I really like the look and feel of me steering wheel. The sun's reflection is blinding off of it and I can't seem to find something that has the look I want not in shiny chrome or stainless.
As already said;;; But here's a way you could do it,and if not too your liking,can take it off !!! Something like this,there are others ;; https://www.amazon.com/Roll-Engine-...ocphy=9053030&hvtargid=pla-623558715333&psc=1
Rustoleum makes a non porous primer we use on glass before painting signs on it. Should work on chrome or stainless. Pull wheel and glass bead blast the spokes and then epoxy primer. Semi gloss or flat top coat should then work.
I have the same wheel on all three of my hot rods and have covered them with flat black masking tape. It keeps the reflection off and you can remove it when you want to without any damage to the wheel.
I once bought a black '56 Chevy, all chrome dash! Beautiful...Glare was impossible. Eventually, I sold the car, glare was too much, dash covers weren't invented yet. I sold it at night... (gospel)
Thanks for all the great replies and ideas! I covered the center piece I made with a piece of leather it helped allot