We're sinking quick. I wont be there this Sat. June 28, but I will twist Mark's arm to get up early and be there.Larry, please make sure he gets his coffee.
You got it Gina! Starbucks again? We're also gonna have a couple of new faces this Saturday... Da Tinman and his daughter Alex are scheduled to be passin' through and I'm bringin' 'em with me. Jim32, where you been?
I'd like to make one of these sometime. Seem to have worked the bugs out of the RPU and don't mind longer trips. Where exactly is this and when? I'm in Crystal Lake/northwest 'burb
Bill and Harlene are back from Europe. I saw him last week at the VT meeting. Thinking back, Larry , I really fell asleep on the meeting thing. I forgot to give you a call. Sorry. Things have been hectic. Stu
Looks like everybody gets busy during the summer months. Going to the S&S Cycle 50th anniversary weekend in LaCrosse this weekend. Nice 300 mile ride on the bike. I miss you guys(and Gina), see ya soon.For the non harley types, S&S was started by George Smith in his Blue Island garage.Started reworking carbs, now its a huge company making everything for harleys.Another SW Chicago guy!
Have a great time at Lacross. Quick note, Its someones Birthday day today thats in our breakfast group. Its not Mark or I either. I would give you a sign, but that would be cheating.
Well since it was a week for the birthday boys , I heard that "Stella and the Polish Princesses" ( Famous Polish pole dancing troop) are liable to stop in on Saturday and do a number for the birthday boys. See you later
Im going to miss STELLA , thats just not fair. I will be thinking of all of you while driving to work on Sat. Have to be there @ 6:30.
Did I hear Larry had a B-Day? Happy Birthday, my friend!! Joel p.s. I'm in Detroit this weekend and I'm gonna cruise "Woodward" tommorrow night...
I just moved to Oswego and would like to get in on this, dont have a running car but would like to meet up with other Hamber's in the area. Got room for a new guy.
It's a very informal group. We would welcome you to join us some Saturday a.m. You don't need a car to come for breakfast, just an appetite. Stu
Sorry I missed the birthday bash. I have seen Stella the polish pole dancer before. The only stripper I have ever seen work with a horizontal pole.She lubed it up with a secret perogi mixture.Different.See ya Saturday. P.S., for the bikers in the group, a japanese guy won the S&S biker build off.
Wear rubber boots, it doesnt get very deep but there is a little floating around! Thanks for having me and my brat over the weekend, it was a good time and the food was excellent, hope to do it again sometime!
Tinman... Thanks for showing up, but we need to get a round table. Too much going on on one end that we can't all hear; even if it is Bullssh-t! I'm sure Larry is an excellent host and tour guide. I hope your daughter got to see some things that she enjoyed as well. Come back again soon! Jack
Thanks, Jack... We had a blast starting with the HAMBreakfast, sure glad quite a few showed up Saturday, thanks! Then it was off to Hot Rod Chassis and Cycle where Ian greeted us and Kevin gave us the shop tour. An appearance by Miss Hop-Up was a most-welcomed highlight. Even caught a glimpse of Magnet, in his short fancy pants, showing off his tan. Then it was back to my shop for some pinstriping - Alex and Jay each did a great panel! Jay fashioned one of his soon-to-be-famous clocks for my birthday - thanks so much, man. It's really cool!!!