This is an hour and a half documentary of everything that lead up to the failed jump. It is the story of Ken Carter, the man who conceived the idea, raised all the money, did all the work, and had the actual jump taken from him by a camera crew that was afraid he would chicken out and not actual try the stunt. Another stunt man named Kenny Powers was stuck in the seat and actually made the jump with the known disasterous results.
I remember watching that take place as a kid and the disapointment when the chutes deployed and down she went. What a let down!
More Balls than Brains I'm afraid. Thank God there are people like this in the world, the humor value is off the charts!
From Wikipedia: "Carter returned to stunt driving and in 1983 attempted to jump a pond in Peterborough, Ontario. During the jump his car -- a modified Pontiac Firebird -- had a malfunction and Carter crashed badly but vowed to try the jump again. Several months later he did. The vehicle missed it's target landing ramp by 30 meters and landed on its roof. Carter was killed instantly. He is buried in an unmarked grave at the Notre-Dame-des-Neiges Cemetery in Montreal".