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Projects The H.A.M.B. Coupe - It's yours!

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by 32ford5, Apr 25, 2010.

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  1. I've been monitering this thread since day one and just joined the social group (#9) While I have experience putting a major project together (ie. Swamp Rat 33 for Garlits & the Eastwood Company GMC Panel truck) I'm geographicly way too far East to get involved on a day to day basis.
    What I may be able to do is contact some of the many performance industry folks I've worked with over the past 45 years as parts and pieces are needed.
    Last edited: May 5, 2010
  2. glenn33
    Joined: Sep 11, 2006
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    from Browns, IL

    Please forgive my confusion, but I must have missed what we are actually doing here. I've seen alot of ideas some good mostly bad, but no definate game plan. Maybe it's time to start a new thread and state the rules....and post the link here so everyone will see it and know if they want to participate or not.

  3. Hey Rich . . . sounds great! Like you, I am closer to the wrong coast to turn wrenches on the car - but plan to see where my help is needed on logistics, certain parts, etc.. Once we get the ground rules established and the 'Club Formed' (or whatever the hell the entity is), we'll be looking for help. Maybe we can figure out how to accept 'Sponsor Parts' donations - with no strings attached! The HAMB community is strong and we understand the value of great products, solid company support and the right culture/attitude in doing business. We also support those manufacturers and Alliance Vendors who support us . . . it is a 2-way street in this crowd.
  4. Area56
    Joined: Feb 25, 2010
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    from Oklahoma

    Agreed. Somebody needs to be volunteered as a general project 'organizer' (not so much a manager) that can just keep a simple web page posting who is doing what, and where it is taking place. Break down by region and timeline for example. Then just link to it from the original post in this thread? Then anybody who wants to work on a specific part of the project in their area can get with a contact person for that shop.

    Of course, I admit I know nothing of what really needs to be done and can barely extract a broken bolt...
  5. 32ford5
    Joined: Sep 15, 2009
    Posts: 1,089

    from Australia

    Wow, thanks Rich!

    Glenn, I understand your confusion.

    All we have done so far is decide to get the car to Metalman for an initial inspection. In the meantime we can discuss how we are going to manage this concept so it's resilient to the expected hassles (let alone the unexpected ones).

    I'd love to head this project by the way but I really don;t think I'm the right guy. I'm way down here, I don't have experience managing projects or even building cars. We need someone who is obviously the best person for the job. I'd put my hand up for the committee and can offer website and blogging image and movie hosting services...etc

    At the moment all we are doing is talking this out and soliciting comments and opinions. All your feedback is appreciated. Eventually those who believe we are mad will leave us alone or come on board and this will become a very very interesting project.
  6. Big Mac
    Joined: Sep 12, 2007
    Posts: 1,565

    Big Mac
    1. Utah HAMBers

    Let's not over-think this. If we don't muddy up this thread too much with random commentary, and the only posts come from those working on the car, donating parts, or organizing the project, this thread may suffice. Just a thought.

    I'll leave the social group up so any "extra" thoughts, knocking around ideas, questions, etc. can be posted in there.

  7. Rickybop
    Joined: May 23, 2008
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    I'm starting to get a little better feeling about this, as some of you guys are showing a willingness to be involved and take the initiative regardless of whether we have an exact plan yet or not.

    I think that this project might actually be better served and less complicated being built and supported by a "spin-off" group. Of course priorities still need to be dealt with, but it won't be like "OMG...the logistics of it all!"...LOL. I'm glad to see you guys makin' moves toward a start.

    Bill, do you think that maybe this is an indication of how things will progress?...those that want to really be involved, will simply step up and do something. Maybe let this thing grow naturally, as it wants to, and give the opportunity to be involved to those who step-up first, and show an eagerness in contributing. All we need is an "OK" or a "Nuhuh" here and there from you. Personally, in spite of the fact that you've said it wouldn't be right to have you as the owner and recieving parts and donations for it, I would like to see you be not only the owner, but also our head coordinator and final decision-maker. That doesn't mean that you have to do can delegate as much authority as you want. And I have no fears that you'll "get a race-car built for you", and then make off with it. There will be some risk in every aspect of our little endeavor here, but the risk will be spread-out for the most part, especially in the area of donating parts, money, and work. As far as I'm concerned, when I donate anything to this effort, I expect to lose all previous rights to it, so I'm not gonna worry about it.

    Anyway...I vote you for president! Just tell us what we need to do, and watch it happen. You do the steering, and we'll put the pedal to the metal.
  8. ZomBrian
    Joined: Jan 24, 2008
    Posts: 1,143

    from in IN

    OK. I joined the group but noticed there weren't many people in it yet. Is there another one or am I in the right one? I was going to start an "inspiration & ideas" discussion over there but wasn't sure if everyone was ready.

    Anywho. I was flipping through the Nov '09 issue of HRD and wsa smitten, how about you guys?

  9. Big Mac
    Joined: Sep 12, 2007
    Posts: 1,565

    Big Mac
    1. Utah HAMBers

    Your in the right group, just not many have joined. I think the more we start putting things in there the more people will join. Post your idea pics. I'd love to see 'em.
  10. carcrazyjohn
    Joined: Apr 16, 2008
    Posts: 4,841

    from trevose pa

    I dont have much cash and or parts ,But Im in............ anyway I can help ,Should I join the social group .
  11. ZomBrian
    Joined: Jan 24, 2008
    Posts: 1,143

    from in IN

    ^^^I'd say yes.^^^
  12. i bid on this on ebay, if i had won, i wouldnt of shared it with anyone EVER! hahaha, i guess good thing you won.
  13. 32ford5
    Joined: Sep 15, 2009
    Posts: 1,089

    from Australia

    Again thanks for your input. Ricky, thanks for your confidence.

    Again, I'm not a huge fan of the social group idea as mentioned from the beginning. I've joined several social groups and never been back to visit them again and when I do I see barely nothing has been mentioned or posted and that's probably because they are out of "site" and out of mind. If we go off site then I'll just start a new VB forum over at and we'll refer to that here with links. I don't really like the way the social groups work within the context of threads and posts. Again I might be missing the point behind the social groups.

    If it's a concern that all the threads will be lost I can start a master thread that will be used as a directory of threads or I can post a page up on my blog with a master list of threads. If there's a better way, as always I'm open to discussion.

    I was actually emailed by Ryan yesterday who has been extremely busy with another web project and apologises for the delay in getting back to us. He is for the idea still but concerned about the legalities and with Family and all he is right to be concerned. I think we'll proceed with me as the owner for now and see how it goes. We need to discuss what to do if things go wrong.

    As the build progresses we will get more organised naturally (I also have great confidence in the positive attitude of those who believe in this idea) but for now I think we can all relax and just get the body to Metalman for it's first photo shoot and head scratching session. In the meantime we can use this thread to just continue talking it out and I'm sure the way to proceed will become clear.

    Again, thanks to all who post. It's all good. Let's try to keep a positive attitude and where there's a will there will be a way.
  14. 32ford5
    Joined: Sep 15, 2009
    Posts: 1,089

    from Australia

    In the end we will all win. I think from the comraderie this thread has created we may have already won.

    IF we end up using a social group is there anyway to change it's name? Not real keen on "Bastard" to be honest. Big Mac thanks for taking a step in that direction for us but will you be the administrator of that social group you started? What powers do you have to change and edit things, posts, comments...etc
  15. Big Mac
    Joined: Sep 12, 2007
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    Big Mac
    1. Utah HAMBers

    I can do that, no problem. Ya, I can edit/delete, things like that. That said, I don't care one way or the other if we use the social group. My thoughts were that it would be helpful in order to keep the "real" thread clean, not full of everyone's comments/ideas/suggestions. If we keep everything in one thread, it's going to be huge. It may also be helpful for posting poll questions. Example- Name the coupe: The Bastard Coupe, The Bastad Coupe, or the Bass Turd Coupe. j/k. Just let me know! I'm psyched about this idea and would help out any way I can, but I think your going to get one monster of a thread if we don't break out into something a little more accommodating....
  16. Big Mac
    Joined: Sep 12, 2007
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    Big Mac
    1. Utah HAMBers

    I would suggest some type of exit strategy that includes something like:

    1) whatever is donated belongs to the Coupe and is not coming back to the donator.

    2) If things go FUBAR the Coupe will be sold (HAMB Auction? Ebay?) and the proceeds go to the HAMB/Charity of choice, not the owner(s) of the Coupe.

    3) If the coupe sits stagnant for 1yr w/no progress, it will be sold (see #2).

    Something like that. People need to ABSOLUTELY understand that if they donate something, it's not coming back to them if things don't work out. I also think that people will be more wiling to donate if everything goes to charity/HAMB in the worst case scenario, rather than back to a specific person.

    That said, PLEASE don't let the complications/legalities keep us from making some forward progress! This could be real cool. Get it out to Metalman for an assessment and let's go from there. I think it's real cool that HAMBers are so willing to donate! I would LOVE to see this raise $ money for a charity somehow.
  17. ZomBrian
    Joined: Jan 24, 2008
    Posts: 1,143

    from in IN

    I think the social group has potential for the micro managing and details of the project. I think posts on the main board would best be left to updates and important announcements. After all, Ryan created the social groups to give other threads a fair shot on the main board. If this one hangs out at the top without a sticky it is kinda counter-productive for the rest of the users. Know what I'm sayin'?
  18. metalman
    Joined: Dec 30, 2006
    Posts: 3,297


    Man, I missed a lot having no internet all day. Bill, I hate to disagree with you but I feel we have to have a social group. As of now (till we get Ryans blessings) this is not a "HAMB" project but rather a project done by SOME of the HAMB members. We need the social group to seperate us. Want to get involved, join the group. I belong to several groups and yes, they get stagnate, almost not worth checking on. Somehow as exciting as this project is I think it could be a very active group. I joined and as long as the project is going, I'd be checking and posting daily. I see it as a tool to keep our little party contained in one place instead of scattered thru out the main board.
    I never found out, can we have polls on the social group threads? If so, I think we should start a build style poll right away. First step of a game plan anyway, will help get everyone on the same page as to what we will be looking for as far as parts when that time comes.
    This is not to say we won't need a ongoing project build thread on the main board to keep the general HAMB population aware of what were doing and to create intrest.
  19. metalman
    Joined: Dec 30, 2006
    Posts: 3,297


    Big Mac, I think your right on with your thinking, especially with when it's donated, it's donated, you won't get it back nor should one person ever solely reap the benifits. Stroked&bored I believe is working on a guidline of rules we will have to play with for us to discuss and agree upon, I'm sure your comments should be part of it.

    Oh, yeah, I didn't think of it but I'm sure Ryan is REALLY busy right now dealing with his new project (Fordbarn I assume), guess we should give him some slack.
  20. Social Groups are as active or not, depending on the folks who join. Take a look at the Old Farts' Club. It's just over a year old, 408 members most of which have contributed to the many threads.
    Social groups can be open or closed. I've never understood why some are closed, but if that's how the founder wanted be it.
    Rather than Bastard, I'd like to suggest "Orphan" as it seems as though this body has lost it's original family and now a bunch of HAMBers are about to adopt it.
  21. ZomBrian
    Joined: Jan 24, 2008
    Posts: 1,143

    from in IN

    Ah, "The Foster Coupe":).
  22. metalman
    Joined: Dec 30, 2006
    Posts: 3,297


    Rich, good to see you jumping in here

    Got to admit, not real fond of the "Bastard" name either. Just a tad too crude for my personal tastes.
  23. carcrazyjohn
    Joined: Apr 16, 2008
    Posts: 4,841

    from trevose pa

    34 rat rod coupe revival .Only kidding .....Lets see if the model group will do a 34 build off and we can decide on a theme and just do it ...........Who needs a name any way 34 Ford coupe revival
  24. 32ford5
    Joined: Sep 15, 2009
    Posts: 1,089

    from Australia

    Brian we don't drink Fosters in Australia.

    I just created a group for Adelaide H.A.M.B.ers and made a post and there's no way to add a poll that I can see. Nor can I see a way to upload pics. They would have to be hosted somewhere and then referred to in the code of the message. Not really suitable unless we can have a special sub forum which acts like this normal forum.

    I think we can use this main board without getting in the way too much. A sticky "master update" thread might be all we need to keep track. I'll keep editing the first post in the thread with all the links to the various threads and it can be like a portal. Then we can create full proper threads like we are used to seeing and using and we won't get lost.

    I've put my full name in my signature for a bit more transparency. Mentally, morally and in my heart and in front of all of you I swear I no longer claim ownership to this car and as soon as we can figure out a way to take it off my hands I will no longer legally own it either. In fact, I have no papers to say it's mine and haven't been sent a bill of sale yet either. So far it's just a pile of old metal. This car has yet to be reborn so we can do this any way that keeps you all happy. All I want is to start this off with a significant enough donation to get your imaginations going (the chopped top helps).
  25. 32ford5
    Joined: Sep 15, 2009
    Posts: 1,089

    from Australia

    I'm pretty sure we all hope that's the last time we see that word in this thread ;-)
  26. carcrazyjohn
    Joined: Apr 16, 2008
    Posts: 4,841

    from trevose pa

    Sorry about that .........
  27. ZomBrian
    Joined: Jan 24, 2008
    Posts: 1,143

    from in IN

    I meant "Foster" as in Foster Child. I don't think ANYBODY drinks Foster's!:p
  28. 32ford5
    Joined: Sep 15, 2009
    Posts: 1,089

    from Australia

    Sorry John, I meant no disrespect. I know you were only joking. All good! ;)

    Oh, lol. My bad. I get it now.
  29. Big Mac
    Joined: Sep 12, 2007
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    Big Mac
    1. Utah HAMBers

    Well, uh... I learned a few things about Social Groups.

    1. It doesn't appear you can change the name once it's created.

    2. It doesn't appear you can submit a question as a poll.

    3. You CAN add pics.

    4. You can delete members, and edit/delete posts.

    So, if the name is an unpopular one, I think we need to delete this social group and start a new one, under a better name. Sorry to the 19 folks that already joined. Only a few hours on the job and I already screwed it up... LOL.... FIRE ME THEN!!!
  30. ELD
    Joined: Apr 11, 2008
    Posts: 653


    "Little Orphan Hamby"
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