I love the 36 Ford taildraggers. Like the Norwegian blacksmiths 36 and the one built by Cole Foster. But when I look for a 36 Chevy taildragger, I really don't find any. Anyone built one or why don't they get built? I'd love to see pics of any, if they are out there....
I love 36 Chevies. The only problem is that they still have wood structuring. So most of them have just fallen apart and many people don't want to deal with it. My friend just got a (free) 36 Pontiac coupe, and he has a LOT of work ahead of him replacing all if that wood structure with metal. The 1937 Chevy coupe is my all time favorite car. Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
Both of those shops look great! Eliminating the quarter window like in the second shop would be the way to go.
The 36 fords are the pinicle of early custom for me. Nothing screams kustom and class like the calori 36.. The Chevy is runner up in this catergory. John fishers 36 is yet another example of correct and pure custom perfection
What I never cared for about the chevy is that they always looked off-balance..the cabin feels too far back on the body..If it were moved forward just a few inches, it would look better to my eye. I altered Rikster's photoshop to demonstrate..Rik, I put a transparent bar through your mark since I had altered it without your permission first. Wasn't sure what to do there