband walked over to there street beast and sat in there lawn chairs!-Paul
  23. Anderson
    Joined: Jan 27, 2003
    Posts: 7,523


    In my last daily (a very nice car) I went to get a haircut. Pulled up right in front of the door (I know, stupid!) and went inside, sat and waited. Some older big guy pulls up in his Durango, gets out and though I couldn't clearly see it, looked like he smacked his door right into mine. I blew it off because I didn't see the door actually hit my car. I was still waiting when the guy came back...and I clearly saw him do it AGAIN. So I went outside and brought it to his attention. He blew me off! "Oh, gee, I'm sorry" and tried getting in his car. I said my piece, he tried to get in my face but quickly backed off. He left, there was no damage to the car (plastic doors) but it still pissed me off.

    Last weekend in Dewey I had my truck parked in the hotel lot while we went to eat. Came back and there was a guy sitting on the rear bumper and another two leaning on the bed. The truck is nothing special but god damnit, it's not yours, get the hell off of it!

    Last year at the drags I was hanging out in the pits and get back to where my car was parked and there's this chick I didn't know leaning on the front fender/hood with her foot propped on the bumper. A few minutes later she moves, then looks back at the car and says "Oops, I think I just scratched this guy's car." She didn't...and both my bumper and paint were crappy...and I didn't say anything because it really wasn't a big deal....but if the car were nicer, I doubt it would have stopped her from doing just what she did. Like everyone else said, I can't believe the complete lack of respect people have for other people's property.
  24. Okay, this happened just this past Saturday. I'm still in the process of building my garage, so 2 of my cars are on the front lawn. I come back from work, and there's a pickup parked in the driveway, and 2 guys riffling through my Barracuda. Both doors open, all the milk crates of parts splayed out on the lawn. I tear-ass out of my car, glass Goya Pineapple Soda bottle in hand (only thing within reach in my car at the time), ready for cold-blooded murder. The fucking guys looked like they were about to cry. I was like WTF!!!!!!! and the one guy said, "I was just seeing what parts came with the car" to which I replied, NO fucking parts come with the car because THE FUCKING CAR IS NOT FOR SALE!!! You see a sign on it, fucker?!?!?" They very quickly and quietly placed everything back in the car and left with many apologies and shit in their pants.
  25. cretin
    Joined: Oct 10, 2006
    Posts: 3,068


    You using it as a bench is one thing, after all it is your car. Nobody should be touching someone elses car without the owners permission. It really pisses me off when I see people hit other peoples doors in the parking lot. I mean no matter how big a peice of shit I park next to I make sure not to hit their doors, why is that so difficult. Some people just arent car people and dont give a shit how much time , effort, and love youve put into your car
  26. Dreddybear
    Joined: Mar 31, 2007
    Posts: 6,142


    A few years back my I built a 56 f100. My buddy helped me with countless hours of body and paintwork. The first night out we were at a party at another friends house, and left to go get some beer. When we got outside, some other kid was leaning on my truck with his studded belt, acting all cool in front of some chick like it was his. I stopped speechless for a second, but my buddy, who is normally very calm and reserved, flipped out and laid the kid out cold. I was stopped speechless again. :eek: Since then, I try and calmly let people know that they should look and not touch.
  27. RadioFlyer
    Joined: Jan 13, 2007
    Posts: 162


    They don't have respect ANYWHERE. Go to a grocery store... Whats the ignorant parent do? Put little johnny dirty feet up on the food converyor...
    Take a walk in/on the dairy/meat counter...
    Go grab a sub... And little johnny dirty feet gets put on the counter where your food gets placed...
    etc.etc. F'ing ignorant mouth breathers that should have been sterilized long before they procreated.

    What really kills me is the occurances while your sitting in your vehicle.
    I had some woman rear end me (low speed, nothing serious) in a parking lot when she pulled into the parking spot behind me... She started pulling away when she saw me in my side mirror! I confront her to be greeted with "i didn't hit you" to "it was only a small tap" :rolleyes:
    Another woman at a grocery store parks her empty grocery cart just behind my drivers door and right next to my car...Keep in mind, I'm sitting right there, with the windows open... She ignores me, so I get out and lay the cart down infront of her car. She looks at me... I glare back and take my seat. She then amazingly takes the cart to the cart corral a mere two parking spots away. WTF?
    Or the retards at work with their oversized purses over their shoulder, turn to unlock their car while their bag drags across your car... FUCK...

    Or the idiots who park slightly more than a car width away from you leaving an opening for more retards to pull in and discover the space is too narrow...

    The appliance drivers who ram into shopping carts to get them out of the way, with no regard to where that shopping cart is going...

    Or... Or... Just shoot them all... =-)

  28. class 'A'
    Joined: Nov 6, 2004
    Posts: 362

    class 'A'
    from Casper,Wyo

    Here Here Brother!
    I once saw some parents let their kid THROW ROCKS at a car show in a park similar to the Knoxville show. and I mean LET them throw rocks. Watched the kid pick them up, toss them, chip the paint in a numbers matching '69 RS/SS and then watched rock #2 fly, then walked off. Thank GOD the owner saw all this and had the decency to ask the parents whether or not THEY wanted to whip the kids butt because he was giving free whippins that day!

    Be glad it was just some grease and mud. Could'a been worse. EEKKK
  29. 72sst
    Joined: Nov 24, 2006
    Posts: 429


    Its called the dumbing down of society.No common sense.Technoligy breeds lazyness.If someone sees you spank a kid in Vermont they can report you.Maybe not in your state,but here thats the way it is.
  30. Thrilled that I dont live in Vermont.. :)
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