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Hot Rods The ALTERED thread

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by loudbang, Mar 3, 2016.

  1. I disagree on the Thurmond roadster being the only all steel bodied AA/FA. The first Fiat altereds were all steel, Gabby Bleeker's Bantam coupe was all steel, the 15oz was all steel, Bruce McDowell's original Bad News Coupe was all steel, and the 554 is as "all steel as a car gets.
    els likes this.
  2. loudbang
    Joined: Jul 23, 2013
    Posts: 40,332


    Good stuff from the man. Got a bunch more of Bleeker's bantam coming up later today.
    cruiserjohn76 and loner2 like this.
  3. loudbang
    Joined: Jul 23, 2013
    Posts: 40,332


    As promised

    "GAB" Owned by Gabby Bleeker from Evergreen Park, Illinois USA
    Gabby bleeker32 Austin/Bantam Coupe by an Unknown chassis builder powered by Supercharged Nitro 420 Oldsmobile with direct drive.

    In this one it looks RED and has a hood.

    Gabby Bleeker see email.jpg

    Gabby bleeker 1.jpg

    Different wheels than above
    Gabby Bleeker email 1.jpg

    Gabby bleeker email 2.jpg

    Look at the offset and outside width of the rear wheels.

    Gabby Bleeker email.jpg
  4. loudbang
    Joined: Jul 23, 2013
    Posts: 40,332


    The "All American" Owned by Bohannan & Vorian from Dallas Texas.

    All American Owned by Bohannan  Vorian from Dallas Texas USA.jpg

    all american 1.jpg

    All american.jpg

    We had "All American" how about

    "Captain America"

    Captian America.jpg

    Number 35 AA/ FA fiat Owned by Pops Marner from Clearwater, Colorado

    35 AA FA Owned by Pops Marner from Clearwater, Colorado USA.jpg

    35 in motion

    35 AA FA.jpg

    "Easy Rider"

    Easy rider 1.jpg

    Better shot Easy Rider

    Easy rider 2.jpg

    One more

    easy rider 3.jpg

    The "Fat Rat" Fiat Owned by Bradfords Crankshaft Service.

    Fat Rat Owned by Bradfords Crankshaft Service.jpg

    Fat Rat again in motion

    Fat Rat.jpg

    "Lil Thunder" Owned by Joe & Janet Boone from San Diego California USA

    Lil Thunder Owned by Joe  Janet Boone from San Diego California USA.jpg

    The "Magnificent 7" owned by Dave Benjamin (M) from Albuquerque, New Mexico.

    Rear wheels inside out?

    Magnificent 7 Dave Benjamin (M) from Albuquerque, New Mexico USA.jpg

    The "Mental Cruelty" Owned by Dave Bowman from Yorba Linda California.

    Mental Cruelty Owned by Dave Bowman from Yorba Linda California USA.jpg

    Nanook on the ground this time.


    "Pure Hell"

    Pure hell.jpg

    "Team Fercock" ?? can't quite make out the last part. A bit of a streamliner Altered

    Team Fercock.jpg
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2016
    EVL401, cruiserjohn76, loner2 and 7 others like this.
  5. Davis Ingram JEWEL T. One of the cleanest ! 2360cdd13d3b7004f5778e54fd6efc78.jpg hqdefault.jpg jewel_t_engine1-vi.jpg Indy67RichardMcKinstryPhoto.jpg
  6. bobw
    Joined: Mar 24, 2006
    Posts: 2,376


    More early Altereds from Minnesota Dragways. Mid 60's.
    Pufff, els, kiwijeff and 4 others like this.
  7. bobw
    Joined: Mar 24, 2006
    Posts: 2,376


    Bob McGinley's, "The Scag"
    Pufff, els, AHotRod and 5 others like this.
  8. bobw
    Joined: Mar 24, 2006
    Posts: 2,376


  9. 2manybillz
    Joined: May 30, 2005
    Posts: 843


    I built this in 1970/71, raced it off and on till the late '70s. It later had 12 spoke Americans up front, gold and black paint, different wheelie bars and a F/C style cage among other changes. Unfortunately this pic from '71 is about all I have.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2016
    cruiserjohn76, loner2, Pufff and 7 others like this.
  10. AmishMike
    Joined: Mar 27, 2014
    Posts: 1,183


    AGREE - real altered don't have front wings & no 200 inch wheel bases
    2manybillz, els and loudbang like this.
  11. loudbang
    Joined: Jul 23, 2013
    Posts: 40,332


    You guys are posting some real beauties. :p
    cruiserjohn76, loner2 and mad mikey like this.
  12. loudbang
    Joined: Jul 23, 2013
    Posts: 40,332


    "Jeff Courtie" Owned by Jeff Courtie from Hollywood, California 48 Oldsmobile Woody by an Unknown chassis builder.

    Jeff CourtieOwned by Jeff Courtie from Hollywood, California 48 Oldsmobile Woody.jpg

    15 OZ in motion

    15 OZ in motion.jpg

    "Axis Power" Owned by Don Campbell & Terry Ervin from California

    Axis Power Owned by Don Campbell   Terry Ervin from California.jpg

    "Born Wild" Owned by Van Duvall from Maryland Ford 23 Model T

    Born Wild Owned by Van Duvall from Maryland Ford 23 Model T.jpg

    Burkholder Bros. 202 in motion

    Burkholder Bros. 202.jpg

    "Dick Decker" Owned by Dick Decker from Arizona48 Fiat Topolino by an Unknown chassis builder

    Dick DeckerOwned by Dick Decker from Arizona48 Fiat Topolino by an Unknown chassis builder.jpg

    Dick Decker Owned by Dick Decker second.jpg

    "Different Drummer" Owned by J.T. Young & De Meglio Bros. from Hurst, Texas

    Different Drummer Owned by J.T. Young  De Meglio Bros. from Hurst, Texas.jpg

    Different Drummer Owned by J.T. Young  De Meglio Bros. from Hurst, Texas third.jpg

    Different DrummerOwned by J.T. Young  De Meglio Bros. from Hurst, Texas second.jpg

    "DiMatteo Bros." Owned by Tony & Bart DiMatteo 68 Austin Bantam by Don Long

    DiMatteo Bros. Owned by Tony  Bart DiMatteo 68 Austin Bantam by Don Long.jpg
  13. loudbang
    Joined: Jul 23, 2013
    Posts: 40,332


    "Goodies Speed Shop" Owned by Ron Corbari & Terry Ervin from Pleasant Hill, California

    Goodies Speed Shop Owned by Ron Corbari  Terry Ervin from Pleasant Hill, California.jpg

    "Jack's Monte Vista Garage" Owned by Bob Hartwell from Highland Park, California. Michelle this one had Gary Essman listed as driver you found this one yet?

    Note the suspension?????

    Jack\'s Monte Vista Garage Owned by Bob Hartwell from.jpg

    "Lo Blow" Owned by Campos Bros again . In motion.

    Lo Blow Owned by Campos Bros. Again.jpg

    "Quality Auto" Owned by Fred Cerutti from Pleasanton, California

    Quality Auto Owned by Fred Cerutti from Pleasanton, California second.jpg

    "Quality Auto" again

    Quality Auto Owned by Fred Cerutti from Pleasanton, California.jpg

    More Rat Trap

    "Rat Trap" Owned by Boswell Green from California

    Rat trap cjheck first.jpg

    Another Rat Trap

    Rat Trap Owned by Boswell  Green from California.jpg

    "Thurmond Bros." Owned by Butch & Bill Thurmond from San Pedro. Real clean one

    Thurmond Bros.Owned by Butch and Bill Thurmond from San Pedro.jpg

    "Wild Rat" Owned by Martha Lippard from Silver Spring, Maryland

    Wild Rat Owned by Martha Lippard from Silver Spring, Maryland.jpg

    One more Wild Rat

    wild rat.jpg
    EVL401, cruiserjohn76, loner2 and 6 others like this.
  14. loudbang
    Joined: Jul 23, 2013
    Posts: 40,332


    More "Magnificent 7" Owned by Leroy Chadderton

    More Magnificent 7 Owned by Leroy Chadderton.jpg

    "Pure Hell"

    pure hell check.jpg

    pure hell check 1.jpg

    pure hell check 3.jpg

    pure hell check 2.jpg
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2016
    EVL401, cruiserjohn76, loner2 and 6 others like this.
  15. Loudbang I'm not sure . I don't think so unless it's the one sitting in our driveway at our old house with my Mom standing next to it Check my thread Gary Essman. I thought Hartwell had a couple cars and my Mom said he drove for him often . This car looks to sit lower than the car I have in pics

    Sent from my SM-G900P using H.A.M.B. mobile app
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2016
    els likes this.
  16. loudbang
    Joined: Jul 23, 2013
    Posts: 40,332


    Can't see the driver or helmet. No more info it is just in a list of altereds and has him listed as driver
    cruiserjohn76, loner2 and els like this.
  17. Yeah you cant see the helmet , but it looks like it sits lower than altered I have a picture of that was Hartwell's .

    Sent from my SM-G900P using H.A.M.B. mobile app
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  18. loudbang
    Joined: Jul 23, 2013
    Posts: 40,332


    Well let's start off today with some altereds that are a bit different.

    A couple Corvettes. :rolleyes:

    Seeking an index advantage, many Corvette racers entered their cars in unusual classes. Econo Altered rules, for example, specified a single four-barrel carb, restricted cylinder-head modifications, and an automatic transmission. Even so, this '65 C/Econo Altered Sting Ray made enough horsepower to pull the wheels off the line at the Gatornationals in the late '70s. Photo by Marty Johnson, from the Jim Hill Collection

    Seeking an index advantage, many Corvette racers entered their cars in unusual classes..jpg

    Double entendre aside, Jim Warter's '63 "Joint Venture" coupe once captured the Competition Eliminator points championship in the NHRA's Division 6 (hence, its No. 61 designation). The sharp-looking Vette had everything necessary for hard Comp Eliminator racing, including a 9,500-rpm small-block Chevy, a four-link rear suspension, polished lightweight wheels, and hard-starting line launches. Photo by Tom Schultz, from the Jim Hill Collection

    Double entendre aside, Jim Warter\'s \'63 Joint Venture.jpg

    The Reinford brothers, from Pottstown, Pennsylvania, began drag racing with a '37 Chevy Gasser dubbed "Moose" for its large size. They later graduated to this C2 Vette, running in both the Gas and D/Altered classes. In 2005, the Reinford brothers were inducted into the East Coast Drag Time Drag Racing Hall of Fame, in Henderson, North Carolina.

    renford brothers.jpg

    Back to our originally scheduled programming LOL

    554 coupe

    554 coupe.jpg

    One when it was yellow.

    554 K&G Speed Associates 554 Owned by Ed Fox from Philadelphia

    554 K&G Speed Associates 554 Owned by Ed Fox from Philadelphia.jpg

    Arizona Wildcat Owned by Larry Christopherson from Phoenix

    Arizona Wildcat Owned by Larry Christopherson from Phoenix.jpg

    Bad Actor Owned by Don Wilson & Gary Hazen.
    Hell of a shot chute coming out

    Bad Actor Owned by Don Wilson & Gary Hazen Hell of a shot chute coming out.jpg
    "Bad Actor" again

    Bad Actor Owned by Don Wilson & Gary Hazen second.jpg

    "Bandido" Owned by Bill Finacle

    Bandido  Owned by Bill Finacle.jpg

    "Bishop-Buehl Engines" Owned by Tocco, Harper, Garten from Arcadia

    Bishop-Buehl Engines Owned by Tocco, Harper, Garten from Arcadia.jpg

    "Bishop-Buehl Engines" again

    Bishop-Buehl Engines Owned by Tocco, Harper, Garten from Arcadia third.jpg

    last one
    Bishop-Buehl Engines Owned by Tocco, Harper, Garten from Arcadia second.jpg
  19. loudbang
    Joined: Jul 23, 2013
    Posts: 40,332


    "Black magic" Guess it was one of the "Magic Muffler" bunch. Owned by Jim & Bill Miles & Frontuto

    Black magic Magic Muffler Owned by Jim & Bill Miles & Frontuto second.jpg

    black magic again

    black magic  Owned by Jim & Bill Miles & Frontuto forth Black magic.jpg


    black magic Magic Muffler Owned by Jim & Bill Miles & Frontuto forth.jpg

    last one

    Black magic Magic Muffler Owned by Jim & Bill Miles & Frontuto third.jpg

    The one I know as "Magic Muffler" Same owners as black magic

    Magic Muffler Owned by Jim and Bill Miles and Frontuto.jpg

    "BLUE RAT" Owned by Haggerty-Holland-Haggerty from Dallas BLUE RAT Haggerty-Holland-Haggerty Owned by Haggerty-Holland-Haggerty from Dallas, second.jpg

    Same owners different car

    Haggerty-Holland-Haggerty Owned by Haggerty-Holland-Haggerty from Dallas,.jpg

    "Calumet Auto Parts" Fiat Owned by John Forstka from Indiana

    Calumet Auto Parts  Owned by John Forstka from Indiana.jpg

    "Geisler & Graf" Owned by Dennis Geisler & Frank Graf

    Geisler & Graf Owned by Dennis Geisler & Frank Graf.jpg

    Gretchko Bros. Owned by Mike, Tim & Tom Gretchko
    Another one with the chute just coming out

    Gretchko Bros. Owned chute out.jpg

    Gretchko Bros again. Nice shot seeing wrinkled sidewalls on an altered.

    Gretchko Bros. Owned by Mike, Tim & Tom Gretchko second.jpg

    last one trying small top wing

    Gretchko Bros.  Owned by Mike, Tim & Tom Gretchko third.jpg

    "Groundshaker Jr." Owned by Glenn Way, John Hoven, Okazaki and Mike Demarest

    Groundshaker Jr.Owned by Glenn Way, John Hoven, Okazaki and Mike Demarest.jpg
  20. loudbang
    Joined: Jul 23, 2013
    Posts: 40,332


    Another rare body style

    " Gunter Bros." Owned by Warren Gunter

    Gunter Bros. Owned by Warren Gunter second.jpg

    one more

    Gunter Bros. Owned by Warren Gunter.jpg

    "Hyder & Koulan" Owned by Glen Hyder & Tom Koulan

    Bet it's pretty hard to see where he's going in this one

    Hyder & Koulan Owned by Glen Hyder & Tom Koulan.jpg

    Great shot of "Jack's Monte Vista Garage" Owned by Bob Hartwell

    Jack\'s Monte Vista Garage Owned by Bob Hartwell.jpg

    "Jackson Thomas Goodell" Owned by Jackson & Thomas Goodell from Tigard, Oregon

    Jackson Thomas Goodell  Owned by Jackson & Thomas & Goodell from Tigard, Oregon.jpg

    "Monkey Motion" Bantam Owned by Gil Hayward

    Monkey Motion Owned by Gil Hayward.jpg

    "Pipins & Green" Owned by Don Green from Pomona

    Pipins and Green Owned by Don Green from Pomona.jpg

    More "Rat Trap"

    Rat Trap check yesterday.jpg

    "Super Rat" Owned by Walker & Weddel

    Super Rat Owned by Walker and  Weddel.jpg

    "Thundermug" Bantam Owned by Wally Grangruth

    Thundermug  Owned by Wally Grangruth.jpg

    " Vic Hubbard Speed Shop" Owned by Denny and Jerry Forsberg & Al Hubbard

    Vic Hubbard Speed Shop Owned by Denny and Jerry Forsberg and  Al Hubbard.jpg

    More "Magnificent 7" Owned by Leroy Chadderton

    Magnificent 7 Owned by Leroy Chadderton.jpg
  21. Great stuff today loudbang. Love the Super Rat car, always have!:D:cool:
    els and loudbang like this.
  22. Trouble Maker's Tea
    Joined: Sep 11, 2014
    Posts: 816

    Trouble Maker's Tea

    Wow, great photos
    els and loudbang like this.
  23. jimmy1931
    Joined: Jan 13, 2012
    Posts: 728


    GREAT THREAD, guys thanks so much for the fantastic pics!!!
    els and loudbang like this.
  24. Phillips
    Joined: Oct 26, 2010
    Posts: 1,691


    Below is mid '60s version with Powers and Riley chassis. Chuck Burt, co-owner of the "Wild Wedge" altered told me that Gabby went to the Powers and Riley chassis when he saw how straight the Wedge ran - supposedly the crowds were disappointed because the new GAB wasn't as fun to watch!

    Gabby Bleeker Union Grove.jpg
  25. Phillips
    Joined: Oct 26, 2010
    Posts: 1,691


    Some pics of the aforementioned 426 Chrysler wedge powered Wild Wedge:
    Peoria match race vs. Selkirk and Bork gasser: (Chuck said they were on 7 cylinders in this race)
    Starting line at Peoria:
    Rockford (now Byron dragway):
    US 30 (Indiana):[​IMG]
    Cordova (obviously):
    Many more photos on the old thread on the Wild Wedge, and thanks again to Chuck Burt for the photos and stories.
  26. DDDenny
    Joined: Feb 6, 2015
    Posts: 20,829

    from oregon


    Just for clarity:
    Jackson, Thomas, and Goodell.
    Kenney Goodell, driver
    els and mad mikey like this.
  27. loudbang
    Joined: Jul 23, 2013
    Posts: 40,332


    Great follow up by Phillips on GAB and wild wedge. Great thread on the wild wedge good read. Glad to connect some of the dots

    Still got a few more pages to grab more like these I have posted before this source runs out. :p
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2016
    cruiserjohn76, loner2 and els like this.

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