Holy crap! A Brough! Some of my old "too much time indoors" machines are Brit bikes. Can't wait for your updates
Without diminishing your wonderful T, it's a treat to see Craig Callum's Model A in the background at Romo - that's one of the cars that made me pay attention to hot rods.
The weekend after getting back from Romo, I took the T to the VHRA Throttle Auto Races at Bicester Heritage. 5am start to be there on time to help setup. The track on the airfield was a 1km kidney bean shaped circuit around an aircraft hanger. We ran in groups of five cars set off at intervals which gave a bit of fun to the chase. I’d been looking forward to doing a few corners… However, we ran clockwise which gave two short left turns and too many right turns for my oiling system. More baffles required.
Yeah - think there was a fair number racing. Not sure how many, but the race passes were sold out. Edit: 75 race passes apparently.
Thanks for sharing, it’s awesome! The cars are beautiful, the weather is good, the atmosphere is cool, the girls are stylish and they have fun on the track. What else?
Looks like you should rename it the Scream T because it’s always way out in front of the competition! Fun With Cars, Thanks for taking us along.