WTF? I've been rebuilding the front end on my car so I haven't started it in a while. I turn the key to "ON" and maybe 2 seconds later the starter began turning over. I sat there and played with it for a while, sometimes it would do it immediately sometimes it would take 5 seconds or so. Oddly enough it does the same thing when turned to the "Accessory" position. Just wondering if anyone else has had this problem before I start chasing wires. Its a 54 Chevy with a 350 BTW.
how is the ignition and starting circuits wired? are you using a stock switch or aftermarket? is the start built into the ignition switch or does it have a separate button? i'd pull the wire off the S terminal on the starter solenoid and follow it back with a test light
If you have the typical GM set up with direct power from the battery to the battery post on the starter solenoid, I would recomend you disconect the battery and remove the switch (s) wire from the solenoid. clip a test light or meter to the switch wire, hook the battery back up and start with the ign switch see what you have to do to power the wire, my guess a short in the switch or you may have pinched a wire while you were working on the front end. Best of luck, B
Its a universal gm type ignition switch from the parts store...I do suspect it as the problem. Thanks all for your help.