“Quality, relevant content can't be spotted by an algorithm. You can't subscribe to it. You need people - actual human beings - to create or curate it.” And in the creation department, you did just fine.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I truly have allot to be thankful for, despite medical issues at home. So glad I can count on this community, to help me solve automotive problems. Like the recent post about oil leak on a Model A engine, I am working on. Gonna be a wet weekend, for the Daytona Turkey Rod Run. But hope to be over there tomorrow regardless. Long live The Hamb...now someone please pass me some ham. Ha JT
Thanksgiving is a day that we all think about things to be thankful for. I am thankful that Ryan had the insight to start this site, along with the Ford Barn. I would not have the knowledge I have gained without Ryan and his chosen life's work. Happy Thanksgiving to Ryan and his HAMB family.
Ryan, I hope you realize the passion so many of us have for this forum. I am thankful for many things this Thanksgiving especially that my significant other's surgery yesterday went well but the H.A.M.B. is close behind. The time it was down only reinforced that feeling. Happy Thanksgiving.
Ive been pretty blessed this year, and have had a good time passing on some of my good fortune. I have met a lot of people from here that has offered me opportunities that I didn't think I would get. I have traveled the country and met many people that have helped me and offered me a spot to stay when in there area, and I thank you all. My wife laughs at me sometimes when I talk about the H.A.M.B., but she also knows it helps keep me normal, as I can be. My truck would not have hit the road this year without this community. Thanks Tony
Thanks Ryan for all you do. Often when working on my cars I post a question on the HAMB and get a quick answer. I have met many great people and learned about many cool events here. For all the rest of us... pull out that remote hard drive and backup your files! Happy Thanksgiving.
Ryan, Your work here is greatly appreciated and valued by many. Happy Thanksgiving to you ,yours, and the HAMB family. Funk 49
Happy thanksgiving to y'all. I'm very thankful I found this happy place. It amazing how much information help and love that's in this group. Thanks for everything you do and thanks for letting me be a part of it.
Happy Thanksgiving to the HAMB world. I'm very thankful that I have this community for help and fun. Enjoy the people around you and tell them they make your life better.
Quality people,quality content,amazing knowledge available, I think everyone agrees your doing an amazing job and a service that is top notch. Thank you. I just showed my appreciation by joining the Alliance and helping to carry on this great thing you started.
Thankful for the HAMB Ryan and all the camaraderie here! Happy Thanksgiving! It's pool party weather here, a record 95 degrees inland San Diego. Oven and the A/C have been running all day.
No. Thank you for the HAMB. 8 years ago this December, my dad was killed by a drunk driver. A month or so before then, he had turned me onto the HAMB after he stumbled upon it. I had bought a shell of a Model A Sports Coupe and my dad was trying to help me figure out the direction I wanted to go. He found the thread where Bass built his deuce frame for his Model A roadster and found another thread where someone made his own deuce rails using regular 2x4 tubing. For the longest time, I could not remember the way to get to the HAMB was through JalopyJournal.com. So, every time I wanted to get on the HAMB, I would have to Google "HAMB" then click on the appropriate link. After he was killed, I spent all of my free time on this board reading, learning, imagining, anything that I could do to keep myself busy and my mind occupied. I saved a shit load of threads as favorites and I have folders dedicated to specific areas of the car for reference. I hoard all of the pictures off here whether it's just a cool shot, a shot of a specific part, or something in there that I wanted to research more of. The HAMB fueled my passion and has influenced me into the niche I so much adore. Since then, I've learned so much and still have so much to learn. Without the HAMB, I doubt I would be where I am today. For that, I'm eternally indebted to this board. Thank you, Ryan.
So many dreams have come true because of what is given and taken away here on the HAMB. I am humbled by the depth of ideas, help, and talent that is freely shared here, I am inspired by what I read and see by friends new and old, many of whom I will never be able to shake their hand and say thanks in person, and I am grateful for those friendships, the comradery, we all share here. All due, and in no small way, to you and the HAMB. Thank you.
thanks for ALL of you guys who make this site what it is..................and thanks for elastic waist bands...
Ryan, Thank you for all you do to keep the HAMB alive. I visit this site every day, and would feel deprived if I couldn't. I'm extremely grateful for all your efforts, and I'm thankful for this website, and all who contribute to it.
That would be quite an impressive volume requiring prodigious editing . . . but I like it. Might help alleviate some of your fears, Boss. Man, that is a scary thought. Something to be said for being tactile. Thanks Ryan for the greatest internet forum of all!
Happy Thanksgiving ! Sometimes these reality checks are what it takes to make us thankful. Glad it all worked out.
Thank you for taking the initiative to run this site. It is, very, very real. My neighbor Alphonso Enriquez(Zapato) turned me on to this site. I had the good fortune to know him. I have become good friends with people who I only knew as screen names on a forum. A few of those people have really been there and been helpful with attending to Al's affairs. I will say that This forum makes the world very small. The knowledge shared is impressive, and the people here are top shelf.
Ryan- I read your Thanksgiving message and share many of your thoughts. For a great definition of "irony" I will now always think of you with a little car work time on your hands, using google to search for some info and coming up with references to the non-working HAMB! You have built SOMETHING solid and real and so much more than cyber. It is a part of so many lives. Thank You and best wishes. John