One of several projects I fooled around with before concentrating on finishing the '59 Sunliner was this '40 tudor inspired in part by Lee Pratt's beautiful gold '40 coupe which he had recently fitted with '56 Olds wheelcovers. I also wanted a tudor sedan as a shelfmate for the '40 coupe I built some years ago. I put out a call on the TRaK site for a set of the capped headers that came only in the early issues of the kit and was delighted to receive a mint set from Ed Fluck. (Thanks, Ed!) I also wanted to add some detail to the kit's Olds engine, mainly to eliminate the "Magic Levitating Generator!" I started removing the guards from the stock bumpers–they'll be polished up and rechromed. Then I got the bright idea to add louvers to the hood using sections from the Revell Deuce roadster hood sides – the body work on the hood is still a bothersome work in progress! Anyway, here's the first mockup. Cool write up by Ryan with photos on the Forty Ford. (hope the link works)
Today, Nov. 8, there will be a model car contest/show/swap meet at the Wally Parks Motorsports Museum in Pomona. The theme is straight-line racers. Details are on the flyer. If you see a tall guy there from about 11 a.m. to noon wearing a Tom Medley/Stroker McGurk shirt, that would be me.
Been working on another "hybrid" vehicle, 50 F-1 with 48 passenger car doghouse. Still have lots of details to finish, here's what I have so far.
Pscott, that truck is neat! Clever placement of the 'vette taillights, too. Here's a manipulated shot of my workbench with some projects mocked up. A tribute of sorts to the 1:1 customizers who built crazy, dramatic, even beautiful cars, and all these years later, have me sitting in my basement, x-acto knife in hand, trying to capture a little of that magic.
41 Ford convertible The chassis and drivetrain is from the AMT 41 Woodie. Also used the front end from the 41 Woodie, grafted to the Revell 48 Ford body.
Hey abcl23, do you have any pics from the model show? I'm a fan of the early dry lakes/salt flat cars! Thanks.
Thanks! The Olds caps I used on the '40 were a custom option in a 1960 Johan kit of the '60 Dodge (and several others) and relatively hard to find. The best representation of the '56 Olds wheelcover is by Revell and was offered in the "Skip's Drive In" reissue of their '59 Ford Skyliner, and more recently in reissues of the old Monogram '58 Thunderbird.
Not my photos but here are some from Fuelish Spectator: There were some excellent models there, especially a couple of large-scale LSR cars.
Have models I can't build. Worth to much. Keeps the creative mind flowing, Have an idea for a 1/1 car? Try and create it in a model. The factories did it and do it.
Cool. We're on page 40! What better place to post this AMT '40 Coupe I built about six years ago. Just recently swapped the old red steelies for a set of freshly replated wheels from the '40 sedan delivery kit. These look a lot more appropriate for the car!