I have been a car guy since.....well forever. Not only do they fill my dreams and day time thoughts now my buddies and I are planning trips around them. In the spring we are going back to detroit to see more of car museums (went to chrysler on a flying trip for some 64 polara quarters). We plan on speedweek sometime in the next year or so. So where else would you go for a car vacation? Once I get my 55 gmc ready we may take it to add a bit of fun.
The Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn. I posted some pics in another thread. One other off beat place in Texas is the Chaparral Race Car Museum Midland Texas. Way off beat but there's some really cool history there. I went to the grand opening and got to meet Dan Gurney. Warning: There is nothing else to see there but scrub brush and Wind farms! http://www.petroleummuseum.org/Chaparral/Chaparralhome.html Don Garlit's Museum is too cool in Ocala Florida. Spent a whole day there and still could have spent more time. Some times he's there in the office and will say hi. Plenty of other stuff to do and see in Florida. http://www.garlits.com/