Here's a shot from last Saturday morning. Eleven out of the twelve made it to the Chicago BrushMasters display later that day, thanks for the support guys!!! From the left: blktie, oldbobsign, kustomlincolnlady, "eye-candy", FoMoCoPower, diamond49, tigermark, StuDBaker, Jim32, billrinaldi, palosFV3 and Jen
Thanks Larry (Oldbobsign) your hospitality at the Brush Masters made the Chicago WOW the best show I have ever attended. You people made the show for all of us. I also got a great bargan at the auction. See you on the road to Kzoo Saturday.
Thanks, Jim and speaking of on the road.... I'm leaving Mokena at 5:30 am sharp, anyone is welcome to leave their vehicle at my shop and ride with me. We're hoping to meet up with the Hoosier contingent at the I-94/249 exit around 6:30 am then off to the K'zoo for the swap meet at the fairgrounds. We'll be at the RRT/HAMB meet & greet at noon in the connecting hall between buildings, then to Allegan for the garage tour and back to Rt. 249 for dinner!
WTTW just aired a story about the Chicago Brush Masters at the WOW and it will air again at 1am and 4:30 am tonight on channel 11 in Chicago.
I will see you guys at noon Meet & Greet at the Kzoo swap and plan on doing the garage crawl if no one minds.
Yeah, there are a couple left, Sleepy, but if you live within ten minutes of Chuck's you have to make six consecutive breakfasts to get one. Don't know how many will show up on Saturday for breakfast. Don't know how many are going to K'zoo, either. Sign-in HAMB and Eggers...
Going to try to make breakfast saturday. Miss the fun.I'll bring a 1965 Hot Rod magazine yearbook. McMullen roadster engine build up. Before this car was famous.Did you look at the AMBR winner. Geez, its ugly. Looks like the Riddler might be down the same road, none of the regular big dogs got any cars entered. Good year to win awards.
Thanks for the heads-up, Jim. I caught it at 1:50 am and saw the interviews with Ken Millar, Brett Mason (brett88) and Matt Jelinek (bluecollar). Great job, guys!!!
Ooooh , 6 in a row, that could take some doing! Does it count for anything that I was at the first one with larry ? Before all you OTHER guys decieded to tag along? ha ha ha . Seriously, a guy couldnt ask for a better group to have breakfast with!! I'll see some of you on saturday . Mike
Dont worry . Chuck's will be open on Saturday for breakfast. He was supposed to close for the weekend because of the Mardi Gras Party on Monday and Tuesday but was told by too many that he couldn't. We have confirmed this as factual......
Mike, maybe you could print it on your copier and tape it to your ride. By the way the only one that count are the ones that Old sign Bob shows up for.
Well maybe i'll just take my car and go home, waaaaaaa ! Or I could start my own breakfast . Yea thats it , my own breakfast , i'll call it sw chicago crepes and eggs . Do you thimk anyone will come ? Naaa , forget that , i'll just stick with you guys , I dont need no sticker to have a good time ! You guys and gals are a good time in itself !!!! Mike
I shall be there Saturday as swapmeet for me...spent all my money on a new E250 tow vehicle.....
Here's a few photos that I took on Sat. night at the WOW show. I did not want to post a lot of repeats . The slideshow site was great coveage for the wonderful event .
Well, I can tell you that Tiger Mark and 1lowtrk left for K-zoo on Friday night.I know thats not really the answer to your question.
no, isnt Larrywho ownes a shop in the city going? Havent heard from Mitch either. Where has Silent Rick been? Hey any good auctions tommorrow or is it off season now?
While more than half of you were at breakfast this morning, the other half was on the road Here's the group shot from the RRT/HAMB Kalamazoo Swap Meet Reunion Meet & Greet. From the left: purplepickup, 1lowtrk, charlie chops 1940, tiger mark, fuzzy, kustomlincolnlady(on the phone with Peter Pan), fatcat, eye candy, enjenjo, jim32, oldbobsign, ohio blue tip Missing in action: phat rat (I saw ya Frank, where'd you go?) We then headed to Jim Beyerly's shop where he's building a Bonneville streamliner. Here's one of the two big block Chevy's on the dyno: And the body Tour director extarordinare Jim32 enlightens kustomlincolnlady and eyecandy as Host Jim Beyerly looks on: Then the remaining SW Chicago HAMB & Eggers headed to Paw Paw to attend the first meeting of the just-formed HAMB Diners Club
....breakfast club.....diners club.....keep this up and one of you is going to have to get me a job somewhere.....
Hamb dinner club?? Do I need a Dinners Club Card or somthing? You are the restauranteour extraodinar Larry, give your self a gold sticker, but dont tell mitch36 you got one.
DINERS CLUB???!!! WHERE'S MY STICKER We have voted Larry our resturant guide!! You guys missed one heck of a meal!! and Larry bought Thanks Larry!! Jim, we had a great time!!!! Jim B's shop is awsome!!! what a way to spend the day FoMoCo....Indy next weekend