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Projects The Best 1955 Cadillac build

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by VonBurke, Jan 26, 2009.

  1. No sweat Roger!! I've been called worse I'm sure!!

  2. farmer12
    Joined: Aug 28, 2006
    Posts: 7,717


    Looking absolutely awesome! WOW
  3. dad-bud
    Joined: Aug 22, 2009
    Posts: 3,884


    Roger, I have spent an enjoyable few hours over the lasy couple of days going through each page of your build.
    I just love your car - it is awe inspiring, and reading along with your decision making, I appreciate how hard you have worked to get it to its current state of perfection. Did I say inspiring?
    I have a very nice 70,000 mile 1960 Series 62 Coupe that I just love driving and admiring, but it pales when compared to your beautiful machine.
    Good luck and enjoy it well - the stone chips will hurt, but every one of them will be worth it.
  4. holy dog shit that caddy!!!!!
  5. cookiemonster131
    Joined: Mar 3, 2008
    Posts: 265


    amazing build, car looks great!
  6. Tim
    Joined: Mar 2, 2001
    Posts: 18,785

    from KCMO

    awesome, saw the car slinking around the park in salina this year and it literally stopped me in my tracks with my jaw on the ground. i couldn't quite tell if my brain was saying holy shit, or WOW louder. Beautiful car man, just great :)
  7. RussK
    Joined: Sep 19, 2010
    Posts: 121

    from Atlanta Ga

    Wow….. that is a great build
    Thanks for sharing it with us
  8. RussK
    Joined: Sep 19, 2010
    Posts: 121

    from Atlanta Ga

    Wow….. that is a great build
    Thanks for sharing it with us
  9. The Continental
    Joined: Aug 23, 2011
    Posts: 363

    The Continental
    from Texas

    Diggin the custom Caddy.
  10. 1950 mercury
    Joined: May 14, 2011
    Posts: 21

    1950 mercury

    One cool custom caddy.
  11. 40StudeDude
    Joined: Sep 19, 2002
    Posts: 9,561


    Weee-eeee-ll-ll, just to bring this thread back up from the "dead'…one more “update” it as the “final” time...we’ll call this one:




    After the Cadillac’s debut at the Greybeard’s indoor Auto Show in November, 2010, (Post # 602 - my ’55 Caddy won First Place in “Full Custom Hardtop,” and received the one award I was really surprised with: “Outstanding Paint - Custom”), the 2011 rod run season finally rolled around and it all started with the Moab April Action show at the end of April, 2011...and if you've read this thread, you've already seen/read that post...(post # 690). What I didn't say in that post was the Cadillac won the Moab “Chamber of Commerce” Choice. To say I was surprised would be an understatement…

    Beside the red rocks of Moab, on the way to Dead Horse Point…what a gorgeous spot in the U.S. to visit. If you’ve never been to Moab…the April Action show will celebrate its 20th Anniversary in 2012…should be a huge event.

    Once back home the car got washed and cleaned up and checked for road rash, the plan was to drive to the Stray Kat 500 in Dewey, Oklahoma, the next weekend...unfortunately, we didn't make that one after I determined the Caddy wasn't getting very good mileage...and the price of gas was starting to climb. I didn't want to add to the oil company's profits, so we stayed home...good thing we did as the weather wasn't very kind to us around here nor on the Kansas Plains as we would have had to drive thru it.

    A closer show was in Grand Junction, ColoRODo, called “Mike's May Madness” the end of May...we decided we could get to that one since it was only five hours away and would only require a tank and a half of fuel, up over the Rockies, and the weather had been reasonably nice around here the first weeks of May...but…we stayed home again...!!! The evening before we were supposed to leave, and all that day, the mountains, and I-70, our route, got pounded with 11” of snow and I didn't feel like fighting snow in a lowered Cadillac (or the accompanying road rash from the sanded roads), besides, I had no heat/defrost in the car (don’t usually need that in summer).

    Instead, we went to the OPBC (Olds, Pontiac, Buick, Cadillac) show the same weekend (15 miles from home)…the weather here was sunny and somewhat warm…unlike the Spring blizzard they were getting in the mountains. I was well aware that most of the cars there would be restored and wasn’t exactly sure how TWO kustom Caddys would be accepted (as usual, Dan drove his ’54). We arrived about 30 minutes after the start of the show and saw everyone literally stop in their tracks to watch Dan and I pull in and back into the spot the staff directed us to…it was simply the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen…I thot: Oh man, here comes the grief…did we really decide to go to a “stocker” show? Needless to say, I was concerned for nothing…everyone had nothing but compliments for both our cars…among them was one I thot really hit home: “It’s about time someone took an early Cadillac and did something with it other than restoring it.” Most of you that know me know I’m not much for bragging on my own stuff or what I accomplish, and I like to drive what I build, and have fun doing it…but when it comes to awards, it’s icing on the cake. At the end of the day at the OPBC show, my Cadillac was awarded one of the top awards: “Favorite Cadillac”. I was stunned cuz there were some really, really nice stockers, not only Cadillacs, but the other marques as well.

    Our Caddys amongst the “stockers”…

    By mid June, the weather had gotten summer-time hot…time to see how the Caddy’s radiator was going to do in the heat. We took in a small local show…my T-shirt silk-screener pal, Mike Johnson, asked us if we’d like to go to the Hooter’s show on the other side of town with him (about 30 miles from home)…it’s a small show-about 35-40 cars and it’s put on by the Hoodlums…I know a few guys in that club so said “sure.” Mike showed up in his C-cab, Dan his ’54 and me the ’55…at the end of that hot day, the Cadillac was awarded ”One Hot Pick.”

    My friend, Mike, shows off his C-Cab and our Cadillacs under the Hooter’s sign.

    The next one in the rod running plan was GoodGuy's event in Loveland, June 3-5, the weather was warming up nicely and since it was only 75 miles from home it was easy to make that one - we did the weekend on two tanks of gas...and since the car was/is new, we cruised it around the venue a lot…matter of fact, several of my pals decided they wanted to ride in it we all loaded up and cruised around, more than once…did that all three days of the event…guess that’s why the Cadillac was awarded "Coolest Cruiser" on Sunday. Even tho the summer heat was already upon us, the heat (and cruising slow) sure tested my aluminum radiator while we were cruising the grounds...but it never overheated.

    Cruising was the order of the day…ehr, uhm……weekend.

    No-Ones CC put on a small one day show on June 11 (20 miles from home)..altho it was not “small” by any means. Ryan Timmons, owner of Ryan’s Rod Service in Englewood, put on the show and I think it overwhelmed him…about 150 cars showed up for his “back lot” show…this show drew in all the “young” guys that are into cars around the Denver area…and since I’ve known Ryan for a number of years, and he personally invited Dan and I to bring our Cadillacs down…we did. During the day, we watched them chop a 50’s Chevy truck, listened to live music and ate…it was a nice relaxing day in the hot ColoRODo sun. I wasn’t aware they would hand out trophies/awards at this event and really didn’t expect any, but at the end of the day, my Cadillac was awarded two plaques: one for “Best Car” and the other for “Best Paint”…at that point I was overwhelmed…!!!

    Parked amongst other rods at the No-Ones CC event.

    On June 18, the city sponsored street cruise here in Aurora, ColoRODo, called "Cruisin' Havana (street)” & 7 miles from home…brings out lots of cars I've never bro Dan and I had a great time cruising our Cadillacs together…that nite. The summer heat around here reminded me of some of the Iowa (Midwestern) nites I remember after the sun had gone down but it was still very hot…usually, in Denver summers, when the sun goes down, the evenings cool off at least 10-15 degrees, but not this nite. Needless to say, the heat took its toll on a lot of cruisers, but the Caddy stayed cool the whole day/evening…we cruisied from around 4:00 o’clock until 10 visiting the various five or six “festival” sites set up along the 6 mile stretch of Havana Street.

    The next event we drove to was the NSRA Nats in Pueblo, June 23-26...this one cost me three tanks of's 120 one way miles south of Denver...and we headed that way on Friday morn…and was it hot when we got there...102-104 degrees most of the weekend (it’s a dry heat…!!! Yeah, riii-iiihgt…!!!). When we left Pueblo at 4:00 Sunday afternoon after the awards, the temp on the local bank said 109...the Caddy's heat gauge read 220-230 while going north on I-25...the hottest it'd gotten so far...wondered if I had a problem but kept on going and kept an eye on the gauge…figured if it - the radiator, or car, was going to break, close to home is the best place. Once thru ColoRODo Springs and up and over Monument Hill (7343 feet -divides northern ColoRODo weather from the south and it’s about halfway home for us), the temp gauge dropped to 180. Southern ColoRODo heat gave way to cool northern ColoRODo breezes and we drove the rest of the way home in “cooler” weather, altho the bank temp sign 15 miles from home read 95 degrees. Once home, I ordered a new Cadillac thermostat just to be on the safe side. Since the car heated up in 100 + degree weather, and I only had about 1000 miles on the engine, I was now worried about going to Salina and the heat and humidity down there. I changed the thermostat and couldn't find anything wrong with the cooling system other than that.

    On July 15th, we headed back down to Southern ColoRODo, to the “Thunder in the Valley” show (80 miles from home), another one tank trip, to Fountain, ColoRODo…and even tho the temps of July were hovering in the 98-100 degree mark during the day, we decided to go see what this show was about and to see if the thermostat change solved my problem. About 200 cars showed up for a day in the park and we hung out with our good Kustom friends. At the end of the day, the Cadillac was awarded “Ladies Choice.” The trip home was uneventful and the thermostat solved the “problem,” never got over 180.


    We didn't go anywhere for the remainder of July...preferring to save our “gas” money for the trip to Salina, Kansas, of course, we did some local weekend Friday and Saturday nite cruises. Since I ordered an underdash A/C unit in Pueblo, I decided to get the A/C plumbed and the condenser set in front of the rad. I’d ordered the Vintage Air unit from Parr Automotive while at the NSRA Nats in Pueblo (the end of June), and was assured it would be at my place inside of two weeks, I thot I'd have plenty of time to get the A/C in for going to Salina...I KNEW it would be hott in Kansas. Well, the A/C unit finally showed up on Wednesday, July 27 (one month after I’d ordered it)...and we left for Salina on Thursday, July 28 at five AM...needless to say, I drove to Salina (and back home) without A/C.

    I figured a long 7 hour trip and 420 miles from home like this one would be a good way to really check the gas mileage on the ’55…it was…the Caddy took three to four more gallons than Dan’s Caddy at each gas stop…Dan gets 20-21 with his Caddy…I was averaging about 14 mpg.

    It was hot in Salina. No, it was damned hott in Salina…all four days, but the amount of cars there was great…most times the heat wasn’t noticed as we walked around looking at cars…we arrived in Salina late Thursday afternoon…and made it to Bright’s for the “hot dog feed” even tho they had BBQ this time…saw John Wells (Coolstuff here on the HAMB) there and chatted with him a while and then he did a quik video of my Cadillac as I explained everything that had been done to the car…don’t know if it’ll show up in his video of the 2011 Leadsleds or not, but it was fun to do.

    John and I… me explaining the roof scoops, he’s the guy holding the camera…never did tell him what they are off of…Thanx John.

    That night, the “downtown Salina cruise” was more like a parade than a cruise, but for an hour or so, it was fun and the streets were lined with people watching. Friday was actually the official opening of the event and Dan and I rolled in about 9 AM and parked our Cadillacs right on the Main Street in the park…got to see lots of old friends already there.

    We got to do a lot of cruising the grounds on Friday…the park in Salina is a great cruising loop…we loaded up the Caddy with friends more than once to make a pass or two. The radiator temp stayed right at 180 the whole time.


    Sadly, the Friday night drags were again a big joke…Jerry (KKOA prez) allows anything and everything in to run…NOT just KKOA participants…Dan and I got to make only one pass after spending over a half hour in line trying to get in, on a city street) to the drags…needless to say, my Caddy got extremely hott idling in that line of spectators for that long. That, combined with the already hot temps was enuff for me…no more “racing,” Dan and I watched for a while then went to dinner.

    Saturday was the greatest day, the park was packed with lots of great cars…we rolled in about 8 AM and again parked on Main Street, under some shade trees this time. Mr. “My Classic Car”, Dennis Gage, was there checking out the event and he stopped by our Cadillacs and checked them out. After he looked over our Cadillacs…he started his video coverage of the event in front of Dan’s Cadillac.

    Dennis in front of my Cadillac.

    And Dennis and his cameraman starting the monologue to his coverage in front of Dan’s Caddy…hope it stays in the episode, scheduled for some time in January, 2012.

    Mike Berry of the Wichita Eagle “featured” my Cadillac front and center of his “Wichita on Wheels” Saturday article for the newspaper, adding a caption under the photo: “…there aren’t enough superlatives to describe Roger’s ’55 Cadillac…” Thanx Mike, if you’re reading, it’s appreciated.

    I think we finally left the park around five to find some dinner…Saturday nite we hung out at the motel HQ’s and BSed with friends.

    With so much heat and humidity those three days, I was ready to head home Sunday morn but Dan said “No, let’s stay, there are so many people looking at your car and shooting pix of it, I think you’ve got a good chance to win an award.” KKOA’s “Official photographer” came back three times to shoot pix of my Caddy…guess she liked it too. “Okay, we’ll stay.” We talked about our “going home” options and decided to stay for the awards, stay overnite and leave for home Monday morning at 5AM…besides, I didn’t want to drive west into a setting sun for about five hours Sunday afternoon anyway…!!! Leaving in the “cool” morning darkness was the only way we could figure to beat the Kansas heat/humidity.
    At two in the afternoon on Sunday, the awards got under way…Jerry (KKOA prez) said it was so hot that most of his officials went home early, (which was kind of a shitty deal I thot)...and that he’d make it quik…yet we had to sit thru one of his overly long 2 ½ hour awards ceremony. That man can ramble on…and on…and on…!!! Well, Dan was wrong…I didn’t win a KKOA award (a non-trad, non white-walled, 20” billet wheeled radically chopped ’50-‘52 Chevy coop won three awards). Fortunately, for me (and Dan was partially correct), Alan Mayes of CK Deluxe Mag awarded my Cadillac his “Editor’s Choice.” Thank you very much Alan…that meant a lot coming from you.

    Alan (on the right) and me.

    After 4:00 when the awards were done it was 109 degrees, I was literally “beat”, us ColoRODoans are not used to that kind of humidity. Dan and I hurried to the motel, and the A/C, after that, ordered a pizza, watched a couple of hours of TV and hit the sack…at 5 AM, as we were leaving Salina Monday morn in the dark, the temperature was still 98 degrees with that much humidity…I was definitely looking forward to getting to cool ColoRODo…

    Jack Walker was at the KKOA event and was kind enough to invite Dan and I to show our Cadillacs in the Kansas City World of Wheels show in February…and we accepted…so those of you in the KC area can get a look at both of our cars if you take in that show… Chuck Miller also invited us to the Detroit Autorama show in March…but that’s a long way to drive without heaters in the cars, especially in March, so we declined that invitation…and yes, we do drive them.

    August came and went…and it was hotter than normal in ColoRODo…we didn’t go anywhere except take in some local cruises…I took care of a small tranny leak on the Cadillac and I contemplated putting in the A/C…decided since we weren’t going back to the Midwest again this summer I figured I didn’t need it.

    On September 12th we headed to North Platte, Nebraska, for the “Colonel Cody’s Cruise”, 250 miles from home…it’s a 500 car strong event. The temps were still in the 90’s and the weather itself had settled down…no heavy rain, no Midwest tornados or hail storms so we were looking forward to this trip and it’s only four hours from home. I’d been to this event once before two years ago and really liked it…and let me tell you, these people know how to put on a rod run.

    A portion of the North Platte show-goers. If you’re anywhere within an eight hour drive to North Platte, I’d highly recommend this event…

    It was an enjoyable weekend…and the Saturday show downtown on Main Street is the highlight of the whole weekend, about 8-10 city blocks are filled with cars parked on the streets. At the banquet that nite, both Dan and I went home with a “Kustom Class Winner” plaque.

    Downtown on the streets of North Platte…the only bad thing about this show is you have to be in line at 6 AM to get a spot under the canopies…to shade you from the brutal Nebraska sun.

    (More to come…the JJ said I had to break this up into 2 sections).

    Last edited: Dec 3, 2011
  12. 40StudeDude
    Joined: Sep 19, 2002
    Posts: 9,561


    IT’S BEEN A LONG HOT SUMMER (continued)

    On Sunday afternoon after the Colonel Cody’s event, I arranged to leave my Cadillac there, with AJ, a friend, safely parked in his garage and rode home with Dan…figured it’d be a way to save some gas money for the coming trip to Iowa two weeks later and since we were going to run I-80, we’d have to go right thru North Platte on the way.

    The 22nd of September rolled around fast and it was time to head back to my home town in Iowa for my 50th high school reunion, 650 miles from Denver…I’d been looking forward to this trip all summer. We left Denver at 5 AM in Dan’s ’54…it was a tad on the cool side at 40 degrees, but we tuffed it out until the sun warmed up the interior of the Caddy. Around 10AM, we stopped in North Platte to pick up my Caddy, checked all its vitals and got back on the highway headed east. We had a good time running Highway 30 most of the way, my ’55 Caddy and Dan’s ’54 Caddy made lots of heads turn as we motored thru the small towns. The weather was still cooperating and by noon it got plenty warm as we got deeper into the Midwest, one more time but not hot enuff to want that A/C. We arrived in Omaha Thursday afternoon about 5 PM and had dinner with my nephew, Cade - a Major in the Air Force stationed at Offutt, and his wife. It was only 72 miles from there to my hometown but we decided to spend the night in Omaha, too many deer in the dark on the way home. Friday morn, in the bright sunshine, I headed for ‘home,’ 72 miles northeast of Omaha, while Dan visited the SAC museum and some other places around Omaha.


    Dan’s Caddy in front of the SAC museum…inside that glass façade is a very real BlackBird-an SR71, set up on columns to simulate flight.

    On my trip home, I had to take the “back way” cuz the Missouri River around Omaha had flooded out quite a bit of I-29…I usually get off I-29 at Missouri Valley and take Highway 30 ‘home’ that way. This time tho, I had to take I-80 over to old Highway 59, which was actually good…last time I ran that highway it wasn’t. I got ’home’ in time to participate in the Homecoming parade and got lots of compliments on the Caddy.


    Parades are not huge in a small town of 5500…

    The reunion was a blast…had a few friends tell me before I left that the 50th was the best simply “because everyone that attends is done trying to impress classmates.” That may have been true for the most part, but I had to brag about the books I’ve written, especially since English never made any sense to me way back then and I didn’t start writing until I was 59 years old.


    Dan drove up to Woodbine, Iowa, 17 miles from my home town, on Saturday morn and attended the “Applefest” show there, 300 cars strong…at the end of the day, he was awarded the “Long Distance” plaque…

    That evening, he drove to our hometown and stayed with me at the motel. The reunion banquet was Saturday nite and the whole deal was over after that. Sunday morning at 7 AM Dan and I drove to Omaha for the Shriner’s Tangier’s car show. Upon arrival, we were inundated with people and questions, and cameras… “You’re really from ColoRODo?” “What are you doing here?” “You drive these all the way?” “Why this show?” “When are you going home, there’s another show next weekend.” “What kind of mileage you getting with that 500?” “Who built these cars?” “How much money do you have in them?” Ad infinitum…


    Both of us were awarded “Shriner’s Choice” plaques - the Shriners at ‘Climate Control’ chose my Cadillac for their choice, the people at ‘J & S Properties’ liked Dan’s ’54 Cadillac.

    After the show, it took us about 30 minutes to get our cars ready for the trip home – we put our CB antennas on, got the CD’s out of the trunk, slipped on the terrycloth seat covers. Checked the air in the tires and the tranny, oil and antifreeze for the 600 mile trip. We’d planned on driving halfway since it was already 5PM Omaha time when we pulled out of the show…figured we had close to three hours of daylight…that’d get us close to Grand Island before it got dark and we’d find a motel. Outside of Grand Island, I radioed Dan and asked if he felt like stopping for the nite. “No, I’m okay, let’s shoot for North Platte.” Fine with me. At North Platte, I asked again…he said no again. I asked how far he wanted to go. “Until I get tired,” was the reply. I countered with “it’s only four hours to home from here…can you do it?” Needless to say, we made it all the way…it took us 7 1/2 hours from Omaha to Denver…and that’s the fastest trip I’ve ever made from there…our ‘old’ Cadillacs like a good highway speed.

    Speaking of highway speeds…just thot I’d throw this out there: I put on over 5500 miles on my Caddy this summer (April to October). Dan put on a few more than I did since he likes to drive his Caddy nearly everywhere he goes. We didn’t get to as many places as we wanted to because the high gas prices kept us around home more than usual…we didn’t get to the SK500 in Dewey, OK…or to Santa Maria, California, or even Casper, Wyoming, for their Oil Capital Show, or to Scottsbluff, Nebraska for the Father’s Day show. I really wanted to get to Indianapolis, Indiana, for the newest GG’s event at the Indy 500 track, the Starliner event in Wichita and/or GG’s Scottsdale event just a few weeks ago…that would have added tremendously to our mileage for the summer. But, like anything else, since the gas prices will never dip below $3 a gallon from here on out, we’ll eventually get used to spending that kind of money to go enjoy driving our cars (anyone remember back in 1976-‘78 the “experts” said the world’s oil and gas supply would be exhausted by now and we’d all be walking??? Hmmmm…looks like we have a bunch of liars running the world…!!!) Alas, only a few more months til Spring…time to do some of the small things on the cars we didn’t get done this summer.

    Just a couple of weeks ago, I received an e-mail invitation to the January Starbird-Devlin show from a Frank L., a good friend in Wichita, and I’ve accepted that one…with the caveat that my friend, Frank L., find me a place to store my Cadillac for a couple of weeks so I don’t have to drive it back home in the cold and then back to Kansas City for that show two weeks later…he said he would…so, for those of you in Wichita, I’ll be showing the Caddy in the Starbird show, come on out and introduce yourselves…

    Now that it’s November…the summer is gone and with it, the summer heat…matter of fact, we’ve already had two snowstorms out here…total of 11 inches so far and it’s supposed to snow this week… (edit- it did, 8 inches on Wednesday nite.Thursday morn...and cold, only 10 degrees)
    And since it’s been one full year, the Greybeards show was this past Thanksgiving weekend…

    I had the opportunity to participate in the “Art of the Hot Rod,” the show within a show…


    The ‘art show’ consists of ‘hot rod’ artists - pinstripers, illustrators, fine artists, computer artists, sculptors, and of course, guys like me that write books about cars…


    ...and what a kick it was to meet a ton of my Denver “fans”… and talk cars all weekend long. FYI, my next book is due out just after January, 2012…this one’s about Denver in the mid-‘60’s.

    Add to that I’d entered my Cadillac in the “Kustom Korral” along with 24 of the coolest customs there. Some months ago, the promotor asked if I could round up a few Kustoms for the show…I asked how many and he said “as many as you can”…I arranged it so 24 very kool Kustoms were in the display…we had a great time and had nothing but good feedback from everyone that walked thru it…KUSTOMS are alive and well in Denver (and ColoRODo) and with that, that makes one complete year of playing with my ’55 Cadillac…and it’s been a real kick. (Hey Jay (nosurf), good to see you in Denver. Hope you enjoyed your stay.)

    Here’s some pix…


    My ’55 heading up the Kustom Korner (I got the “power parking” spot cuz I put this little korner of the show together). Hav eno idea who the gal is...some people just like to pose in front of other people's cars...!!!


    Cadillac row…had five Caddys in our little show.


    Overall shot of the 24 kustoms in our “show within a show.”


    Of note, this is Neal East’s new ride…a really nice mild kustom ’56 Victoria.

    Now that it’s been a year – ehr…uhm… one very long hot summer, the only thing that could be better than all this…is to see a magazine feature on the Caddy, and that may be coming…photos below shot by Johnny Covey …thanx Johnny.




    It's good to be a dirty old man...!!!

    Now I’m looking forward to April one more time…after all, it’s only 5 months away…

    And, as Elmer Fudd used to say at the end of the cartoon: Th…tha…that…that’s all folks…!!!


    Last edited: Dec 2, 2011
  13. Gator
    Joined: Dec 29, 2005
    Posts: 4,016


    Very cool write up Roger.
  14. Zeke
    Joined: Mar 4, 2001
    Posts: 1,716


    Glad you are enjoying it Rodger! Both cars are the tits.
  15. mad-cad
    Joined: Oct 31, 2004
    Posts: 723


    Great write up and pictures Roger,I was down at Greybeards,managed to miss you guys on friday and saturday...dammit!
  16. I don't know how I missed you at the Denver show. I kept looking for ya and no roger. It was great to see your Cad in person! What a beautiful car. I loved it. Pictures don't do justice to seeing it in "the flesh".
  17. 40StudeDude
    Joined: Sep 19, 2002
    Posts: 9,561


    Ya know, IF you two guys would send me a PM...or an e-mail, letting me know you're coming to the show, I woulda watched for you...was in my booth most of the weekend...

  18. PSB
    Joined: May 28, 2009
    Posts: 70


    Congrats! and thanks for the up dates. You and yours deserve it. Great work.
  19. Johnny C.
    Joined: Dec 17, 2008
    Posts: 755

    Johnny C.

    Great update. It was good to see you off and on this summer and to work with you. Thanks for the opportunity.
  20. caddy-man
    Joined: Oct 8, 2009
    Posts: 49


    YEA !!! What a great summer ! Hope to see ya next summer.
  21. Sounds like a great summer. :)
  22. Rat Rod Roach
    Joined: Sep 8, 2005
    Posts: 261

    Rat Rod Roach
    from Aurora CO.

    Nice post Rog... now move that caddy over and finish the wagon....:eek:

  23. I really liked your summary of the last year or so. When it comes to road trips, you and Dan are the kings!

    Thanks again for inviting me and my ol' Buick down to the Greybeard Show. I had a great time! We'll have to get together again real soon! E
  24. Dang Roger, looks like you and Dan had wayyyyy too much fun this year. Your car turned out gorgeous. Now what about the sedanette ?
  25. Cool update, Roger!! Dan and you had quite the productive summer!! Gonna need a bigger trophy room lol.

    X2 on the Sedanette!!

  26. 40StudeDude
    Joined: Sep 19, 2002
    Posts: 9,561


    Aaaah the '48 sedanet...well, it's still in the shed. Dan and I just got done with a '60 Pontiac Catalina Safari station wagon...we put a new tires on it, engine/tranny in it, dual exhausts and had the front seat redone in original vinyl (found at SMS fabrics in Oregon) and had the dash week we'll install new silver blue carpet and windlacing. Over the Thanksgiving weekend, I rubbed/buffed its original paint out...and it's shiney now. I think we'll peddle that one.

    Waiting at my son's place is a '60 Chevy two door wagon...he gave it to me for Christmas last year...that one is getting a 454" and built T-400 (sitting in my garage)...the body is straight and the glass is all good, but the front floor is rusted - and the seat is missing...someone left the window open for a few winters. That one is next...then we'll get back on the sedanet...I've got the plans for it in my head already...

    Thanx for the compliments...

  27. resqd37Zep
    Joined: Aug 28, 2006
    Posts: 3,215

    from Nor Cal

    I'm still drawn to your 55. It's a great looking ride Roger. Glad to see you're having fun with it.
  28. 40StudeDude
    Joined: Sep 19, 2002
    Posts: 9,561


    And I, yours...I can't imagine your sedanet being that low...maybe if I stand next to it one of these first days I can...Sure looking forward to you getting that one done...!!!

  29. That's one of the best looking newer custom Cadillacs I've seen in a long, long time! Congratulations on using your imagination with the wheelcovers, grill, paint color, etc, etc, etc. Most people would have nosed and decked it, painted it black, put on a set of '57 Cadillac wheelcovers, and called it good. This is a beautiful car that really stands out, as does your brother's Cadillac. Outstanding!
  30. ausbuick
    Joined: Jan 31, 2011
    Posts: 676


    I can not believe that I only just found this build, excellent craftsmanship mate.
    Cheers darren

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