Mine's driven on the street regularly. About the zoomies.... I had the Sanderson baffles in them that they came with. The KILLED power and really didn't knock the noise down. I constructed my own with 8" long x 1.75" ID perforated metal tubes wrapped in muffler type fiberglass. Bolted them into the zommie's and instantly better. Quiet, no....but much more tolerable. Those CC ones have a tiny tube up the center. Too restrictive for me.
Fiat topolino altered built in 1979 in Aus.. road registered with blown & injected 392 hemi on methanol... was the fastest hotrod in the land at the time... built by Australian hotrodding legend Mark Georgette.
Mark lives nearly and was rebuilding a Topolino or model 'A' coupe some years ago when I last saw him; I had my chromer strip the old plating from one of his 671's. I recall that he had old hydros and Hemis just laying around in his garage from his drag racing days.
This is a street car. I don't drive it much, but I have driven it to get coffee, and taken it through the drive through for lunch on occasion.