There's alot to be said for getting to hold the parts in your hand before you buy, I was burned on ebay on a roadster door "ready to bolt on" that looked like swiss cheese on the bottom. but down here we lack any decent swapmeets to go to. The last time I drove the 5 hours to Conroe GA, it was mostly venders selling camaro and S10 cowl hoods and billet wheels, very little early stuff, that was a few years back, has it improved any?
I want to choke those types...why the hell do they go to the swap meet for anyway? Next time just ask them how much it costs them to list somthing on ebay? Where are you gonna find a big enough box that it will fit in? How much does it cost you to pack it up? Did you ever have to pay for some of the shipping beacuse you fucked up when you calculated the cost? what happens when someone wants a refund and you already spent the cash? Now deduct all of those factors off your asking price and we got a deal. I would say at least 15 to 20% tuff guy.
I think that IOLA is a great swap for early stuff there was more gas pumps and signs this year and early 20's-40's stuff is layin there waitin. The older vendors are pretty fair to deal with I am approaching 50 so older means older than me.I know my parts pretty well ..Its the hunt and the great deal that makes it fun. The other stuff like chinese tools and hotwheels guys I can walk right past. The haggling is part of the game but dealing with arrogant sob"s who are not there to sell whats on display are the rub.. At IOLA 600+ vendors is a task for real diggers/hunters...price games are fine if you have a starting point. I found a nice pair of 32 bumpers and wheel caps and a radiator cap this year. I can get swap meet stupd at times .. thats when the rush to possibly not lose another future score speeds up in hand current purchase..and all the flaws are not found until gettin it home..(like buying super cheap pair of nice 16 inch firestone tires and finding out they are lo speed implement use only) Overall swaps can be fun, my girlfreind and I enjoy the hunt we talk about what we are both seeing is different at times even at a single vendor booth and we try not to let the good deals get away. I guess I will always beat myself up a little when I see some one carrying out something I missed ... NO MATTER HOW EARLY I WAS OR HOW MUCH THEY PAID. paperdog
I got the same deal yesterday. Dug through a shitty, musty box of magazines, found a few 61-62 copies of Hot Rod. Kinda moldy waterlogged but I would have still give a few bucks for them. I asked - How much are these magazines?? "well it depends, which ones do you want? There aren't any 1967's in there are there? They cost more! - how many are you gonna buy?" He jabbered on for another 5 minutes then decided on $3 apiece. I let him keep them out of aggravation. Found another guy with a beer sign I was gonna buy for a fellow club member, but I got "that's not mine, but the guy should be back in a minute. I don't know what he wants for it" And I really love it when you ask for a price and instead of looking at the part you've asked about, they're sizing YOU up, trying to figure how much $$$ you'll part with.
It seems latley that the guys with the best parts are just there to show you that yes there is that rare part out there, and you are looking right at it but your not going to get it! Outrageous prices on some of the parts! Its almost like part posers. Like a guy who buys a car just so he can lean against it a whataburger, these guys buy these rare parts just so they can carry them from meet to meet and look cool. "oh I have had this part laying around in my garage for years" I know that some of this is my paranoia and propensity for a good conspiracy theory, but I am never the guy who finds that right part thats not busted or worn out for a decent price. So what do I do? I look for it on the HAMB where for some weird reason people actually want you to have the part. Why? Because they would rather see it used on a Hotrod than back in their garage. Thank God for the HAMB! Hotrob
swap meets rule ...............ebay sucks.....ebay backs nothing had two diff ripoffs they did nothing all my transactions were good till i needed them to help with dead beat sellers they dont help at all be aware if a seller screws you ebay will do have been warned the company (ebay) sucks badd..............................
The problem with swap meets is that they're turning into "hey-look-what-I've-got-that-you-can't-have" meets. I have a problem with some of these parts-hoarding pricks who just like to show off their stuff and have no intention of selling it. They're like chicks who flirt a lot and don't put out. They should all get together every sunday, bring all of their precious vintage parts, hump each other's leg, and stay away from the swaps. You know, I've come across some pretty cool old stuff over the years. And as much fun as that stuff was to gawk at in the living room and talk about over a few beers when some of my buddies came by, if a brother gearhead needed that part for his ride and I didn't need it for mine, it went, period. That's the way it should be. If all of us turn into parts hoarders, we're all basically screwed. Collecting stuff is cool, but taking it to a venue where the expectation is buying and selling with no actual intention of actually selling it is just a big tease. I was at a swap meet when I was younger and asked this guy how much for one of his parts, and his response was "more than you could afford". I ended up embarrassing him a bit in front of his friends by calling him out on being a condescending prick, and asking him if he went home every night and jerked off with his hot rod parts. I guess that's my version of "swap meet etiquette".
I usually hit most of the swap meets within an hour or two driving distance. I agree that they are as much a social event as a search for parts. we usually meet for breakfast on the way,and get there around 9am or so. when I used to vend at Dunkirk,my shit was out in the open,clearly priced and ready to sell by 7 or 730 am.Whats up with these vendors who dont even pull the tarps off their shit until10 or 11 am. if they are too hung over to crawl out of the sack,they shouldnt waste their time or money on swap meet spaces.I always tried to clean my parts up a little,at least wipe most of the grease off them.It looks like some of these guys back a dump truck in and just dump everything in a pile.
"his response was "more than you could afford" I've also been getting this attitude but on a different level - more like "I figured you weren't gonna spend any money as soon as I saw you." I had an old guy at a yard pull that one on me recently. After quoting hoarder prices. I was trying not to be rude when he quoted his prices. But it was like "F#$%&K!" do you want to sell anything or don't you?!!! It's so condescending! They try to act like you don't know shit about cars or what your looking for. And they're the appraiser at Pebble Beach or something. Meanwhile the part is sitting under the crush of two tons of shit at the bottom of a mud soaked puddle of oil! The guy barely has a clue of what all he has. And can't even remember two thirds of the shit he rolled into piles. It's no wonder he's got such a huge stash. He never sells anything. IT's his one little thing he has to make himself feel superior. It's like if you question anything your questioning his manhood or something. Pathetic. It's a shame when parts aren't fairly or even for a good price put to use. And most of these idiots could turn a good buck on the stuff they've found. But it's like if they parted with too much they wouldn't be able to come to next weeks meet and thus loose their entire identity and self worth. Couch closed. The doctor is out. 49Lincoln
Well it seems some of you guys think I should have taken the $50.00 for that complete set of Magnesum American Torque thrusts from the guy that thought they were cheap repop aluminum,...... cause he could have used them. The fact is that I had to pay a pretty pricely sum for them "Back in the day", and I felt they were worth at least what I payed for them. Do any of you think people was giving this stuff away 20, 30 or 50 years ago ?, if you can't or won't pony up for the rare or cool stuff don't cry about it, with rare exception most of the guys that have it now paid what seemed like a ton of money years or decades ago,...... I have sold things before to someone that cryed and winned for next to nothing just to peruse the swap meet later and find it in there space for 3 or 4 times what I just sold it to them for,.... Yeah they had to have it for there car ! If I know the person or they actually do need the part,... I've been knowen to give stuff to the them from time to time to help them out. But don't stand there and tell me my stuff is junk and I'm a thief then expect a deal. Like I said I didn't get it for nothing,.... what makes anyone else so special they should get it for nothing,...... if you really want it step up to the plate like I did, if you want it for nothing,.... buy the other one in the next isle, if there isn't one in the next isle,...... you loose
I was Iola and I agree nothing was marked and many vendors really had no idea what they had or it was buried in a box somewhere and they didn't even know they had it. At least it didn't rain though!!! Just my .02 cents worth but the advantage that a swap meet has over e-bay is the fact that you can actually touch the part and see it. Some people get very good with camera angles and the pictures they post in the ad. So it can sometimes be a real crap shoot. The other thing is when you find something you want someone else usually wont come up and grab it out of your hand as you are ready to pay for it at the last second and give the seller .01 cent more and walk away with it. I suppose you can guess I have lost a couple deals at the very last second on parts I really needed. I have also noticed that a lot of the good vintage stuff on e-bay is ending up going out of the country. Nothing wrong with that as they were the high bidder it's just sad to see so much just going away. Anyway just my .02 cents, deuce295
The last swap meet I attended a guy had 3 spaces of parts and like you guys say most was greasy crap with epay pricing 200$ for a set of bare ford spindles!he had 2-36 ford spare tire covers one was neatly cut in half with a small area painted white and clearly marked 10$ on one half.Now I never expected to get these for 10$ but this tag was way obvious there is no way anyone could miss it either setting these out or walking by so I ask him if that was per piece or the 2 pieces.He starts tripping all over himself on how thats a mistake and they are 50$ per half!this 10$ price was absolutely visibal to him I got to his booths later in the day not at opening so other people MUST have asked about them. Just because of his attitude I so wanted to tell him that he has to sell at the advertised price in this state but I just walked on 2 hours later I go by his booths again and that 10$ sign is still there right where it was before.Now I will very rarely dicker on prices I think are fair and I hate the Whats it worth to ya shit at a swap meet, after all your selling the stuff have a price!I can understand if I aproach someone say at their home or something about a part I want that they wern't already planning to sell asking me that but not at a swap meet
vendor: "What's it worth to you?" Me: "Not a fucking thing. Now hand it over." vendor: "Do you know what it's getting on ebay?" me: "You got a computer up your ass?" vendor: "You know what you're looking at?" me: "Did I ask you what it was? I asked you how much." and my classic answer to all overpriced swap vendors.... "What are you...Fucking Nuts." I sold at a swap meet one time with everything priced, and a big old popcorn tin to collect the money. Posted a sign that said "Just leave money in the tin and take the part." Best swap meet I had. Funny how people turn honest and willing when they think they're making the decision.
hahaha there's a fella (never seen him) that sets up at a swap we go to every year....he has a little farm looking trailer that has a bunch of, just, stuff in it......his sign reads, 'everything in trailer is a $1 each, put your money in the bucket' .......he always goes and looks elsewhere, i i said, i've never seen him...... his bucket always looks pretty full and there is usually about 5 people digging through the stuff...
I freaking love swapmeets, although I don't go to as many automotive ones as I'd like. It's a good excuse to get outside and walk around in the fresh air and maybe drag some junk home. Even when you run into someone who's a real bastard, well, it's something to chat about while you're walking with your pal(s). Yes, things aren't like they used to be with ebay here, but things change, like it or not. Auto swaps seem to attract more jerkys than others though. I'd probably be defensive too if I got people telling me my stuff was junk all day long.
From a Californians standpoint, swapmeets fucking rule. We have alot, and alot of the great ones. The only problem I have EVER had with swaps is not havin a bigger wad of dough in my pocket. Been goin for years and will continue to go till the parts god in the sky pulls my number. D
Moepower and I just got back from Iola. I sold almost $3800.00 worth of merchandise...and I believe I'll sell even more to guys that will call back on the stuff they didn't buy at the swap. I bought about $1500.00 worth of car, a pair of tires and some parts. The car, a 39,000 mile '48 Mopar, will be a driver in a day or so....paid $800.00 and should be worth about $2000.00 when up and running. I also bought some pretty rare muscle cars pieces that I should make a tidy profit from on Ebay. As a vendor you hear the same old, same old.... How much do you want for the car? (How about READING the price written on the windshield?) Why are you selling it? ('cuz I don't WANT it anymore!) Will this fit my Camaro? (Will ANY MOPAR manifold fit your Camaro?) I somtimes don't have all of my stuff marked....but I always quote a fair price. I sometimes venture out to look around and buy stuff....and maybe leave my spot's my fault if I miss a sale buy it's my choice...after all, my boss isn't around and I can goof off if I want to. I buy for myself and to resell on Ebay. I like 'em both...the swaps are a social event but Ebay is LOTS easier.....
Somehow I think your weather in Hawaii and those beautiful native women take the edge off not having swaps to bitch about....
I like swap meets so much, I started my own! Good thing I never tried crack or meth I guess... For the ebay guys: when's the last time you found a really good piece of shop equipment you've been keeping an eye out for? (Horizontal band saw, 20-ton hydraulic press, HEAVY duty engine stand; total outlay--$160. Wasn't shopping for any of them specifically, but was always keeping an eye out with a long-term "I'll get it when I find it" outlook) How about a really good sign? ($35). The list goes on. For me, ebay is GREAT for a specific part I'm searching for, that probably isn't going to turn up at the swap meet. Like a Weiand 2x4 intake for a 322 Buick, or a stock fuel pump for a '57-'59 Chevy truck 322 (its a Buick nailhead, without the windshield wiper pump; I've found three on ebay, bought two). If I need a set of flat head heads, a SBC intake, carb, wheels, etc., then a swap meet is perfect. At my last swap meet, I got a rust-free fender for my '62 Suburban, and a set of rocker sills for it. While talking to the guy, he said he had a set of original steel wheels back home. I've been looking for an affordable set of wheels since before I brough the truck home! The bonus was the brand new bias ply on one of them, that I need for a shop equipment project. Over the years, I've scored a lot of good stuff from swap meets. What's even better is the stuff I've found that the guy had back at home--the big ones are those Suburban wheels, a set of fender well headers and fiberglass doors for my '57 Chevy gasser. Which brings up one of my favorite things about swap meets--the stuff you find while networking and talking to guys. I've talked to a bunch of guys at my show who have made some great deals AFTER the show. Cars bought and sold, a bunch of transmissions and engine parts trading hands, etc. One guy has been asking to GIVE me a straight axle set-up for my '57. Just GIVE it to me, with the promise that I use it, and don't sell it to make a buck. I passed the deal on to my buddy. You don't get that on ebay. Ebay has its place, but if you do a swap meet the right way, you end up getting a lot more out of it. -Brad
I've been vending at Swap Meets for years, & ALWAYS; 1. posted prices. 2. labeled the part ( including info on what it would interchange & work with ) 3. Printed up several mini-flyers listing what all I had brought with me so the prospective buyer could do a price comparison with the other vendors. MOST people I encountered were decent & reasonable. Some were jerks, & I suggested they move on to some other vendor since they didn't like my prices, etc; I HAVE ALWAYS MADE MONEY, & have rarely had to drag a lotta stuff home. I would literally force myself to have a positive attitude at times. I just wanted to make sure I was having a reasonably good time while moving parts! Why else would you do it? My 2 cents or so only.
The next time someone gives you the old "It will bring $8,000,000 on Ebay" crap, ask for their user ID so you can watch for the auction. You see a lot of red faces, and sometimes they'll start chuckling sheepishly and give a deal.
I do both Ebay and swap meets. They each have their advantages and disadvantages. I don't post prices on my parts at swap meets, but either I'm there to tell you how much I want, or I leave a detailed list with whoever is watching my space while I'm away. I, too, hate to find something I want to buy, only to hear "Uh, I dunno what he wants....he ain't here right now". Especially at Carlisle--there's a lot of ground to cover in a short time, and it's not like you've got the time to stand around waiting for him to return. How well would sales go for any other business with that program? It does amaze me how many guys will pick up a part, fondle it for five minutes, and then put it down and walk away without asking the price; if it was worth feeling up for that long, don't you want to know how much it is? Maybe it's 50 cents! I've had my fill of hearing guys wandering around at swap meets whining about how Ebay is "ruining everything". These are the same guys that never seem to buy the shit when it's lying on the ground in front of them anyway, and some of them are the same whiners that wandered around 20-25 years ago complaining about how Carlisle was ruining all the OTHER swap meets! I agree with one of the other posters that mentioned asking a question and getting an answer that has nothing to do with what you asked: "How much for these headers?" " Well, ya know, them's old Hedmans fer a '55 Chivvy, and..." "Yeah, that's fascinating....HOW MUCH DO YOU WANT FOR THEM?". I'm also in love with the guy that asks how much, and when you tell him $100, says that there's one on the other side of the field for $30. I either tell him that if he wouldn't buy that one for $30, we probably don't have much else to discuss, or that there WAS one on the other side of the field for $30--until I bought it and carried it back to my space. Counteroffers don't bother me at all, as it's all part of the swap meet game. However, don't insult people. If I see something that I'd pay $100 for, and the vendor's asking $350, I just say "thanks" and keep moving. No one's interested in hearing about how "they don't give them away any more" (as if THEY ever did make a habit of giving away speed equipment), or that "that's more than it was new!". No shit!!! Really? You mean I'm actually asking more for this N.O.S. in the box Mallory dual point for an Olds 303 than you could have bought it for in 1956? What the hell!!! In that case, I guess the most I could get for my '64 GTO is $3000. There have been occasions when the vendor asked me what I'd be willing to give, I informed him that we were far apart on price, and he said, "Well, tell me, you can't insult me". In that case, go ahead with your lowball offer--he asked for it. I sell on Ebay, but I'd never give anyone at a swap meet the "On Ebay, it'll go for..." line. If I've got to get an Ebay price for something, I've got no business dragging it to a swap meet. As always, it's worth what you can get for it when and where you decide to get rid of it. All you under 30 guys will be glad to hear that I don't assume that you're clueless unless your statements prove that you are. As long as you don't point at an Edelbrock Performer for a SBC and ask me if it will fit your Ford 460, we'll get along fine.
Swapmeets like flea markets have changed over the years,,good deals at good prices is a rareity..To many Junk Vendors ( trendy shirts,stickers etc,,you know the "fashion" ),,Then you have those who come accross a bunch of stuff ,,then see what it goes for on ebya and set there prices based on that.Trading is almost pointless as most of these folks don't even know what they have ,and may verywell not even be that into cars.The piles of stuff just baffles me ,,I mean for fucks sake ,,if you want to sell something you want it to look good at least,,I understand the boxes and milkcrates of lil stuff that everyone picks thru,,but piles of carbs is just plain lazy.The " -they will sell/ lower the $ the last day-" Thats a kind of given,,no reason to sell yourself short the first 2 hours your stuff is out,,plus one of the best times to hit a swap is the last day,as the less you have to load back up the better and people are far more willing to haggle. I know a guy who got a couple flatheads for free as the guy did'nt want to bother loading them,lol,,,,Back in the day it was a hobby,,today it's a fashion accessory
Saw that 2 weeks ago, guy had a pisspot full of Mopar stuff in the back of his truck. Had a piece of paper on the bed of the truck with the prices for everything and his mobile # (I suppose if you wanted to dicker). Made me smile then and still makes me smile. As far as I know, he was two spots away watching everyone look/buy/whatever, but it sure made life easy for everyone.
Aside from never posting prices and the Ebay makes them milllionaries....Some of the vendors around here tend to keep their back to you(and their merchandise) so they can not even tell when someone is trying to get a price. We have another local guy that has been carrying the same stuff around for at least the last 5 years. I think the trailer is finally wearing out. I am going to try asking for their user name next time on the Ebay thing...Maybe I'll just hand them a card and tell them I will sell it on Ebay for them for 25% of the total selling price.
After a while you can identifY a vender by the stuff he has dragged around for years... STUFF I remember ....faces and names and the swap meet hauler I tend to forget. To all those vendors who are doing a great job and trying to be helpful ... THANK YOU FOR ALL THE TIME AND ENERGY SPENT! PAPERDOG
My standard responce to venders without prices on their parts? Spoken loudly, "No price, must be free!" . Had a old codger about swallow his cigar with that one! He also nearly fell leaping out of his chair to correct me. Funny as hell! No prices mean one of two things: The vender is either too lazy to mark them or, he's scared he might not get enough money, or both. I disappoint them regularly.
after years of vending I can shed some light on this first -the answer is YES to most of your issues , nothing is ever priced unless it is owned by someone else not there or large or high ticket items like fenders, heads ,intakes etc- this is no accident you play a buyer by intuition as to what he will pay,some buyers are dicks and i will not sell to them, it weeds out the vendor to vendor sales as well (I hate selling a part to a I think builder + seeing it marked up 200 percent later in the day elsewhere) old school buyers know the routine and enjoy it , its the newer inexperianced buyers who want it all laid out for them ,and yes everything is usually in boxes- it would take 3 times the space to lay out everything I usually carry + If they are too lazy to dig, they don't need it anyway,no-I do not do swaps anymore- Egay is better, easier and cheaper questions ?? hell if you spent 20 minutes talking to a buyer and he offers you 10% of what your price is -how long would you have pateince for idiots w "will this fit a 1939 whatever?" "hell man! don't YOU know its YOUR car??" or my 2 favorites lately, "Will you sell just the linkage to your 2x4 setup ? "hell no, order it from Speedway" or "I'll give you five bucks for that 2x3 intake ,nobody is doing a Buick motor anymore" he got a screamin "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME and get caught up " reaction " I wanted 75 BUCKS, a steal, it went for $200 on egay -change? , you got $2000 in ones, fives, tens and twenty's to pack around w you ? I usually have about $200 and thats gone by 10 am usually. yah i know its a pain in the ass , and I am seeing higher prices at the swaps than egay now,BUT not much is getting sold at those prices and I hate as much as everyone else that "I can get $---- on Ebay" shit, they get REAL quiet when i tell them I have been selling on there for three years and that is BULLSHIT. BUT, its all a part of the game you don't want to pay what he asks, ya walk,end of dealings ,don't sit and argue w the guy, I have smashed parts in front of guys like that. yah, I got fed up n quit- who's the loser? me? I have egay, or them ? now they have to BID on that part and pickins are getting thin and prices are climbing to the point where a lot of manufacturers are repoping the old stuff- see that as even more $$$$$$$$$$$. heh heh , Ya wanna see a buyer shit , ? when he asks if something is free "well... I don't see a price on your wife" ,then watch HIS eyes pop, most of those guys are just being a smart ass for their freinds/GF/wifes and does'nt shake me a bit.I've gotte a rep for being a dick at the swaps for not selling cheap to other vendors ,not bending on prices and smashing parts if I get too much lip about them, after 15 years of doing it , it was time to quit, I do MAYBE 1-2 a year now- IF i feel like it.
A few years ago, a vendor had an old Chevy Nicson manifold setup for sale. Asking price $450. I saw him at several swaps all summer long that year and always the same response, It'll bring that on E-bay". I'd of gladly given him $250 at the first meet I saw him at that year. Come fall, I saw it E-bay. If I remember right, it sold for right around that $250. He drug that thing around all summer and could have sold it the first week of June for what he ended up gettin' for it. Bob