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History The history of Dallas

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by apound, Mar 2, 2010.

  1. Nothing ugly about it Bob! That car is as trick today as it was then.
    Does anyone know what ever happened to Motley's bucket?
  2. Mike,,I agree,,I would like to know where both these "T"s are today..
  3. papastrk
    Joined: Feb 22, 2012
    Posts: 52


    Reading through all the posts brings back a few fond memories. I remember my uncle "Gene Wages" from Dickinson, Texas telling stories about "Hands". I remember going to Green Valley in the 60's and seeing the 427 Ford Cobras racing at one of the National events. They were awesome race cars!
  4. rfraze
    Joined: May 23, 2012
    Posts: 2,009


    While we are looking for Ts, I wonder what happened to the beautiful brass T that Jerry Fain was building in Irving. Never got a pic of that one. He was another Chance-Vought employee that did quality work. He welded the frame for my Car Craft inspired, hack-saw fabricated, 27 roadster pickup, that did LOTS of miles. I found one pic, before tailgate went on and a '68 Autorama (Fair Park) sticker. It later lived at the corner of Inwood and Northwest Hwy, then Paul Willis had it in Mesquite. Originally painted Candy Red at a shop on Harry Hines, it was orange the last time I saw it at a car show downtown. Hope it's still cruisin.
    IMG_0001.jpg IMG_0002.jpg IMG_0003.jpg
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2015
  5. [​IMG]

    Not Dallas, but close
  6. Just across the turnpike!!
  7. I'll bring this thread back up to the top to Remind all of the old Dallas Drag racers of the up coming Geezer reunion Dec 8th out at the Traildust on 380 between Denton and McKinney...Its always good fun to see "OLD" friends
  8. Dominick Hide
    Joined: Dec 13, 2007
    Posts: 234

    Dominick Hide


    wbrw32, Bobby, after reading through all the previous posts I think I have you pegged as the guy that built the headers for this car. If I have the story right they were built in the back yard of your home in Garland.
  9. I dont know who you are,but I did build many sets of headers at my Garland home..too many to remember them all...most were built in the days before you could order a set.for odd applications
  10. Hello Don
    I finally figured out who you are...Are you still living in the same place??
    Try to attend the geezer renion this Dec..I always go to it,,hope to see you there
  11. How about some more of you old Dallas guys??Dont you have some stories too?
  12. rfraze
    Joined: May 23, 2012
    Posts: 2,009


    Hey Bobby, I read your reply on the Fenton thread about meals with Mr. Fenton. It made me wonder if there were any restaurants where racers and motorheads ate often. That might stir some memories. Any places or stories come to mind?
    Some of the drive-ins have been talked about, but don't hesitate to mention any that answer this question. What was the name of the one on Continental?
  13. Von Richthofen
    Joined: Oct 28, 2009
    Posts: 246

    Von Richthofen

  14. "The Clover" was on Continental @ Industrial....where they first let me hang out with my drop top Val which I picked up just down the street on Cole....still have er' and eat at Los today....have a menu somewhere....
  15. rfraze
    Joined: May 23, 2012
    Posts: 2,009


    That's it stillrunner. Thanks. I remember cruise nights there in later years. I remember the street name because of the Continental Bus location. What about the fancy hotel that was built on 35 just north of the Continental exit? Didn't that become a jail or something later?
    Man, did we have some fun cruising in the roadster! Sundays at Whiterock Lake! We got a ticket there one day for "Clinging to a motor vehicle". I guess it referred to the girls sitting up on the backs of the seats. You can't make this stuff up.
  16. Hi Rob
    there are too many resturants to name here Rob..but during working hours,we usually ate at the downtown location of El Fenix .on McKinney ave. it is still there..I had lunch there with many guys like Aaron Fenton as it was near to our store...Fred Offenhauser,Joe Hrudka,George Hurst,Els Lohn..Vic Edelbrock jr. Joe Schubeck.Harry many name drag Doug Cook,Hugh Tucker,Romeo the drag guys used our shop for repairs between match races..
    Ps.I got your package....
  17. rfraze
    Joined: May 23, 2012
    Posts: 2,009


    Man, that must have been entertaining. What an opportunity to keep up with what was happening in the hot rod world. I sure miss the GREAT Mexican restaurants.
    Who were the guys in DFW who were most involved in building cars back in those days? Anybody got more pics of them and their cars? Wayne Ferguson had a very nice T that lived on Harry Hines, but I didn't see it out that much. How about guys who DROVE rods or customs all the time? I remember a (Honduras Maroon?)'33 or 34 coupe from north Irving in the 60s. Saw it all the time. Bruce Barton was going to trade a 55 convertible for it at one time. Pics/info/updates? What about Dave Steven's '39 Ford coupe or '52 Pontiac with the Mickey Thompson 421? How about Wayne Boyd's killer '55 post? Jimmy Deaton's Pontiacs?
    How about pics from cruise nights or hangouts? There have to be some good pics from all the years at Kellers. What about more from Syvil's? (spelling)
    Autorama pics and history? The history of Dallas would surely include pics from the Ft. Worth Rod and Custom Shows. Burkes? Any pics from the Metroplex? Pics of the cars built by Jug and Tim Cruce should fill several pages. How about members of the great mid-cities clubs? I bet Don Smith has some good pics of earlier cars. His cars have represented DFW beautifully for years. How about some stories and pics from Smiley Sitton and Clyde Majors. These two guys have brought many gorgeous cars into the Dallas market area, and they are both true motorheads. Someone please show pics of Jim Smith's cars. Another name that comes to mind is Bobby Marriott.
    Surely there were some painters out there who have pics of cars they painted back in the day. Arlen, are you there?
    What about the current HAMB friendly history of Dallas and any links to past rodders and racers?
  18. Rob
    Chas(smiley)Sitton is now too busy with his sprint car driving school..does not mess with our kind of cars anymore...Clyde Majors is probably too old (or too drunk) to do too much these days,even if he is still alive..I have not seen him in 4-5 years..and I doubt he remembers talking to me.
  19. rfraze
    Joined: May 23, 2012
    Posts: 2,009


    I am happy to say that I had a different level of respect for those two. Time passes, but if we are talking about the past here, both seemed to be significant players in the Dallas rodding scene. Maybe there are pics of cars bought from either of them. I know they both owned a candy red '33 Willys coupe that I drooled over at Autorama and wanted badly. I found out later that Smiley got it at the Pomona Swap Meet from Charlie O'Neill (owner of Fighting Irish Nostalgia F/C). Majors Muffler contributed to lots of cars in the Carrollton area, before Clyde started buying and selling rods.
    I just read that the very first drive-in restaurant was opened in Dallas in 1921. There's some trivia for ya! Anybody got pics or stories of Pig Stand or it's owner Royce Hailey?
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2013
  20. Fugly Too
    Joined: Feb 26, 2012
    Posts: 257

    Fugly Too

    I moved to Texas (Fort Worth) in 83. My first apt. was a few blocks from the Super Shops store on Bedford-Euless Road. Then I purchased my first house in Watauga in the summer of 84 and on my first Saturday night there, I learned I was only five minutes from Green Valley. I thought that things were really going my way until it closed soon afterward. It's a housing development now. There's still some of the staging lanes left, but it's busted up pretty bad. If you stop where they've cut Bursey Road through and stand in you truck bed, you can still see about 200/300 feet of shutdown (all that's left). And on Green Valley Road, if you know what to look for, there's some reminents of the catch net (wood posts and some hardware).

    It must have felt like you were driving halfway to Abilene to tow from Dallas to Green Valley in the 60's

    What track is that blue 57 Ford racing on?
  21. Larry T
    Joined: Nov 24, 2004
    Posts: 7,900

    Larry T

    Never been there, but it looks like it might say Cedar Creek.
  22. rfraze
    Joined: May 23, 2012
    Posts: 2,009


    Cedar Creek is correct. Located west of and closer to Seven Points and Gunbarrel City than Ennis. This track can be viewed on one of the Hot Rod Roadkill series, or is it on this years Street Car Shootout coverage. This is a cool OLD track that deserves to be supported because it still is...a cool old track, AND STILL OPERATING! Keep it going Danny!

    What ever it took to get to Green Valley was worth the effort! I always loved driving into the rolling hills and trees that surrounded the track. Every once in a while, on a real bad day, they had to pick parts out of the yard across the road from the catch fence. Any time a car would run up that hill, still under power, everyone would hold their breath and hope for the best.
  23. partsrivet
    Joined: May 20, 2012
    Posts: 461


    <!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:OfficeDocumentSettings> <o:AllowPNG/> </o:OfficeDocumentSettings> </xml><![endif]--> Hi Bobby,
    I’ve been too busy with family and life lately to do anything on the HAMB other than peek in from time to time. Somehow I found this thread on Dallas and it awoke many old memories.
    As it happened, I worked at the Jack in the Box on Forest Ln next to Jolly Johns when I was in high school @ 1965/66. What a place to see the car show from, along with all the attendant craziness. After that, I went to work for Murray and Willie at AEECO. They were just closing down the machine shop and expanding the warehouse where I would work. The last machinist working was a guy named Pat who ran (I think) a black B or C gas Anglia out of Al’s Garage. I’m thinking the attached picture might be of his car but I thought his car had a narrowed rear end. Does this ring any bells for anyone?

    Take care,


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  24. Bob,
    Clyde is doing fine! Single, sober, and healthier looking than we've seen him in years! Saw him last weekend at the Grand Prairie swap meet.
  25. rfraze
    Joined: May 23, 2012
    Posts: 2,009


    Thanks Mike! All great news. Clyde is one guy who had an effect on Dallas area rodding. Glad to hear he is still involved. Just showing pictures of cars he worked on or sold in and around the area would take the better part of this year.

    So what's up with the horn deal and progress on the wiring?
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2013
  26. You came to AEECO after I left..I was only there for a short time,,,The guy in the machine shop?? Was that Pat Campbell??? I remember he had an Anglia at one time...Mike,Also glad to hear Clyde has cleaned up his act...
  27. partsrivet
    Joined: May 20, 2012
    Posts: 461


    That's it! Pat Campbell was the guy. Nice fellow and as I recall the Anglia was a strong runner. I remember seeing it at GV but to my knowledge never shot it. So many missed opportunities. Oh well, at least I got some. BTW, with all the talk of Harvey Goff, did you ever hear the one or experience the machine gun episode at Caddo? Take it easy.

  28. Chuck,I see Pat Campbell at the annual geezer reunion every year in Dallas..still the same as ever..As the experiences with Harvey Goff (really Gough),as I was involved with him on some of that crap...

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