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sorta O/T but not, anyone else have sciatic nerve problems?

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by 1950coronet600hp, Oct 12, 2011.

  1. I haven't had sciatic pain that I know of, but a little yoga has been helping my back and neck. I do it at home, and learned from this person's Youtube videos:
    <cite class="kvm"></cite>
  2. fleet-master
    Joined: Sep 29, 2010
    Posts: 1,780


    one thing for sure..make that two....the type of nerve pain we're talkin bout is UNFUCKINBELIEVEABLE!!...and second..there ain't no one kinda cure that'll fix it. what works for 1 person may hurt the next...cos as Lewis Black sez "were all like snowflakes"...!!! finding out what works for you is real hit n miss seems to me..:eek::confused:
  3. 32ratsass
    Joined: Dec 14, 2007
    Posts: 258


    Ruptured L4-L5 discs about 30 years ago and have had varying degrees of associated pain since then, from a mild "pain in the ass", to being hospitalized on IV pain medication. The Dr Recommended getting an MRI for diagnosis, and suggested getting an epidural. I refused the epidural due to a really bad problem with needles, and the memory of a really bad experience with a spinal block injection many years ago. Over the years, the most successfull treatment I have had was REMOVING MY WALLET FROM MY BACK POCKET. I finally had to "bite the bullet", and agree to the epidural. :eek: Last week I had my second epidural in a 6 mo period of time. Somewhat painfull process, for about 5 minutes, but the first, and only time in the last 30 years that I've been totally free of back pian, and the numbness and leg pain are gone!! May not work for everyone, but the best thing I've ever done. Good luck with whatever you end up doing, it's gotta beat the pain associated with a screwed up back.
  4. PunkAssGearhead88
    Joined: Jul 9, 2006
    Posts: 1,791

    from So Cal

    I started getting Sciatic Nerve Pains last December just after I started having lower back pains...
    I did, and still do not have any health insurance,or income. I had to just research the symptoms and help my self... Finally after MONTHS the pain started going away when I, took Ibuprofen to help with the inflammation,slept on my sides with a pillow between my legs,always elevated my problem leg above my hip when sitting,(even in the car if possible),took Magnesium (although it didn't help me as much as I thought) STRETCH,STRETCH and STRETCH! Stretching would help me the most! There were nights when I couldn't even get into bed or sleep,the pain was so excruciating I would scream.I had to force my self to stretch a few times in order to be able to even sleep.
    Even sneezing or coughing would hurt like hell!
    I also had been putting a lot of my projects on hold because of this issue.... It really put a strain on me, so yes to the OP I do agree that this condition is slightly on topic because between driving,bending and a lot of other things that are associated with our cars could very well cause this condition.
  5. Thanks I'm at that point and can deal with 5 more minutes of pain. Everone I've talked to said it was only good for 3 weeks to 3 months. Now I'll wait and read.
  6. Mine would be so bad while talking that right in mid sentence I'd yelp!!! People would look at me strange and ask wtf happened? When I drove it would hit every 15-20 seconds. Now I have a hole in my shoulder that is even worse!!!! I still have to do construction ,drywall, heavy 8' solid core doors, etc etc every day. Pain meds help me bare the pain barely. Sucks bigtime but life goes on. Right now my shoulder is throbbing so I took a couple vicoden before hitting the sack. It will hurt all night but ease a bit after the pills start working.

  7. Maybe it's a 392 Hemi thing !!!:eek::eek::eek:
  8. Johnny Wishbone
    Joined: Aug 10, 2009
    Posts: 314

    Johnny Wishbone

    I ruptured L4-L5 and had a spinal fusion 7 years ago. When I drive my T roadster, my right leg falls to the right and my whole leg goes numb, so I try to have a passenger, cooler, duffel bag, etc to prop my leg against. I have gotten to where I can drive 150-175 miles before I have to get out and stretch, which works out good cause I'm usually out of gas by then. I managed to put 5000 miles on my car this summer, so it must be working. Oh, and I sometimes put my right leg on the passenger side and drive with my left foot (I'm left footed anyway) and several idiots have tested my reflexes with my left and it works just fine, probably from my 4 knee surgerys when I drove and plowed snow with my left leg. Point is, just keet trying different things until you find something that works, I couldnt drive my car 20 miles when I first put it together.
  9. staleg
    Joined: Jan 8, 2004
    Posts: 249


    My father had serious back problems app. ten years ago (he's 73 now).
    A back expert doctor gave him an exercise program to do every day. Simple stuff and not much, only a few minutes.

    6 months later he called the doctor and said it didn't help. The doctor told him to not give up yet and try at least one more month.
    After 7 months the pains disappered. Not in a second, of course, but over a couple of weeks - after more than six months of exercising.

    I know lots of back problems are not possible to exercise away, but som are. And if your trusted doctor give you an exersice program, use it, and don't give up. It may take months before it helps, but it will help.

    Now my father have been back-trouble free for several years. The does the exersices a few times a week, and that keeps the pains away.

    And to those of you that don't have back problems (yet): Take care of your health. That's all we got. loose some weight if you have too much. Take a walk.
    That's very "retro", too! In the 40's and 50's people were thinner than we are today.

    Cool cars in the garage ain't much fun if bad health forces you to lay down in your bed all day long.
  10. I feel like a pussy complaining after looking at the X-rays of guys spines with more screws than the fastener ailse at Lowes.
    2-4 Ibuprofen in the morning, walking 2 miles 3 to 4 times a week help the most with the pain.
    Trying to keep away from the neurosurgeon as long as possible. Those guys are my last resort.
  11. koolkemp
    Joined: May 7, 2004
    Posts: 6,006


    Unfortunately you will probably work yer way up to stronger drugs and more time on the ol heating pad....when I get a flair up ,drugs and the heating pad are the fastest way to calm it down, and as soon as I can get up and start moving around again...
  12. carcrazyjohn
    Joined: Apr 16, 2008
    Posts: 4,841

    from trevose pa

    I use to have it ,I took lots of nerve drugs.You could try neurotin or the the generic which I took gabapentin,I was on it for a few years, I havent taken it in over 2 years ,My leg still hurts and feet ,Just try to work through it,If I recall right there might be some excersises you can do. I had Gbs A spinal cord injury in short caused by a virus,Almost died and was paralyzed from the neck down for a month ,Im back to normal now,Just nerve damage in left leg and feet hurt from morning till night and also leg,Gave up on pain drugs,Just keep working through it,Your body will get use to the pain.........
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2011
  13. 117harv
    Joined: Nov 12, 2009
    Posts: 6,586


    I use a simple strategy with the body and hot rods, ignore it and hope it goes away. If this doesn't work, turn up the radio or run open pipes on the hot rod, on the body use booze and or pain's that simple.:eek::p:D
  14. ZZ-IRON
    Joined: Feb 28, 2007
    Posts: 1,964

    from Minnesota

    a few things like were mentioned the wallet, mine goes in my front pocket

    driving - one of the guys that drove the Air Force bus had problems he put a board on the seat that helped quite a bit

    other causes you don't think caused the problem, my example

    i was pushing my 55 Buick around the yard by hand it finally caught up
    with me a week before our Oregon & Washington trip

    i had lighting bolts shooting down my butt and legs and charlie horses in the same areas it sucked
    tried not doing anything didn't work went to the doc he sent me to a specialist got shots near my L4/L5 areas
    if i didn't get the shots i couldn't of made the trip that was about a month ago
    still feel good as far as the lighting bolt charlie horses those are killers
    they have not come back

    i watch my movements very carefully those shots were a lifesaver
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2011
  15. just for fun
    Joined: Dec 7, 2010
    Posts: 13

    just for fun

    Oh crap!! Been there,done that! Wallet-rolled up towel-all of it. Gave into the knife back in 82. Never the same, good days, bad days. Thank God for the good ones. At 65 watching me get down to work on my T-bucket is like watching a controled fall! [Laugh and I'll hit you with my cane(bad days only)]
  16. barryvanhook
    Joined: Jun 17, 2011
    Posts: 625

    from Mesa, AZ

    I can relate to this .... the wallet thing is real; removing mine from my hip pocket helped, but it wasn't a cure. Now this is certainly OT on this forum, but I've found that these damned bench seats don't help at all. I've got a good one in my '49, but only a short drive tends to aggravate my back issues (and I don't have the horror show that some of you have). But a well-designed bucket allows me to go much further than a bench or bad bucket. Lumbar support, side bolsters, and support/bolsters under the thighs all seem to contribute to a better experience for me. But I'm afraid that everyone is difference in this regard ... best of luck to you all who have issues.
  17. propwash
    Joined: Jul 25, 2005
    Posts: 3,857

    from Las Vegas

    I fell 30ft straight down onto concrete, doctor in ER said "sprained ankle" and sent me home with crutches. This was in Kodiak, AK....icy streets, icy everything. Anyway....finally got some X-rays....broken back, shattered ankle, both feet with tons of tiny fractures...all healed by then, of course. Through an unfortunate acquaintance I wound up with a 3 gal jar of Percodan®. Pain was excruciating...and, unbeknownst to me, Percs work well, but you build up a resistance to them. I was up to 25 a day of them, and pushed them with a drink or two in the evening. I could still work, but nearly all my friends avoided me because of the dramatic personality change that drug brings on. Finally ran out...down to Seattle in less then three days, and under the knife (laminectomy). Up in 24 hours, and out the door in four days. Jumped in my Jeep CJ5 and drove from Seattle to Richland (WA) to stay with my folks for a few weeks (R&R was the rehab instructions). The pain was gone - totally. Of course, I can't get near any derivative of Percodan without getting ill - and that's a good thing.

  18. Motornoggin1
    Joined: May 24, 2011
    Posts: 168


    I have spinal arthritis, sciatic nerve damage and I crushed T-5 a few years ago. Back pain is a daily thing. When the sciatica flares up, heat and anti-inflamitories help, but it just takes time for it to go away.
  19. brg404
    Joined: Nov 10, 2008
    Posts: 159


    Another vote for the wallet out of the back pocket. Surprising how well the simple tricks work. And BTW, if you have pain in your upper back muscles/shoulder muscle, try driving with your hand on the bottom of the wheel (not draped over the top). That cleared up a nagging shoulder ache for me.
  20. outlaw256
    Joined: Jun 26, 2008
    Posts: 2,022


    damn propwash.3gallon jar of percodan!!! i would be in heaven with that much. well to tell the truth i would od.because when i hurt i want it to quit, now.going on 6 yrs of constant pain24/7 as they say. it never stops or eases on methodone and oxycodone now and its gettin where it dont work that much addicted to this shit now. i dont care im 56 yrs old and i aint gonna spend the rest of my life in pain.some nites i cant even stand to have the sheets touch my legs feet and hips.just keep the drugs coming and ill get to work out in the shop.funny thing is i told a friend how much i have to take and he told me that he would od on that much but i dont feel shit. just the pain goes down for awhile.hope everyone on here with pain gets or keeps it under control. good luck guys.
  21. thaugen
    Joined: Sep 18, 2007
    Posts: 174


    Two types of people are responding to this post. For the sciatica types, my advice is to avoid pulling that sciatic nerve through the pelvis (which causes the swelling and pain) by never sitting with your back completely straight and never with your legs completely straight. To illustrate: the worst thing you could do is to sit on the floor with your back flat against a wall and with your legs flat out on the floor.

    For the other type who maybe has sciatica but also has other spinal problems, be aware that more than half of all spinal surgeries FAIL. Not good odds but desperate people try desperate things. Instead try Network Chiropractic if there is one near you. The money I spent on Network care was the best money I have ever spent in my life, after the money I spent on the marriage license to marry my wife. They can heal discs but they won't tell you that (lawsuits.) To learn more go to and to find a Network chiropractor in your area go to
    Gentle touch = miraculous changes
  22. Buzznut
    Joined: May 9, 2008
    Posts: 2,349


    I have sciatic problems as well, but my back issues go much deeper. I actually have a SIXTH LOMBAR. About 1 in 10,000 have it, and it's usually those of us who are taller, but not always. On top of that I have old college football injuries - slipped and herniated discs, and I have degenerative discs as a hereditary issue. And last, in the womb I had spinal bifida that closed in time before I was born, but left residual nerve issues. My backs a mess, but I have to learn to live with it, so I do the best I can...
  23. 28 jalopy
    Joined: Jan 16, 2010
    Posts: 208

    28 jalopy
    from arizona

    Ya, my back is screwed up with severe scoliosis and was hit on a bike by a drunk driver when I was 17 that keeps me from wrenchin on the Jalopy when I want to. But the doc gives me those pills that keep me going. Its my love and inspiration that keeps me going.I have met some of the best friends here that keep me going other than my wife and kids.
    Joined: Jun 3, 2005
    Posts: 10,413


    Shoes/orthotics...yes, yes, YES. Some go for the custom $400 versions. Not really needed. There was a Dr Scholls version that was very firm compared to most. They're not in production or simply not available here. There's another version available at Tractor Supply in the boot dept. Good stiff arch support, either from shoes or inserts, make ALL THE DIFFERENCE. I also buy Wolverine work boots. $125 give or take, but they last me almost 4yrs and give me the support to be on my feet all day. Just did the whole week at Hershey, each day I sat less than 30min from 8am to about 5pm. Couldn't do it without my Wolverines.

    Some others mentioned deep tissue therapy. It's temporary but it works. I see a massage/neuromuscular therapist. She takes this wooden ball gig and jambs it into select joints/muscles. 1st time, having developed such a high pain tolerance over the years, I just relaxed and let her go for it. WRONG!! Too much is not good! I had internal bruises I guess because I had sharp aches everywhere she did it. She told me to speak up at the 1st sign of pain, no matter how minor. Don't be a tough guy if you have this done. We've worked it out to perfection and I see her about every 3-4 months. All of my choices have kept me mobile and upright since 05 when the latest damages surfaced. In Nov 09 I had an issue with a 37 Packard 12 front fender. I was setting at the car for installation on 3 jackstands. A Senior Packard fender is like 7' long and not very light. As I set it down I knocked over a jackstand and jerked it up swiftly to avoid paint damage. I instantly felt that "HEY ASSHOLE!" pain. You know, the one that tells you just screwed up big time? About 3 days later I was crippled for 3 weeks. Lesson learned. GET HELP.
  25. GlenC
    Joined: Mar 21, 2007
    Posts: 757


    I screwed my lower back up many years ago in a huge, icy cold surf, tore muscles, twsited the spine, all sorts of crap.

    I had real trouble driving for ages, I had a 67 Falcon with the bench front seat, great for snogging at the drive-in, not so good for driving with a buggered spine. I hit the wrecking yards and sat in untold numbers of bucket seats until I found one that supported my back the way it needed to be. I ripped out the bench seat and installed buckets (Austin 1800) and went back to driving.

    These days you've got the huge adantage of being able to buy seats with all sorts of fancy lumbar supports and adjustments built into them. I'd suggest you do the same, hit the wreckers, usd car lots etc, until you find a seat that feels 'right' for your back. Replace the existing seat, and go driving!

    It's actually the first thing we do when choosing a new 'daily' driver, even now, the 'right' seat is a must!

    Cheers, Glen.
  26. gsport
    Joined: Jul 16, 2009
    Posts: 677


    i had a bulging disc that was pressing against my sciatic nerve so bad i couldn't stand up to pee.... the final week i couldn't even walk. i had surgery on June 30 at 1:00 and was discharged and walked out of the hospital at 5:00 the same day... it was amazing to be pain free when i woke up from surgery... good luck with whatever you do....
  27. RugBlaster
    Joined: Nov 12, 2006
    Posts: 563


    A MRI will show you and the doctor what needs to be done. If the damage is great enought, no amount of billfold shifting, chiropractice, accupuncture, pills, booze or hanging upside down is going to help.

    My disc was ruptured and pushing on my spinal cord. Your spinal cord is normally slightly egg shaped (elliptical) mine looked like a kidney bean in cross section. The disc pushed inward and was pushing on the cord. Like I stated earlier, you have to find a good doctor that is actually reluctate to do surgery, but has the ability if need be. The other problem is paying for it. I'm just glad I did it.
  28. chopper cliff
    Joined: Aug 19, 2011
    Posts: 265

    chopper cliff
    from lodi ca

    diagnosed w/spinal stenosis in 09, bi-lateral hip replacement in10,, the bone crusher tell's me the pain in my legs is from a pinched nerve between my shoulders, he cracks pain goes, for awhile, here's to narcotic pain killers, keeps me working between those and the chiropractic doc I use, I still fix heavy equipment, and work on my cars, I just don't move as fast as I used to, but it sucks no matter how you put it. My 28 PU is cramped, so long trips are out, but I still drive it relatively pain free!
  29. thaugen
    Joined: Sep 18, 2007
    Posts: 174


    The last two posters talk about chiropractic, but I've been to several and nothing compares to Network Chiropractic. It's relatively new and it's revolutionary. If you have disc problems (ruptured, compressed, etc.) go to a Network practitioner and you'll be grateful the rest of your life. They don't have to advertise - all their business is word of mouth from satisfied clients. No bone cracking - gentle touch. To find out more, read my previous post in this thread.
  30. 302aod
    Joined: Dec 19, 2011
    Posts: 275

    from Pelham,Tn.

    I have sciatica problems as well as back problems and a neck fusion. A Chiropractor helps my sciatic problems only. A regular back doctor gives me epidurals for my lower back. Neck fusion and spinal cord problems, just slowly get worse. It all could be worse. On SS disabity since 98.

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