yeah my wife says the garage and driveway smell like a gas station or something woohoo i told her that wd-40 is the best air freshener there is
Timely post; I got in my '46 a couple days ago and sucked in a big lungfull of the "old car" and cracked a BIG smile. Are we weird because we love that smell or is everyone else weird because they don't?
That smell immediately brings back memories of my grandfather. I followed him like a shadow when I was small. He taught me a love for mechanical things, being a farmer he had lots of experience repairing machinery and coming from the depression never threw anything away. His farm maintenance/repair shop was heaven for me while growing up. Frank
Didja ever notice that the smell is different for the different eras? 20s-30s have a different smell than late30s-50s and the Muscle stuff has a smell of its own. Maybe we are all just sick , but who wants to get well. Jay