Etienne, That picture is Super Motovational ! Your ride is getting super close. Keep up the good work. 41 Dave
Etienne, The rivets really add some patine to your build. Keep up the great work and updates. 41 Dave
No big progress, but a first try to adapt a dashboard from annther french 30's car (Citroen C4), a kind of 32 Ford look a like dash.. I will use this unknow insert, I believe this one is from a english car (there was a "petrol" gauge on it)
Congratulations on a wonderful build. You have a great eye for design and detail, and your workmanship is first-class, too!
Etienne, It may be slow progress - but it is progress. Your car is looking GREAT ! Keep us posted as you make more progress. 41 Dave
thanks to all of you. The rivets are real steel rivets, but without any function, there are just welded from inside the rails.
no time since several weeks to work on the modified, the only news is that I fund a 4 speed transmission (the one on he project is a 3) last week, on a big swap meet in Germany for a good price. But I will work on the project very soon.
Well, you're in France and some of your chassis parts choices are a little unconventional but I really like the way you've put this together! The jeep steering, MGB pedals, and Armstrong shocks... excellent! Thanks for sharing
Ford parts are sometimes hard to find or expensives here, and that's a low budget modified, so I need to figure out how doing the thing the best way... Thanks for your words !
I've worked a little bit today. Tranny swap: 4 speed now ! And bolted the Langdon's Stovebolt split exhaust manifold.
more progress bench seat on progress column drop rear spring perches We need now to try different spring set up (7,8,9 or 10 leaf) to have the best high/smooth suspension/shackle angle..