Carl, you were so upstanding and professional in your interview! hahahaha Where were the muff manakins? Disappointed...
I was waiting for the big Nummnut Bill TV appearance. I was disappointed. I will still have to get his autograph though, since they kept showing his car. I like how it took 10 hours of film to get about 15 minutes that was acceptable for TV.
Great Show, it's about time they put some real rods on, instead of the I'll buy it if you build it Yahoos. Kool looking Hot Rods, Cheaters.
hahahaha 41. My hair rules. You fags are jellous. Dennis Gage is a maniac, his mustache hangs down to his balls when it's not rolled up. That show was great..... I wish there would have been more focus on Chris and Jack, in fact the whole show should have just been those guys...... I also wish they would have left the full burnouts at the end, and not cut them for "Legal" purposes...... Did you see the Disclaimer at the end? hahaha "don't try this at home" hahaha I've learned alot form the Cheaters, these guys have a way of making any situation fun..... it's awsome. Car Clubs are still gay. I wanted to go to the Palamino and watch it with everyone one last night, but I was at the Roller Derby after party in madison...... Me and Aaron asked them to put the show on in the bar....... This guy who was sitting next to me got all disturbed and left the room when he found out the show was about the Cheaters. He was like "I hate those guys, they beat up some guy after the last Roller Derby" I was like "really?" He said " yeah they scared the living shit out of this guy" I started to giggle. He left. Cheaters, "Outlaw Hot Rod Gang."
Can't believe they didn't edit out the HONDA comment. Thought my husband and I were gonna fall off our seats!!!!!
Chit, I missed it, damn I miss everything, I just don't watch much TV anymore. Cheater Mike's still my favorite, I love him, he's like a big lanky good luck troll. He likes it when you rub his head.
I love you too Nads! You are my favorite Rumbler (don't tell Willie though, he's got a temper) You can see the show again on thursday morning.
I forgot about the last time we were at roller derby, Jack Jimmy and I worked over some HOBO in the parking lot.... CHEAT ON!!!