Ok this about 87 or 88 When they were racing on Woodley Ave heading toward Saticoy right near the Budweiser plant. There was a family that used to go to the street races (they were called the ugly family)they had either a green 67 or 68 firebird HO in which im sure had a 455 the best Pontiac heads and parts available which I swear had 29.5 by 13" slicks hanging out the quarters. It was a heads up race against Gary's 4 speed Camaro with a flagger and it was the best race because they were door handle to door handle until about the 1000 ft mark when the Camaro hit 4th gear it actually walked about a car ahead of the bird and won. Huge protest when they parked saying the Camaro had a hidden unit, they opened the throttle blades and couldn't see anything and they wanted him to pull the intake. They just couldnt believe they were top ended at the end. im pretty sure they payed begrudgingly It was good race.
The last time I saw her driving the chevelle was I think 1996. I talked to her on another fourm about a year ago. She bought my friends nova wagon and was racing it. Yeah she was one of the cool chick's at the races. Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
nice thread!we have some races going on from time to time.just now finishing up my car.will be out here.brings back memories....
Here is one more race I had, I think it was around 1990 or 91. I was on Mansvill hanging out after a race with some friends. Somehow the conversation turned to me racing another friend in his mach 1. Super clean car big motor that sounded good to. I was a little hesitant but said screw it I'll race him. To make the race fair he offered to give me the move. We line up and I do a burnout. This time I'm on a set of mc creary tires. I back up after my burn out and do a little dry hop and the tires spin. Hmmm I'm thinking to myself this isn't going to be good. I pull to the start, I look over at him and he nods he is ready. Without even turning my head straight I hit the button and gas at the same time. The car hooked harder then it every has and I'm outa there. To be honest it caught me off guard and I had to straighten myself out in the seat. I shift into second looking in my mirror thinking he didn't leave. I over Rev second gear and hit third. I can see him catching me in my mirror and hoping the finish line is near. Some people said he got me by a bumper some said I won. People were standing at different spots at the finish line. All I knew was that it was close. When I got back to the starting line my friend said he swore my car pulled the wheels it left so hard. I don't know if it did or not but it did leave good. Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
I remember the ugly family! They had a Blue V8/4spd Vega also with the rear tires hanging way out. That guys wife crashed her plane into the ugly forest! She could make a freight train take a dirt road.
Hey, Doc. Allthough I am of Welsh-Irish parents, I have no freaking idea what a Tarana, XY, or a Dunnydore is. Can you elaborate ? Thanks.
Can we for the love of all that is good and holy get some more stories of nitrous snorting big blocks making side by side passes at 2:00am someplace? I have a few,but nobody wants to hear stories of 13 second cars,so step up and save your fellow HAMBers from my stories by throwing down with your own badass tales of makin some money with your bad ride..... Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
Iwill let some video footage do the talking <iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/nhhS0D4Q5-U" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
How bout from a different perspective <iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/OexfFeMEmIY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Not to break anybodys balls, but posting Mustang GT's & Camaro's is gonna get this thread shutdown graveyard dead. Let's get it back on target as there have been some cool posts here.
street racing ,was about the power the manufactuer of muscle cars were offering,and what we as a car that would stand up to a green light get down.I've had a number ,and a lot of good memorys
Frank F's 41 Willys with a Max Wedge motor here street racing on Sepulveda & Plummer (San Fernando Valley) around 1976(?). He still owns the car
Can you try to post that first pic again?All I can see is a big white box with a red question mark in the center. That second picture is pretty killer though Scott Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
cant say ----> statute of limitations not over yet<---- something like this oh my... http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=LEHOGXkbvcI
Used to go down to E17th St. Here in DSM & watch 'em run. Most of the time seemed to be spent waiting for someone to set up a race but the best I remember seeing was won by an OT (but still killer) 69 Road Runner running a 440 six pack. He was a fender ahead of the other guy when they roared across the finish. As they were turning around, people start scattering in all directions as a patrol car starts slowly rolling down the street. The cop comes over the p.a. & announces, "Attn. Ladies & gentlemen, the DesMoines International Speedway is now closed. Please leave or we will tow your vehicles. Thank You" A couple guys next to me.said, that must be one of the guys we heard on the scanner - Seems Barny & Andy were betting ea. other on the outcome of the race!
My only question is:How Did he EVER get a race,with a car that looked so damn mean,and was clearly a Very,very serious car...? Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
Actually,that's NOT my only question....could you tell us some more about this car?It looks damn nasty! Scott Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
"Looks" are only good the 1st time around.....after that the performance speaks for itself. You can tell by what it raced, and the outcome approx how quick a car is if you're a seasoned street racer. In that race, the Willys lost. But it was EXCITING as a spectator. Uncorked, on slicks, multiple burnouts in the middle of the night, knowing it's taboo..................
My buddies and me used to hang out at a local burger bar here in the UK. Late one night some loudmouth turned up in a brand new (then) Porsche 928. He thought he had the fastest car there and said if anyone could beat him he would give them his car!!! One guy said he would race him and so the race was on. They had to see who was the quickest down to a roundabout and back. The loudmouth went first and didn't even ask what the other guy was driving. Loudmouth came back and said to the other guy, come on beat that! So the guy gets in his very worked on 302 powered MK1 Zodiac, drives out into the street and hits the linelock. Burns the hell out of the tires and launches it!!!! The loudmouth was silent when i told him its a 10 second car and built buy a very well known family (Harris) here. The guy driving the Zodiac comes back and quietly asked the loudmouth for his keys to which the loudmouth jumped in his car and went!!! We never saw him again!
Haha...!!! I read you.Its all speculation til they start up...you can usually tell if a car is a hero or a zero just by hearing it start and run,but seeing it make a pass is a pretty rock solid way to evaluate the competition. I really like that story on here earlier about "Bottle Bob" timing rivals' cars with a stopwatch.You could get an awfully close idea of a cars performance from that. Could you tell us some more about the Willys? Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
Now that is some cool shit.... I have never really had a serious enough street race car to "swim with the sharks" so to speak,but have had lots of fun running with some buddies around the area,and occasionally picking up the odd race off a light at random times if the streets were empty. I recall Car Craft had an article years ago about how to hide nitrous systems. Have you got any tips on hidden systems? Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
1964.... 2013-1964=49. 49+16=65 How many HAMB members do we have that are old enough to share first hand stories of HAMB friendly street racing?