If you would have been driving that Logghe car you would have been far enough ahead to hit nothing but guardrail!lol Ps:Who races with their kids in the car? If that was supposed to be funny,it kind missed the mark,and if it was supposed to be a witty way to jam up this thread because you hate street racing:You aren't going to erase the fact that these guys street raced 30 years ago,so you might as well go find an LS1/airbag/Nova clip thread and do something productive like hate on that. If you don't like mushrooms on your pizza,then don't order mushrooms on it. If you hate the thread on the Hamb,then don't click on it. See how simple and easy that is? Scott
That was pretty slippery Groucho...lol Scott Posted using two Dixie cups and a medium length piece of string.
Yes, you did finally go to jail, for racing my Dodge Omni on Valjeen. I was with you in that jail and we all used the same lawyer. Getting busted for racing our daily's for fun sucked. That was the end for me, I couldn't be found at the sight of a street race or I would have to do 6 months county time. Glad to see you're still alive after all the big fun. Turns out you were the first guy I raced, and the last guy I raced.