I have a '91 T-5 with an electronic sender. I want to get an electronic type gauge and put the "guts" behind my original gauge face without spending a lot (like from the local pick and pull). My question is, is it possible and if so from what vehicle should I get the gauge from? Thanks guys.
Thats exactly what i am doing. I got the guts for my speedo from the Arlington pull a part and My T5 too. I dont no what speedo i got the guts from but it does not matter. The only problem is that for it to read correctly you need 2 things. 1st the dial has to have the speed increments in the same place as the donor speedo. I achived that by drawing a dial in photoshop and having it silkscreened on to white painted alluminum at work. You also need to be able to adjust the pulses to suit your car tire size shaft rotation etc. I found a electronic kit on line that allows you to take the input from any sender and adjust the output + or - 100% in 1% increments http://www.siliconchip.com.au/cms/A_108157/article.html If ya not up to building a electronic kit you can buy them ready made http://www.bluegauges.com/prod_yellow_box.htm This project is on hold waiting for me to find a 5 inch housing to put this all in. Thats about it I intend to use the speedo app for the GPS in my iphone to calibrate the speedo. Yes i am a bit of an electronic geek. I have also built a hidden push button self canceling turn signal board for my project. and just got an old 50s mallory distributur at the monroe swap meet that I am going to retro fit with hidden electronic ignition
Jack, that's beautiful work, Any chance of getting a copy of the file? I am useless when it comes to photoshop. (a man's got to know his limits) I am gonna eliminate the tranny speedo drive on my T5 (mustang box with s10 tailshaft) and reference some pic ups on the drive shaft. thanks moe .
You don't remember what car you got it out of? Could you recall the brand to kinda help narrow it down? I went through there the other day looking at all the GM cars and trucks with no luck. I'm also going to hide my ignition stuff. Although not electronic. I'm more electrical. I'd like to see what your doing with your project.