started work on the trunk floor, square tube frame skinned with 20 gauge, Paul Windshield loaned his "mock-up tank" to help with the fit still need to build the hump for the cross member and a couple boxes to sink in the other two holes, one for battery and one for whatall
Some nice metalwork going on there. I am about to start the build of my '27 on '32 rails. I am unlikey to find a body here in the UK and most are very rotten in the US as well so I am going to build my own from scratch. David
I'm floored. Really top notch work. Clean execution. Functional, nothing extra. Nice to look at. Bout all you could ask for. Oh yeah, and with that motor, it's really gonna' scoot too!
hump to cover cross member, battery box and whatnot box in, just a bit more welding and a couple lids for the boxes...
First Ive seen this thread, incredible work Paul!!!!!!!!!!!!, another T that makes me think I should just push mine off the nearest cliff, TR
Paul, As a '27 roadster owner (mine is on Deuce rails) I have to say that this project is one of the best I have seen. Not just in workmanship, but in style and execution too! But, speaking about the fabrication, the pieces you have made for this car (like the recent trunk floor) are outstanding. This is going to be one hell of a bitchin T roadster. I will continue watching it unfold and look forward to the finished product! - Dennis -
thank you both, Kathy, your coupe is one of the most real hot rods on the HAMB, one of the first things I do when I log on is to see if you've posted any updates Dennis, your posting pictures of your '27 convinced me that I had to use a '28-'29 shell on mine, your car is just about pefect
Wow, thank you for that! To be honest my car has an A shell because I grabbed it for $40 at a swap meet. I really wanted a Deuce shell but didn't have the funds. Last June I picked up a really nice and already 3 1/2" chopped Deuce shell & insert. It hasn't been installed because I have to pony-up for a new '32-style radiator but I'm also a little on the fence about the change. I do like the A shell, and a lot of other people do too, but I'm so tempted to change it... Looking forward to the next update!
Your boot (trunk) floor looks really good. It takes care and planing to turn out a nice finished piece. Dennis don't change the A shell for a '32. Your car just looks right!. David
pathetically slow progress on this one.. got a decent stock lid from a fellow HAMBer, and bought a new gas tank..
I'm really enjoying watching this build. The craftsmanship and look... Your really setting a high mark Paul.
Are you going to run the tall windshield or just the lower? I ran the lower and had to drop the seat riser a lot to get my head below the windshield, something to think about. Great build, love the 26-27
I have given it a lot of thought, but haven't quite decided yet, half, three quarter or duval? but probably not full height
How about stock stanchions, chopped low, and a curve to the top windshield to keep the bugs off of your forehead? At least that's what I'm planning on for mine.