Hey guys. Been a member of the forum under a different username since 2005 but never really posted; I was in college, living at home and only had room and money for 1 car (no parking, no garage, and WI winters). Finally, after all that time I have a little extra money, a good daily and some garage space! Looking forward to finding and get started on my first "real" car, YES my first venture into a world without ecu's pcm's and all the other trappings of the computer controlled era. So.....how did you guys pick your first project? Did you start with a runner, or go full ground up? How did you decide what platform you'd start with? Is there anything to avoid like the plague? Thanks!
Thanks guys. I know new guys (especially the young generations) have alot to live up to compared to the pioneers and lifetime hotrodders. I look forward to the challenge, and hopefully learn a thing or 10.