Polka, perogies, Ypsilanti. Is this a foreign language? Whats it all mean? Inquiring minds want to know. Perhaps saturday we will get clarity.
The 219 group [Big group, 2ofus] will attain border passes and attend the Feb. 28 Food Fest. That is, God willing and the creek don't rise-----any further. BILL RINALDI
Rinaldi and I are will be standing on the side of 80/94 with gas money and extra windshield washer fluid if you are going our way.
Here you go Greg... I never, in my wildest dreams, would have thought it possible to meet Art Dexter, much less own a charity panel he did! As you know, Dexter is a bonafide legend in the Chicago area and I doubt there is a local striper that doesn't owe him a debt of gratitude. His was the first striping I ever saw in person and I was always told he was tempermental and unapproachable. Well, since meeting him and speaking with him at workshops and panel jams over the past year I've found him to be a humble, generous, creative person who refuses to believe that anyone could consider him important!
Wow, the real deal. I remember him from the old hood.Between Dexter, DJ, and Michalek I think they striped every racecar on the south side. Thanks for the picture. Way cool.
Well Pete, there's not a whole lot going on. Thursday, (26th) check out this http://www.hotrodchassisandcycle.com/. Great bunch of guys and a neat shop full of some interesting projects. On Saturday (28th) if you're an early riser, you could join us at Chuck's BBG (7:00 a.m.) for breakfast. Depending on all things, there is usually 6 - 10 HAMBER'S for breakfast. If you can make it, I'll buy breakfast for you. That's got to be the best deal you've had today? Stu
Anybody going to make breakfast saturday, looks like Fearless Leader will be going to Detroit. Wish I could go, but got things I have to do.Maybe he'll bring me some of those rare Ypsilanti perogies we hear about.Yummmm.
Greg, You could stowaway in the trunk . Anyone else beside the Indiana boys going to ride the bus up to the Autorama Saturday?
Thanks for the heads-up Stu. Unfortunately I'm only in town from Sun. until Thurs. I'll have to take you up on the breakfast offer next time. Peter
Unfortunately, I must work again. I guess I should be happy seeing the auto industry is in the crapper! We ended up having a pretty good month last month and bucked the trend. The result: lots on new Dodges on the Southside. I'm going to try to make it Saturday, but I'll have to eat it & beat it! (good name for a fast food drive-in - Eat It & Beat It!) Jack
Eat it and Beat it, nevermind.I'll save that one. Gonna miss saturday, got a yard project going on.Dont ask. See ya all next week. Road trip stories!
Anybody else get their Rodders Journal? Ina Mae in her glory! Way cool to see that piece of history. Resale value just went up Larry.
The Valley article will extend to 2 or 3 issues of TRJ. I think Ina should be in issue #44. Greg , How did the yard work go this weekend ?????
Yard work sucks. Taking my fenders to the Roadster Shop today for paint. Finally.Rather build motors.Really enjoyed reading the history of Valley Customs.So cool to have seen and touched one of their cars in my own back yard. Thanks Larry.P.S., I like the colors on her in TRJ lead photo.
Gee Larry, thats only 13 hours late! I thought I was getting old when I could not remember a name for moment or two. But you did remember the way home from Detroit, Thanks!
OK, I must have slept through that part of the class. WHO was Dick Bertolucci? And for that matter, where is Larry- OLD BOB SIGN- Hansons long blond wig any way? Ah yes---the many stories of the breakfast club!! BILL RINALDI
Dear Mr. Rinaldi It appears your memory is failing as quick as mine . The discussion was on the subject of ??????????? wait a minute I'll remember . Ah what were we talkin about ? Whats you first name again ? Oh yea! We were talking about who were the remaining old school customizers that are still with us. Hines , Barris , Starbird, Winfield were of several that were discussed but I couldn't remember the name of one of the other great customizers that was recently discussed on the HAMB recently. Dick Bertolucci goes way back and did one of the nicest 47 Caddys ever. Rik Hoving has a section devoted to Mr Bertolucci at http://public.fotki.com/Rikster/11_car_photos/beautiful_custom_cars/bertillucci_custom_cars/ We also discussed the hill climb car that Bertolucci recently completed. Hoping your memory lasts longer than mine.
What a bitchin hill climber. Not sure about ride quality, looks rigid in the photo. Where is this car?
Greg Here is the link to the hillclimb car . I dont know much more than that about it. http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=332834&highlight=bertolucci
Thanks, looks like it actually runs. My buddy is finishing a ModelT hill climber for Newport this fall. Its cool, has the makings of three engines. One Rajo head motor, one with an early Olds head, and one with a Quad four DOHC head that looks like an Offy.Some really clever engineering went into this car. Lets do a road trip to the hill climb.