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Stockton Wheel

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by HotRodChassis, May 14, 2007.

  1. Allan Songer
    Joined: Apr 25, 2008
    Posts: 141

    Allan Songer

    My first order from them was a set of 6.5 x 13 wheels for a racing Lotus-Cortina. This was about 15 years ago. I had no problems at all. The second set of wheels I ordered about 6 weeks ago before seeing all this horrible shit about Stockton Wheel. They told me 4-6 weeks and today I got a call telling me my wheels will ship tomorrow. 5 weeks 5 days. Maybe I just got lucky? Of course, the wheels aren't actually here!
  2. 296 V8
    Joined: Sep 17, 2003
    Posts: 4,666

    296 V8
    from Nor~Cal

    The problems there go back long before 2005. My dealing with them was in 97 or 98. All I wanted was two Americans re drilled for unalug. Frank told me two weeks so I dropped um off (80 mile drive). Called in two weeks and got the runaround. Just happened to be going that way a week later so I stopped in. My rims are sitting in the same exact spot in the show room. I ask Frank “what’s up with that” and all I get is a shrug. I say “fine im taking them whether there done or not” I get no comment what so ever.

    So I take my rims over to a friends dads house and we do um on the Bridge Port in about 45 min.

    Out of desperation I try to use them again in 03 (need four 15 x 6 - 41/2 on 5 steeles) for some wheels for the boss’s kids 40 merc.
    I fax a very high quality drawing of what I need. I get the same runaround / basically I have no interest in helping you and I have no idea what customer service is fucked up attitude, I got before.

    The point I guess im making is, that place will never change as long as Frank owns it and nobody in there right mind would buy it.

    Good service is this SW
    A good friend of mine just had his artillery wheels re rimed by a member of the board here. Dude hammered them out while he waited , that’s right four hours. He probably had to pay a little more, but that’s SERVICE!

    My customers have there axle back in there hands inside of a week or ten days.

    Grow a sack Frank
  3. Section 8
    Joined: Mar 22, 2007
    Posts: 1,050

    Section 8
    from AZ

    Did you get a tracking number?

    Please be sure to report back as to when they actually show up.
  4. VenomousType
    Joined: Feb 6, 2008
    Posts: 299

    from Atlanta GA


    im new here and from the VW and ProTouring boards..

    havent got a set from SWS.. but looks like i never will..

    yikes for you guys..
  5. Trish Davis
    Joined: Jun 9, 2008
    Posts: 12

    Trish Davis
    from Ohio

    Let it go.
    When those wheels were ordered, I was standing right there by the phone at Laney Tire! When Laney contacted SW 10 days (or so) ago, your company gave Wilma (other owner, it's a family business) the story was that yes, the wheels were begun. Yet 6 days ago, SW told Randy they would be another month.
    This afternoon, you told me it would be 5 months.

    Trying to lay off Stockton's in-house order issues (and its obvious you got them) and messed up communications on another business is low.
    It's petty and trashy and your marketing people ought to be slapped.

    Actually, I appreciated that you had the decency to call me back today.
    As for what you may regret, I really don't care.
    Call it "business" and learn from the mistakes.

    Well, duh, of course I ordered my wheels from somewhere else!
    After all that runaround, no one could possibly imagine I would deal with Stockton for anything! And I got a LOT of cars.

    No harm, but plenty of fouls.
  6. Trish Davis
    Joined: Jun 9, 2008
    Posts: 12

    Trish Davis
    from Ohio

    Nah, no one needs to squander money on filing suit.

    Best way for a customer to get their money back, their product, or get their product repaired is to go through your own state's Attorney General's Office, Dep't of Consumer Affairs.

    AG number is in the blue pages of your phone book.
    They have NO sense of humor over stuff like this and even less when it is interstate.

    Now, don't get your knickers knotted, SW folk. And don't threaten to sue me because I'll tell you to go right ahead. You won't and you know you won't. It's a bluff that people are easy to scare. I'm not.

    Most people never realize the resources available to them when they have been 'taken,' so to speak, and it's past time they knew that, yes, there is recourse. Not vengeance, not venting, but recourse.

    The Better Business Bureau is all about helping businesses, not customers. That's what the AG office is for. They're also real good over false credit card claims.
  7. StocktonWheel
    Joined: Jun 3, 2008
    Posts: 14


    I have let this matter go, we are very pleased to hear you found the wheels elsewhere. FYI I am not the salesman who took this order so please do not vent to me. I gave you the information that was available to me at the moment. Any misinformation that was given to you has nothing to do with me since I never spoke to Laney tire in the first place.
    Thank You
  8. so going to have a booth at L A Roadster show????
  9. StocktonWheel
    Joined: Jun 3, 2008
    Posts: 14


    Yes we will have one.
  10. El Caballo
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
    Posts: 6,327

    El Caballo
    from Houston TX

    Sounds like SW needs a good foreman and well, actually a complete reorganization of their purchasing thru fabrication departments. Order tracking sounds like it is non-existant or perhaps improperly used. Best advice, hire a manufacturing consultant.
  11. Buzznut
    Joined: May 9, 2008
    Posts: 2,349


    AND a Marketing / PR Consultant
  12. well thats one booth I won't waste my time at!:cool:
  13. Buzznut
    Joined: May 9, 2008
    Posts: 2,349


    Think about could actually do a service to your customers by finding out who will be there and allowing them to pick up their COMPLETED wheels at the show. No shipping and hand delivery...with a smile and an apology.

    Since your reputation is obviously in big trouble, you could also simply fess up publicly and offer some sort of discount incentive with a timeline delivery guarantee as a show promotion. But you MUST of course deliver. Obviously you wouldn't want to do any of this until you clean up your in-house mess and satisfy all current customers. You guys really need a trustworthy front man who can smooth things over and gain the confidence of the industry back and rebuild your customer base...and anyone able to do that and willing to take the abuse will need to be paid accordingly, but well worth the investment to save a 120+ year old company's name and reputation.
  14. Section 8
    Joined: Mar 22, 2007
    Posts: 1,050

    Section 8
    from AZ

    And that, my friends, is exactly what is wrong with this company.


    Bobby says stuff like "please do not vent to me" and "misinformation that was given to you has nothing to do with me"

    There is absolutely no hope to correct things and this whole thread is complete bull shit.

    Until you act like a man, quit feeling sorry for yourself (me, me, me) and take full responsibility for EVERYTHING any of your employees say, you are not to be given one shred of respect or credibility.

    Did you fire the phantom lying salesman? Nah, I didn't think so.

    Anyone thinking of doing business with them should read his quotes again and then be prepared to get the service and servicing you deserve.
  15. Thirdyfivepickup
    Joined: Nov 5, 2002
    Posts: 6,095


    yeah... there is a fire... you can help put it out... instead you are standing there with your arms crossed saying "well shit, I didnt start it..."
  16. C-1-PW
    Joined: Jun 11, 2006
    Posts: 357


    Stockton, since I defended your business office earlier as the place business should be conducted, let me now add this observation

    Stockton needs to be one organization, not an accumulation of individual emplyees. When the front sales force speaks, they need to be speaking for manufacturing and shipping as well. The question isn't what one individual employee of SW said or didn't say, the question is only what SW said, and that as a company you (all of you as one) are good for your word. That's the kind of integrity we are looking for. Don't let the front phone promise something the guys in the shop can't deliver. And if sales promised something, then management better work around the clock to deliver, on time, without mistakes, without excuses, regardless of the cost. That's integrity, and integrity of one united workforce -collectively known as Stockton Wheel- is the only thing that will deliver your company from the hot water you are deservedly in.
  17. 5window
    Joined: Jan 29, 2005
    Posts: 9,760


    Spot on. In my company, when it goes right,it's to everyone's credit. When it goes wrong, it's ultimately my responsibility. It's the only way to do business honestly.
  18. Trish Davis
    Joined: Jun 9, 2008
    Posts: 12

    Trish Davis
    from Ohio

    Cool, another Truman Democrat. ;-)

    Yep, changes need to be made, both in how we (consumers) shop --who, where, and especially when-- and in how various companies promise product & delivery.

    Now, we all know how much petroleum and petroleum products have increased in cost. We all know how much steel has gone up (and aluminum, brass, bronze, and even zinc) and that the wait time for supplies has increased right along with cost.

    None of us here are real stupid --just relatively stupid or we would not be throwing money at 60-yr old cars and dreaming about dropped axles.
    We really do "get it' that UPS and FedEx shipping times have lengthened. We really do "get it" that foreign suppliers deliver when they get around to it.

    Many of us own and run our own businesses, we are aware of increased
    times and prices.
    Don't talk to us like we are stupid. We prefer to spend our money smart.

    However, communication seems to have suffered right along with "regular expenditures" and there is NO GOOD REASON for that.

    As per communication, I am directly referring Stockton, it seems these 'deliver /product /comm' issues have been dogging them long before $100+ oil-per-barrel was even dreamt of. Sort of a pre-existing condition, you might say.

    Get it together, fellows, there are plenty of people with real problems, not ones of their own making.

    By the by, laying off your own company issues on another IS libelous.

    And, at last, I am done with Stockton Wheel.
    I know I'm one of the lucky ones, too... No AG hassles, no credit card hassles, not much more bs that in dealing with an ex-spouse. Same attitude, though....
  19. El Tortuga
    Joined: Aug 24, 2006
    Posts: 125

    El Tortuga

    I may be missing something here but I am needing two mopar steel wheels 15x10 with 7.5 backspacing (i have the two stock rims 15x5.5 and was going to send them to stockton) and I don't see anybody that is able to make custom offsets like that in the other vendors listed here in this thread to check out besides Stockton. Does Stockton have the market cornered on items like that? I am suspecting that must be the case the fact that the business is run so poorly and they are still busy and thriving...........
  20. caseyajones
    Joined: Nov 21, 2007
    Posts: 629


    That's exactly what I need done too! I called Stockton Wheel a couple of weeks ago and was completely turned off because how I was treated just over the phone. I'm going to wait and have someone else do it, who? I don't know who yet but I know Stockton won't be getting my business. Unless of course they could give me assurance that it would be done in X amount of time and if they don't deliver as promised, refund my money and send me my wheels back. But why even go through all of that sort of hassle. I'd just rather find someone else to do it and not worry about being another "Stockton Wheel statistic". :mad: Can anybody help us out?
  21. Unkl Ian
    Joined: Mar 29, 2001
    Posts: 13,509

    Unkl Ian

  22. Rice n Beans Garage
    Joined: Dec 17, 2006
    Posts: 1,714

    Rice n Beans Garage

    Gee what happened after someone gave SW a solution to have there orders for pick up at the LA Roadster's Show they have seemed to SHUT UP!

    Figures "not worth a SHIT" anyhow, lets see if they have the nerve to SHOW UP !!!!
  23. Allan Songer
    Joined: Apr 25, 2008
    Posts: 141

    Allan Songer

    Got a tracking number today. They didn't ship Wednesday, but they did ship today. Supposed to be here Monday according to the tracking number. They originally said 4-6 weeks. They shipped within that time frame. I will let you know how the wheels look when they arrive on Monday. So far, so good.
  24. Wheel Smith is my guy . Built a set of special offset wheels for my Studebaker . I screwed up on the wheel pattern and he worked with me to return them for partial credit and built a new set for discount . My Baker makes about 400+ horseponies and never a problem with them . Service was muy pronto
  25. Allan Songer
    Joined: Apr 25, 2008
    Posts: 141

    Allan Songer

    Update from Hollywood. My wheels arrived today via "California Overnight" trucking--they were shipped on Thursday. They are exactly what I ordered, the quality looks to be excellent and they arrived within the time frame given to me when I placed the order. I don't know what to say, but in two orders over 10 years apart Stockton Wheel delivered as promised to me. Maybe they are making the effort to improve their reputation and my order happened to be placed at the right time--all I can tell you is that I am a satisfied customer . . .
  26. tried to talk to them at LA Roadster show....what a couple little dickheads!
  27. StocktonWheel
    Joined: Jun 3, 2008
    Posts: 14


    Dear Hamb members who attended the L.A. Roadster show
    Thanks for coming up to us and asking questions about our products and services, your support is greatly appreciated.
  28. Now if they'd only return the support. I had to laugh out loud given what post #206 says followed by post #207.
  29. StocktonWheel
    Joined: Jun 3, 2008
    Posts: 14


    FYI "Meatball" Never came and spoke to us face to face, instead he spouted something off about us being on the hamb as he walked in the opposite direction also while trying to hide his face.
  30. Buzznut
    Joined: May 9, 2008
    Posts: 2,349


    A bunch of schoolyard "he said, she said" crap...seems like nothing has changed yet. I believe that you guys need a different front man - the person in charge of customer relations and PR at SW is obviously NOT the right person for the job as evidenced by this kind of stuff. If meatball REALLY did just walk by then I would have responded to his above statement like this:

    "Meatball, I apologize but I wasn't aware that you were attempting to speak with us. When I saw you you were merely walking by and had your head down, so I just assumed that you were trying to avoid talking with us and was respecting that by not addressing you. Next time please by all means come and ask for me personally, I'd be more than happy to speak with you."

    Do you see the difference in the two statements? If you don't , there's no hope.

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