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Stockton Wheel

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by HotRodChassis, May 14, 2007.

  1. Unkl Ian
    Joined: Mar 29, 2001
    Posts: 13,509

    Unkl Ian

    How about the name of the famous winged Sprint Car driver
    that lives in Sioux Falls.He ran with the World of Outlaws for
    several years.Won lots of races around the country,very popular.
    I would think a local car guy would have heard of him.
  2. Thanks, that's one I should have thought of too! He still lives here and has a shop south of town, his kid is just getting out of motorcycles and is getting into racing sprint cars.
  3. Turbo442
    Joined: Nov 27, 2005
    Posts: 702


    I normally don't care for this drama but now that they are here "defending" themselves I can't wait for their response. I already posted but will again say that the horrible excuses and long waits that others have posted were experiences shared by me as well. I used them twice 5 years apart and nothing changed
    SW Sucks!
    Where is the popcorn eating smily?
  4. FunnyCar65
    Joined: Mar 11, 2007
    Posts: 2,096

    from Colorado

    I was going to use them too have a set of wheels machined and drilled for a 5 lug bolt pattern.Any other places that can do that sort of work?
  5. Somehow I think that's probably the last post you'll ever see from that username on the HAMB.
    He may be frantically searching Google to try to find some of those answers now.
  6. StocktonWheel
    Joined: Jun 3, 2008
    Posts: 14


    Dear Fellow Hambers,

    It seems as though there a lot of unsatisfied customers of ours on this message board. We would like to personally apologize for any inconvenience we may have caused you and would like to rectify any problem you may still have.

    Please private message or email us your situation and we will gladly help you out

  7. Buzznut
    Joined: May 9, 2008
    Posts: 2,349


    Well that takes some guts.... As a Marketing Director myself I can at least commend you for finally posting an apology. I hope you hold true to your word...your company defintely needs to save some face here. And thanks for posting as yourselves.
  8. Crazydaddyo
    Joined: Apr 6, 2008
    Posts: 3,362


    Too little too late for me.

    I got some of the same baby face'n 2 years ago when I had problems and I've seen too may problems posted here for me to use them again.
  9. redlinetoys
    Joined: May 18, 2004
    Posts: 4,302

    from Midwest

    Interesting to find this post today. There is a general buzz regarding Stockton Wheel around the hot rod circles I follow, but my brother was just telling me this morning about the 12 weeks of hell he had with this company.

    1. Placed order with Frank, the owner, for wheels.
    2. Was promised 2 week delivery.
    3. Wrong wheels made and shipped a month later.
    4. Initial refusal of Frank to acknowledge mistake.
    5. Initial refusal to accept custom wheels as returns.
    6. Finally admitted problem and agreed to make new wheels.
    7. Weekly phone calls for 2 more months.
    8. Multiple statements of "They are shipping today."
    9. Multiple phone calls to follow up when that was not true.
    10. Finally received correct wheels that were obviously used, rusted, scratched, etc (???)
    11. Too tired to argue. Accepted the battered wheels.
    12. Finally finished car...

    Why would anyone waste any time here stating the facts, including me, if they were not true.

    In this case, at least for now, it is what it is...

    I think it is great that Stockton is concerned and wants to rectify the issue. They serve a valuable purpose to car enthusiasts. Whether the bulk of their customers are happy is not really the issue though. The issue is whether a guy is 5 or 10 or 20% likely to have a problem with this company. The additional issue seems to be just being honest about what can be done and when it can be done.

    Hopefully Stockton can perform better in the future and people will take the time to post their positive results.

    Good luck.
  10. stude_trucks
    Joined: Sep 13, 2007
    Posts: 4,754


    That is commendable and a good start back on the right road. Best way to get past it is to do the best you can to solve the current problems and work hard to try to prevent them in the future and time will tell and proof will be in the pudding. Everybody and every company makes mistakes. But, the good ones learn from it and become better as a result. Best of luck getting back to being a company that people will want to use.

    I have never had a need for wheel work myself yet, so don't need any help or apologies, etc. But, I still am a little annoyed that Ryan took a personal hit. Not my place to suggest what you should or shouldn't do, but my feeling is Ryan needs to hear a little support directly as well from you if not already done. At the moment, he has bigger and more important things on his hands, but I might suggest a personal letter to him also.

  11. With this many pissed off customers, I don't see how he'll ever regain trust. And he could do a LOT of custom wheels from our 48,000 members. Hell, my service was fine, but I STILL wouldn't buy from him again after hearing all this.
  12. hotrod35
    Joined: Oct 8, 2005
    Posts: 440

    from IL

    All I orered was 2 15" x 4.5" Chevy wheels and took 4 months. Got the same excuses computer broke, machine broke or the best was the guy that was doing my wheels was on vacation. I did get the wheels and they looked new. They did have a little surface rust on them. Just the opposite of what Arnold said. "I won't be back".
  13. Buzznut
    Joined: May 9, 2008
    Posts: 2,349


    My suggestion would be:

    1) Make an internal decision to make good on ALL reasonable complaints and issues NOT created by customer error, negligence or miscalculation (can't make everyone happy). Sit ALL employees down (mandatory meeting), discuss the situation, establish customer service guidelines and get everyone on the same page regarding NEW customer service policies.

    2) STOP taking orders until you have a grasp of what is in-house that still needs fabrication and what orders need fulfillment in ANY way. I'm serious about NOT taking any new orders - consider this a sounds like you guys need it.

    3) Offer a reasonable discount on extended delays (all businesses have some delays to some degree) & absorb shipping costs that were created by your mistakes.

    4) Call ALL current customers (PO's in-house as well as recently disgruntled customers) and inform them of the delays, give them a REALISTIC fulfillment date, offer above mentioned discount or reparation, and above ALL apologize emphatically.

    5) Create a marketing campaign that will help reestablish trust with potential future customers as well as previous disgruntled customers. Explain that Stockton Wheel has regrouped and is now ready to offer superior customer service and guaranteed satisfaction.

    6) HIRE MORE PEOPLE! You obviously are backlogged and need more bodies to get the job done.

    7) Possibly hire a marketing consultant and reinforce the market share you already have... People appreciate candor and honesty...and humbling yourself before the industry will definitely put you back at the top. But don't just SAY it...MEAN it!

    This is not completely beyond repair despite what anyone says...however, you DO need to come clean and admit why things went so haywire. Old school of thought is that this could damage your rep, but truth is that people want to hear the truth. My guess would be that there was either an unforseen change of key personnel, a death or illness, a loss or lack of funds, a problem with one of your vendors or a combination of a few of the above... Just move forward and make good on all of it.
  14. MercMan1951
    Joined: Feb 24, 2003
    Posts: 2,654


    IMO, Stockton Wheel is to wheels what Bumper Boyz is to chrome bumpers...I heard too many bad things about them BEFORE the HAMB to have even considered them (both)...your reputation combined with the word of mouth is a powerful thing. Especially when the internet gets involved with real world stories... let the buyer beware.
  15. 5window
    Joined: Jan 29, 2005
    Posts: 9,760


    I really hope everyone is satisfied with Stockton in the long run, and Ryan gets his apology. I haven't had to experience this company personally, and I don't need wheels for a while. However, what I and many others see is a company that has had past problems-and we all know of wheel companies that have strictly AAA ratings. So,when I do need wheels, why would I consider anyone I "might" have problems with? Sadly, a lot of damage has been done and it will be a while most of us will be trusting again.

    You certainly can't please everyone, but it is really sad a 124 year old company now has this problem. I hope they will be true to their word.
  16. StocktonWheel
    Joined: Jun 3, 2008
    Posts: 14



    We would like to send you a formal apology on behalf of Stockton Wheel for any stress or inconvenience we and our Marketing Consultant may have caused you. As a company we are striving to make sure these kind of issues do not arise furthermore.

    Stockton Wheel
  17. 52HardTop
    Joined: Jun 21, 2007
    Posts: 1,095


    Wow I've just read every entry in this post and am amazed that this company treats the customer this way. One question, how come there is no name at the end of those two apology letters?
  18. hotrod69
    Joined: Dec 11, 2007
    Posts: 50

    from warren tx

    placed an order,was told 3 weeks. 3 months later, had to call credit card co to get money back.
  19. Turbo442
    Joined: Nov 27, 2005
    Posts: 702


    This is a joke. This company does not give a damn about it's customers, period! I used them twice 5 years apart and nothing changed. I have a friend who just had soe wheels done by them andgt the exat same run aroun and was not happy with them. I got qouote from someone else who was not only cheaper by $75 per wheel but has a stellar reputation. He has 4 more setst do nd will be going to him.

    Stockton needs to change their formula and do better than empty apologies.
    Evryone who has had bad experience wit them knows the formula;
    1) Promise of work to be done
    2)Follow up call to them about why their not done yet
    3)3rd all "We misplaced your order/parts" (Why is it this happens to everyone I have spoke to and myself both times?)
    4) Another followup call by the Customer to inquire where the order is
    5)Finally recieve order 2 weeks or longer after was promised, sometimes to expectation, sometimes not.

    Good luck but I know until I see some turnaround on this company I will re-direct people to those who care about their customer and have the reputation to back it all up.
  20. StocktonWheel
    Joined: Jun 3, 2008
    Posts: 14



    If you have any problems with the order you received please let us know so we may fix it. As far as we can tell your wheels were shipped out in a timely manner you and received them in good condition.

  21. I was lucky, and I stated my wheels were fine. But all the negative comments have made me decide to not take a chance next time. I hope you do make it right with the others who were dis-satisfied; this is a large community here and as you can see, we let each other know when we feel wronged.
  22. Section 8
    Joined: Mar 22, 2007
    Posts: 1,050

    Section 8
    from AZ

    I commend you for coming here, you knew you would take a well-deserved beating and that took some huevos.

    FYI: I am in the market for steel wheels.

    What I don't understand is the dozens of stories from your buyers that were lied to. "They will ship out tomorrow", "Oops, wrong tracking number", manana, manana, manana and stuff like that are not miscommunications and they are not mistakes, they are lies.

    Chronic liars can only succeed if their victims never get together and compare notes. That's why the HAMB has rattled you so much that your "Marketing Director" (Yeah, right) made his pathetic threats. Whenever liars are caught, they turn the blame on their vctims.

    I think lying to your customers just to get them off your ass for a few days is not the problem.

    The problem is that your entire structure and culture are so corrupt that everyone who works there accepts lying as a standard part of doing business.

    You are the one responsible for every lie that was ever told.
    Did you have a meeting and tell your staff anyone who fabricated lies instead of wheels will be fired? No, I didn't think so.

    The more wheel vendors the better, (sorry wheelkid) but I want to get some wheels for my F-100, I can't take the chance that I get 3 months of lies and excuses instead.
  23. kurts49plym
    Joined: Nov 2, 2007
    Posts: 386

    from IL

    I had to get my money back through my credit card dispute. I'm almost 50 yrs old and have had a credit card for 30 years and NEVER (that means not once) had to use it in this way. Shipped the wheels back due to their screwup and fought to get paid back for their mistake. Amazing that people STILL use these guys.
  24. concreteman
    Joined: May 25, 2008
    Posts: 1,171


    They promised me wheels for a year ,still no wheels
    thought it was just me
  25. phat rat
    Joined: Mar 18, 2001
    Posts: 4,996

    phat rat

    For me this offer is way to late. You f$%&ked up wheels that I HAD to order from you because no one else made 16" 8 lug rims with custom backspace. I needed these for a Chev COE I was building at the time. After recieving them I spoke with someone in your organization about incorrect backspacing and was told to send them back and they would be corrected. I did so only to get them back with nothing done. Then one of you employees or maybe you had the balls to tell me that 1/8" +- was the tolerance you worked to and that I was to demanding. So I paid for you to ship them to me twice plus once for me to ship them back. Funny I never had a problem with other companies, they seem to be able to have the backspacing deadnuts on. The only way you would ever begin to change my mind would be a refund. And no I don't have the wheels anymore. I got rid of the worthless POS
  26. Mudslinger
    Joined: Aug 3, 2005
    Posts: 1,966


    I have a set of chrome reverse Stocktons I traded for from a HAMB'er and they are really nice quality. After reading a few threads about them over my time here I wouldnt order a catalog from them.
  27. Evilfordcoupe™
    Joined: May 22, 2001
    Posts: 1,831



    Three and half months of waiting and hearing excuses. You cant help me out.

    You had better get back in the business of selling rims and just maybe people will post on here their own pleasant experience.

  28. 296 V8
    Joined: Sep 17, 2003
    Posts: 4,666

    296 V8
    from Nor~Cal

    I thought I had posted on this before but it must have been ONE OF THE OTHER 50 THREADS ON THIS
    Here are some for you to click on STOCKTON WHEEL
    Yes I was F ed over buy you guys too. I recall a fat ass named Frank wasting 3 weeks of my life and a tank of gas. Do you fucktards realize nearly 7500 people have looked at just this one thread on you guys. Just think how successful you’d be if it was all positive.

    If I ever HAD to try and use you guys again, I would end up in prison.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2010
  29. See. Karma IS a bitch.
  30. hotrod40coupe
    Joined: Apr 8, 2007
    Posts: 2,561


    I started to buy some wheels from those guys one time but the dude I talked to was more like a snake oil salesman so I ordered from Pete Paulsen in French Camp, CA. Fast service, powder coated and exactly what I wanted plus the price was right. Here is a website.

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