(I realize this is a "commercial" post, but I've already checked with Ryan and got his blessing). Okay folks . . . only 2 days left on this year's Texaco Car of the Decades contest. New for this year: updated "eras" (HAMB'ers will be intersted in the Pre-War and Chrome ers) and cool prizes. Also, I understand the splash page features a HAMBers 18 Dodge roadster (whose car is this?). Please help support an American company put on a cool contest that promotes and supports our hobby. http://texacocarofthedecades.com/ Thanks in advance, --Sam
Hey fellas... This is a legit deal... and we had a HAMBer win last year. Worth your time if you are into such things as FREE gas.
Here's the Facebook page, for those of you into that sort of thing: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Texaco-Car-of-the-Decades/110898072290608