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Folks Of Interest Taught my girls how to drive a stick

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Roadsir, May 11, 2012.

  1. Roadsir
    Joined: Jun 3, 2006
    Posts: 4,024


    When my oldest daughter was 16 I took her out in the 56 F100 and taught her how to drive a 292 3 speed with no sychros. It was tough truck to drive and she did pretty good.

    Fast forward a few years and my youngest turned 16 so I decided to let them both learn with the '32. A 5 speed with a hydraulic clutch, plus a little higher idle, made it real easy for them.

    We spent most of the time in my work parking lot, practicing start stops and 1-2 shifts, I shot some video but they were taking too long to upload on photobucket.

    Anyone teach there kids to drive with a Hot Rod?

    My oldest, pretty reserved

    My youngest, she was pretty excited

  2. Okie Pete
    Joined: Oct 29, 2008
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    Okie Pete

    My oldest daughter never could grasp how to drive a stick. My 3 younger daughters learned and when they bought their own cars they looked for manual trannsmissions.
  3. 39 Ford
    Joined: Jan 22, 2006
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    39 Ford

    My daughter learned how to drive a stick at 18. I picked her up at Penn State to bring her home for the summer, as I had a detached retna she decided I should not drive we went to a parking lot and she learned to drive my 1985 Bronco then and there. Three days later she took me to the eye Dr. in heavy rush hour traffic. She drove the Bronco all summer and did not complain. When my coupe is on the road later this summer I will make sure she drives it it has a 4 speed.She is in Europe now studying abroad and will be home in about 3 weeks looking forward to her homecoming.
  4. Roadsir
    Joined: Jun 3, 2006
    Posts: 4,024


    I think it one of those life skills that is real beneficial.....Now If I can get my wife to learn that would be even better..
  5. KJSR
    Joined: Mar 7, 2008
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    from Utah
    1. Utah HAMBers

    I tried to teach my oldest daughter to drive my 1937 Plymouth when it was stock. At the end of the try she said "Dad, just buy me an automatic"! She still can't drive a stick. My 7 yr old son drives my tractor around and can work the clutch just fine....
  6. matthew mcglothin
    Joined: Mar 3, 2007
    Posts: 970

    matthew mcglothin

    Can't wait to teach my daughter to drive ... Period. She's only 5. Very cool though .. You should be very proud.
  7. Taught my kids to drive a stick the hard way. Took them to a vacant housing development where there was a hill.

    Put them in the drivers seat and said "We will leave when you can successfully start and stop on the hill three times in a row".

    Now, the kids wanted to do this after I warned them what we were going to do.

    My son took two tries at it and succeeded the second time. My daughter took a little longer (hence the burnt clutch smell...).

    Both of them are in their late twenties and still thank me for teaching them the hardest part of driving a stick cause it made the rest easy.
  8. striper
    Joined: Mar 22, 2005
    Posts: 4,498


    I learned to drive in a stock car. It did have synchros though. My kids aren't old enough just yet.
  9. need louvers ?
    Joined: Nov 20, 2008
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    need louvers ?

    Must be the difference of teaching daughter verses a wife/girlfriend, 'cause mine just doesn't get it! She wanted to learn in the Plymouth, but with the Tremac TKO and the double disc clutch and a bunch of H.P. on tap, I decided that was a poor idea. Maybe we'll get her the VW bug she has been wanting so she has some incentive... 'Course, maybe it's best not to whack that hornet's nest either!

    Congrats on the daughters learning!
  10. BACAGrizz
    Joined: Aug 27, 2009
    Posts: 201


    Not a hot rod but all we had at the time... Taught my little sister to drive a stick in a Renault Dauphine. Had a bum battery so when it died she had to use the jack handle through the hole in the rear bumper to crank the little 4 popper back up. She only cranked it twice before getting the hang of the clutch.
  11. Very cool!
    Lucky girls.
    My daughter will learn standards too.
  12. IMHO, All kids should have to take their driving test in a manual car.
    That way if they find them selves in a position to need it, the life they save could be their own.

    Last time I rented a car, Enterprise tried to up sell me to a new Camaro.
    I ask if it was a stick.........well no, its a automatic.
    Oh I never learned to drive an Automatic...............
    It took the guy a minute.
  13. The37Kid
    Joined: Apr 30, 2004
    Posts: 31,434


    My oldest drove my 1912 T when she said she could reach the pedals, she was 6 years old. She could sing and dance at the same time when she was 16 but never could drive a stick and stop going up hill. I just never understood that, still don't. Bob
    Last edited: May 12, 2012
  14. mattlance13
    Joined: Oct 1, 2011
    Posts: 63

    from california

    tryin to teach sister currently in the focus before she screws anything up in the truck, i have high hopes still

  15. I taught her sister. You can do it.
  16. Funny... one of my criteria for a new & improved wife was.. she had to be able to drive a stick. The ex could, but girlfriends inbetween couldn't.

    My wife drove tow trucks, stock car haulers, moving vans and even my stock cars off and on the trailer.

  17. Belchfire8
    Joined: Sep 18, 2005
    Posts: 1,540


    Taught one of my daughters to drive a manual trans in about five minutes, she never stalled the car, not one time. I have a technique that I use to teach people how to drive a stick that never fails and is very quick. I learned the hard way from my dad..."Here, watch what I do and do that", then he'd pop the clutch and take off, took me a few trys when I was 11. Even then i knew there had to be a better way to teach someone.
  18. Taught my wife to drive a stick when she was 16 . I was 18 . It was a big block and a Muncie . Once she figured out how not to break the tires loose from a stop it was all good .

  19. V4F
    Joined: Aug 8, 2008
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    from middle ca.

    i taught my wife (then girlfriend) . not to long after that she decided she was a racer . drives DEEP into corners !!! also has road rage . LOL taught her to well !
  20. Taught daughter Linda to drive on a '79 Toyota pickup with 4 speed. I knew a girl in high school who grew up on a farm, learned to drive around the farm when she was 10 on a '37 Ford 1 1/2 ton flatbed.
  21. Truckedup
    Joined: Jul 25, 2006
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    Both our daughters learned to drive with a manual transmission because that's what we drive.Many years later they (husbands' influence) drive auto trannys but remember the clutch.
    If a person really wants to drive a manual they will learn.I've taught many supposed unteachable women how to drive a clutch pedal vehicle.Then they got a car for themselves and left me for a different guy :(
    My wife always drove a stick.....then we got this 45 Chevy two ton truck with a non syncro gear box.She wanted to drive that truck so bad but had a bit of a time with the double clutching.Early mornings she would go around the block practicing until she mastered the technique.
  22. 46stude
    Joined: Mar 3, 2004
    Posts: 1,718


    I taught my older girl to drive a standard in my Trooper. She drives auto's now, a couple years later, but at least I know if she's ever in a bind that she can get herself somewhere with a stick-shift.
  23. 383 240z
    Joined: Oct 28, 2007
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    383 240z

    I showed my girlfriend at the time (wife now) how to drive a stick in an OT car Mazda rotary. It had a street port, intake, exhaust and 2 carbs, redline was about 10K if I remember. I explained the mechanics of what was happening as I showed her, then left her in the parking lot as I walked home. I knew that if I kept giving her advice it would end in a fight (damn strong willed red heads). Just told her when your confident enough to take it on the street and drive it home you will know how drive a stick. About 30 mins later she was home. Only down side of this was she was driving those high revving RX-7's for so many years, that when she got her Mazda Miata she would bounce off the revlimiter when she engaged in "spirited" driving. Keith
  24. jetnow1
    Joined: Jan 30, 2008
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    from CT
    1. A-D Truckers

    Taught my first ex-wife how to drive a stick, then has to change the transmission. Never
    again. Let them learn on someone elses tranny. Jim
  25. Roadsir
    Joined: Jun 3, 2006
    Posts: 4,024


    Get her into cart racing! I always wish I would have went that route with my daughters!

  26. A friend told on my girlfriend for doing burnouts in my 4 speed 1964 Impala SS, in front of the school.........
    I told him, So.......who do you think bought her how to drive?
    Oh ,yeah.

    Damn, that was over 30 years ago!
    Last edited: May 12, 2012
  27. trailer-Ed
    Joined: May 15, 2002
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    from JC, MO

    I just built my 15 yr old daughter a custom 71 VW bug, lowered etc. She is getting better at driving a stick, but man my patience begins to run low, lots of hills around here!
  28. alchemy
    Joined: Sep 27, 2002
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    I'm currently trying to teach my daughter to drive a stick. We got her a '73 MG, and we've practiced for two weekends. She's getting better, but she still likes to pop the clutch.

    Tried to teach my wife 20 years ago on my old S-10, but she never really mastered it. Guess she won't get to drive any of our old Fords then, huh?
  29. Salty
    Joined: Jul 24, 2006
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    from Florida

    I think knowing how to drive a manual transmission is a necessary skill....

    I have always prided myself on being able to drive anything that has been put in front of me...might take me a minute to figure out (the track hoe) but it will get driven...

    Mainly I want my kids to know how to drive a stick just in case some bullshit teen drama occurs, the DD gets hammered and one of my kids is the sober one...if the drunkass has a manual....least they'll be able to drive it.

    I taught my wife how to drive a stick car....'twas interesting to say the least....I was a bit more patient than my pops.....he told me to get in the drag car in the staging lanes....said that I had about 10 min to figure out how to drive a 4 speed and hoped I had been paying attention.... I was 15 ....I got it down the track...but it sure was ugly....and slow....least I thought I was the shit! Come to find out years later my dad said he couldn't bring himself to watch the run cause he was afraid of the outcome....

    Thanks for the vote of confidence pops....I still chuckle about that...
  30. Corn Fed
    Joined: May 16, 2002
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    Corn Fed

    When my younger brother was about 14, I took him for a lesson in my 65 Chevelle convert. After he accidentally hit the throttle instead of the brake and nearly put us in a ditch, he had to go back to learning in Dad's car.

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