So I finally decided to start building the Olds. I traded my wifes retired rice burner for this baby about a year ago and have been waiting to get started putting my vision into gear. The thing that really bugged me about the Olds was the ugly front end. I came across a 41 Buick grille out of Berkley and bought 41 Buick hood and fenders from Fatman. I suck at sheet metal work so I have Jessie from Sac Kustoms doing the surgery up front. The work I plan on doing myself will be a four link, dash swap, steering column & wheel swap and I will squirt the paint. So far the we noticed the Buick hood has a much larger crown than the Olds. I like the flat pancaked Olds hood so it will stay. It will need to be reshaped up front since the Buick front clip is about 2 inches longer. Jessie is going to peak the hood to have more of a Merc shape and match the profile of the grille. Also the fenders will be sectioned and stretched a bit. I will try to post as many pictures as possible to show how bad ass Jessie's work is.