Always an epic time. ALWAYS! Thanks for doing what you do, I don't know if you really know how much it's appreciated.
To echo what everyone else has said. Thank you Ryan for a great weekend. I look forward to this event every year starting the Sunday after the race is over!!!
Man that looks fun. My kids bailed, my wife bailed, and last year I about killed myself doing two+ days of Springfield swap meet and then the drags in the heat... So I bailed on it... and then my friends start sending pics by text and jabbing me all afternoon and the videos started rolling in and the cars you had there and the weather was perfect! Yup, I'm an idiot.
Man those farm fields really dwarf the track. Actually the spectators really dwarf the racing. it is hard to believe that 3000 people would come to watch a bunch of goofballs play. Thanks Ryan and everyone else that make this possible. Its like a family reunion for me. only I'm actually welcome and I like the people.
Such a great time.. I'm still on a high from racing on Saturday and hanging out with a bunch of great folks. Thanks, Ryan and countless others!
NICE! Had a great time as usual, I have missed 3 years, the lovely Mrs Gordon 4, and it is ALWAYS a treat. Good people, Cool cars, Great racing. Thanks to everyone who helps put this on every year. And to think it started with a few guys on line going "Hey, wouldn't it be cool to get together and flog the shit out of our old iron once a year..." and the rest is history!
Ryan, thanks. I missed last two years, I was getting burned out. Not of cars, I'm a die hard, but the automotive society outside the HAMB. This year my son begged to go, his first drags you know. Best damn weekend, my passion is alive, my son has the same spark I did when I was his age and found that Shut Down album that started everything. Not to mention some great friends too.
I never thought they would let us come back after the first one, but here we are 14 years later. Crazy, ain't it?? I had a hell of a good time, best HAMB Drags ever. Thanks to everyone who works so hard, so I can have fun. -Abone.
I think I say it every year but I mean it every year! Truly my favorite weekend of the summer. From the drive down, to the good times at the hotel, and of course the great racing! Thanks to all involved!
If I die tomorrow, the most lasting memories I'll have of the drags are: 1. Seeing Brad, Jeff, and all the boys sitting in the hotel parking lot... and getting to take breaks with them. 2. The night ofs with Kevin and Mike... And jesus that sounded morbid... But honestly, those are my two favorite things of the weekend. And that's saying something, cuz I'm way more of a car guy than I am a people guy.
Thanks Ryan, this was just my 5th H.A.M.B. drags , but definitely the best for our crew. We drove through hurricane like rain in Nebraska, a bull loose on the highway in Kansas, and a semi and trailer across the highway after cresting a hill to get there, and it was all worth it! We had a blast!
Another great weekend, never get tired of this event. Thanks Ryan and everybody else involved in making this such a fun time. Gary
I've been to all but 2 of them, #1 and #13 (last year I just got the wrong weekend in my brain), and I really liked this year. The weather was great, and it wasn't so crowded. The cars were really gorgeous, not as many ratty rods (I know they have fans and I don't mind them, but I personally like cars to look good and shiny), and clean racing, the track was open the whole time, no 20 minute gaps spent cleaning up oil or whatnot.
This was the first year taking a car down the track and man am I hooked; can't wait till next year! Thanks Ryan and Team!