Last weekend my 9 year old was riding her younger sisters go-cart and took a bad tumble and broke her left arm pretty bad. Of course Dad has been feeling guilty thinking I pushed my girls into something because of my interests etc. Well, after 2 1/2 hours in surgery over Saturday night she home and doing well with Mom. Today they go on-line to pick out a new sling instead of the standard hospital issue and she picks out this sling with Flames! Never mind the girly flower stuff. Thats my Girl!
Gotta luv them girls that have a bit of grit huh..... I just hope it wasn't a guy ass jeff gordon flame sling :~) Here to her healing fast.
She has 2 plates and 9 screws in her arm now. Unfortunately the cast goes from her bicep to her wrist but she's doing pretty well. It was a grim reminder that even simple machines can be dangerous.
wow dam 2 plates 9 screws, she did a number on that arm.. Good and positive thoughts her way. i think my 9 year old would have opted for the flame sling too. one thing i learned rasing my girl is, you cant protect them from every possible injury, just know your doing a good job as a parent in care for her while shes broken. and like my mom always told me..what didnt kill you , only made you stronger.
Tell the little trooper to keep her chin up .. All parents hurt when our kids get hurt,but that don't make this any better.. My prayers to you and yours that ,that is the only problems you ever have! Sometimes its only fun if we are on the thin edge.... Good Luck and God Bless
I have been put back together by the experts twice. She will be ok and back on the road again. I worry because I have two boys one thinks he can opperate an ATV by himself (he is 4).
I had two brother that did the craziest things and when i was in third grade i broke my arm in a way that sounds pretty much the same i've got a pretty amazing scare now and the pin they pulled outta my arm when it was healed. I love tough little girls