In 1946, the manager of the Brooklyn Dodgers, Leo Durocher, was asked by a reporter why he couldn't be as accommodating to the press and the fans as Mel Ott and the rest of the New York Baseball Giants were. Leo looked back in disgust and said, "Look... <BR><BR>To read the rest of this blog entry from The Jalopy Journal, click here.
Congrats Ryno! I witnessed a small part of what accounts for his "nice guy" reputation a few years ago at the HAMB Drags. I don't remember the details clearly, because it was during the Friday night parking lot party, and I'd had a beer or two. There were a couple of guys from Colorado, I believe, that had a rear axle issue on a 55/56 Chevy. Ryno headed out to God knows where, and came back shortly bearing the proper hardware to make the repair and get these guys back on the road.
Congrats to all. Big thanks for the great prizes from the sponsors. Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
Man, that was a helluva tech week. Congrats to all the winners and thanks to the others that posted as well. All great stuff! Thanks to all the vendors who generously donated such great prizes. Remember who they are and support them in the future. I freakin love this place!
What the heck is that Big A fella doing in the mix? That guy's an idiot. The rest of the top 4 are spot on though, congrats to all. Thanks to all the sponsors, voters and everyone who stepped up with a Tech Week thread. This stuff makes the HAMB great.
Congrats Ryno! Very well done piece! I have to admit, I was pulling for demystifing the old hood peak, 'cause that was one of the most entertaining tech pieces on here in a looooooooong while. But the second I read your paint piece I knew where the accolades were gonna go! Well done!
Congrats Ryno! One of my favorite peeps!!! I'm gonna sneak out in the middle of the night into the garage and try it out on the hood of David's daily. Congrats Big A too! My favorite Canadian. When do we get to see you again my friend?
Way to go, Ryno..............that truck blew me away at the LSR this year! Well deserved! All who placed were spot on, and the hood pek write up was damned entertaining!
Ryno won??!? pfffftttt....we ALL won! Big thank you to everybody that participated, sponsored, and voted. This is why the HAMB is so awesome.
Yep Thanks Ryan and all the sponsors who make it possible. I enjoyed participating. Now to figure out if I know anything thats really worth sharing for next year. As far a Ryno goes...well deserved thats an awesome tech write up! Oh and I cant wait to see what he does with that new gear! Sent from my DROID device using the TJJ mobile app
Thanks to all the many sponsors, hamb staff, and the people who submitted and also the voters. I did not even think about tech week when I was working on my forming project, I was just taking pics in case it worked Take pics of whatever you are doing...just in case. It's bound to help someone, no matter what it is.
Makes me think of something! The post that followed the voting post last week, that page that had all the links to all of the tech articles for this tech week, is that catalogued somewhere? It sure would be nice to be able to just reference that at any time...
I voted for Frank, I looked at his thread, he took something that I previously woulda thought was not really practical but by the end of it, I was thinking "I COULD do that!!" Home hydro forming, whoda thunk it??!! I had the hood peak thing for my second pick, was also really good stuff. Here it is but you're right it would be nice to have an all time tech week archive, or are all these threads put in the tech archives?