i was fooling around on craigslist the other day when my boss started asking me about selling stuff on there and whatnot.. he then pulled out a couple things and told me if i could sell them he'd split whatever i pulled in for them with me. one of these items is a sun evap emissions tester. looks just like a snap-on mt2500 scanner but with the obvious differences for the different purposes. i've now searched long and hard and can't for the life of me find any information about this thing anywhere. it looks brand new, and expensive at that, but what do i know. just wondering if anyone here might know anything about this unit.
It's for checking for leaks on late model cars and trucks, like 1998ish and newer. Evaporative emissions are gas tank or fuel system leak related, it's important since all newer cars have sealed fuel systems. Probably not a lot of interest on this forum, would be nice to have for a shop owner that works on newer cars, FYI Snap-On bought Sun out years ago and services their equipment.