I always have some automotive clear/activator on the shelf and am tempted to use it on my 1:25 cars. The concern is that even 1 light flow coat will be thick enough to bury details. My goal is to spray one coat and done. If successful I could avoid sanding and polishing. I'm thinking that the clear/activator should be thinned a bit but that would not follow product use recommendations. I think I'll call the PPG Tech Line and ask them for advice. Please describe your experiences on this.
I have 2 old PAASCHE air brushes and cases advertised now in the "antiquated classifieds" if anyone is interested.
I’ve been thinking about getting into an airbrush John. Is it possible for you to post the link of your listing here? Thanks, David
Damn it Deuces. Just when I'm beginning to think I might know what I'm doing, you post something from MCM like these. That black El Camino is tasty.
Here is a neat product for those of you who electrify your models. Create circuits on most anything. It has the consistency of tooth paste and conducts current. Made in the UK. I used it to create circuits inside a cramped vintage car clock to power two clock motors with AA batteries. I got it at Radio Shack. www.bareconductive.com
Finally finished the parts box '40. It's been painted and chromed twice. Long story short, always double check that the "wet look clear" with the clear cap that you bought, is actually clear, not "white lightning". Anyhow, now it's White Lightning instead of Diamond Dust which was a really cool flake silver.