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The last Grasp Special '34 3 window build

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by whodaky, Mar 23, 2012.

  1. whodaky
    Joined: Dec 6, 2003
    Posts: 4,626

    from Aust

    Same back at you guys and wish you well for the up and coming year.
    Depending on work I may be heading down to Port Fairy on the rod run weekend.
    Garyd, the roadster is looking good.
    I have had the last week off and have one more to go.
    I have been doing a few jobs on my Victoria, as well as staining some doors for the house and in between; watching some of the cricket.
    Next week I will do a few few things on the coupe.
    Geoff aka whodaky
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  5. Sounds good Geoff I was thinking of also heading down to Port Fairy as well providing everything goes to plan, I would love to catch up. Talk soon.


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  6. lowlids
    Joined: Feb 26, 2009
    Posts: 147

    from australia

    Geoff sorry I haven't written in for a while but things here have crazy ,I went to Geelong to get my back worked, this always works great and feel better that I go help these young blokes to get their old fords on the road. I helped three guys one is Justin's 34 5w U.S, Then Tom another 34 5w U,S. coupe then to young Shane's he's got 31 model A coupe. Tom is on here as el gorilla. with Christmas and getting ready for new years then our annual rod gather at my place with all my mates. and Geoff and I cant wait.
  7. brandos55
    Joined: Mar 26, 2011
    Posts: 73

    from Australia

    See you in a couple of weeks to sit and talk Hotrods under the tree of Knowledge ...cant wait.... Jeff
  8. tommyflathead
    Joined: Apr 18, 2011
    Posts: 460


    Coupe is ready to go see you all at PF! See you next week TBone, Hope you get there Geoff, I need your advice on a project....
  9. whodaky
    Joined: Dec 6, 2003
    Posts: 4,626

    from Aust

    Hey Tony, I know it is full on and busy (chaotic) in your household at Christmas; with so many of the family there. So no dramas on the lack of response here from yourself.
    Hi Jeff. If I do get down there on the rod run weekend, it will be good to catch up with you and your family. Rita and Tony had the big tree removed during the year. I only hope the knowledge has lingered!
    Tom it is great to hear that your coupe is ready to roll. I am sure you can't wait for it's first road trip headed for Port Fairy. The first of many in the coupe and in other hot rods you build!
    Well what have I been doing this past week and a half. As I said in a previous post I have been doing bits and pieces on my Victoria. Yesterday I just casually spent the whole day doing a few more jobs on it.
    Actually I am always having a go at Tony for not concentrating on getting Rita's spinner back on the road. But I have been a bit the same with my Victoria. I think I have had it ( I purchased it via Ebay USA ) 4 maybe 5 years and still haven't got it on the road. I have been doing stuff to it, on and off during that time. I need to focus!!!!
    I have also been doing a bit of striping here in the garage. I got a good deal on some paint just before Christmas, which has made me get my brushes out and have a play.
    Anyhow I should be going. Below is a few images to keep this post a little more interesting.
    Geoff aka whodaky
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2014
  10. brandos55
    Joined: Mar 26, 2011
    Posts: 73

    from Australia

    Hey Geoff the Vicky looks like its ready to roll,looks like a nice clean unit.
  11. JAWS
    Joined: Jul 22, 2005
    Posts: 1,848


    4 or 5 years? Has it been that long really. Fresh in my memories.
  12. whodaky
    Joined: Dec 6, 2003
    Posts: 4,626

    from Aust

    Hey Jeff. Yeah, it's a very neat old car. I got it from a deceased estate. I would say it has had a cosmetic restoration done at some time. But I'd say that was done quite a while ago. So it still has a neat old original feel about it.
    Brant you got me wondering, so I got my paper work out on Miss Victoria. It was actually June 2008 when I won the auction. So it is actually 5 1/2 years. Boy has that gone quick.
    Below are some shots from the original auction! Also a couple when I got it home.

    Geoff aka whodaky



    Last edited: Jan 1, 2014
  13. JAWS
    Joined: Jul 22, 2005
    Posts: 1,848


    Oh how I remember. What "fun" it was. I am so glad you got Miss Victoria. What happend to the "rock"? Igor? is that right?
  14. whodaky
    Joined: Dec 6, 2003
    Posts: 4,626

    from Aust

    Yup still got the rock. That's right Igor.
    It was quite a 'rush' waiting for that auction to end.
    Then having to get the car here. But it all worked out well.
    Geoff Aka whodaky
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2014
  15. whodaky
    Joined: Dec 6, 2003
    Posts: 4,626

    from Aust

    I was talking to Rita and Tony last evening and told them I would be coming down on the rod run weekend.
    I also told Tony what I had been doing the last week or so as well that I would be getting the coupe out today to start giving it a good clean and doing a few little things that need doing.
    I got it all cleaned on the outside, as well as the engine and did a couple of little jobs on it.
    Hopefully tomorrow it will be hot and I can get underneath it and give it a really decent clean underneath.
    During the day I was just clicking images so I will post them here, as I always seem to be showing images of Tonys stuff.
    Most of these shots feature my coupe and the victoria, but I think they are all interesting and show them in different perspectives!

    Geoff aka whodaky



    PS That's Felix ( we don't know his real name, that's what we call him ) the cat. It's a neighborhood cat that comes visting everyday. I think we may feed him better than his owners do. I wouldn't mind betting that he is trying to adopt us. Our cat Larry is getting used to Felix.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2014
  16. whodaky
    Joined: Dec 6, 2003
    Posts: 4,626

    from Aust

    Around mid morning, the parcel lady showed up in her delivery van. She had a couple of late christmas gifts I had bought for myself.
    The Race Of Gentlemen 2014 calender ( Tony I will bring yours with me ) and the Smokin Shutdown Hot Rod Yearbook 2013.
    It's always good to recieve this stuff, even better when your just ticking around messing with one's hot rods.

    Geoff aka whodaky

  17. whodaky
    Joined: Dec 6, 2003
    Posts: 4,626

    from Aust

    After checking out the calender and flicking through the book it was onto cleaning the coupe and taking more images as the day progressed.
    All the while I was listening to the cricket on ABC radio.
    I even managed to get the floor washed in the garage ( I have a green painted floor ) that gets mopped from time to time.

    Geoff aka whodaky





    PS here are some shots of Larry. He's a bit of a character.



    Last edited: Jan 3, 2014
  18. RoddyB34
    Joined: Oct 13, 2009
    Posts: 542


    Hey Geoff you better explain you wernt listening to an insect on the radio,,,
  19. lowlids
    Joined: Feb 26, 2009
    Posts: 147

    from australia

    Hey Rodney are you coming to the rod run? And Geoff I cant wait for every one to come down. I have a problem with the roadster it keeps losing power and cuts out , hope I can find what's wrong soon. The drive way shots look like about 1959 and you were listing to Buddy holley and the crickets See you soon..........Tony.
  20. whodaky
    Joined: Dec 6, 2003
    Posts: 4,626

    from Aust

    Yeah I guess not everyone would know what I meant by saying I was listening to the cricket on ABC radio. For those that don't know cricket is a bat and ball game played here and in many parts of the world. Currently the Australian cricket team is hosting a series of games against the English cricket team here in Australia.
    Tony my initial advice would be to go back over all the electrical connections you have messed with in the time you have been soughting out the previous ignition problem with the roadster. It may be as simple as a lose connection.
    I really have enjoyed this last couple of weeks off work. Just messing with my cars at a casual pace. Getting heaps done to them. Taking images every now and again.
    It didn't feel like 1959 but every now and then it felt like I was living in California. All this American iron in the driveway. The pickup out on the front lawn.
    I don't know if it could get much better than this at the moment for me. Maybe if the 3W was here. But that will happen eventually.
    On the box that came from Berlin with the Smokin Shutdown yearbook in it. It had the saying on the back; " WELCOME TO THE HOT ROD WAY OF LIFE ''. I think that somes it up for me.
    OK let's make it a little bit more 59ish.

    Geoff aka whodaky


  21. brandos55
    Joined: Mar 26, 2011
    Posts: 73

    from Australia

    All these Hotrods and classics makes my heart beat a little faster,thanks for the pics Geoff,see you soon Jeff
  22. henry roberts
    Joined: Oct 26, 2013
    Posts: 46

    henry roberts
    from australia

    wow, what an awesome thread. you guys have something really special going on down there. thanks for sharing, it's very inspiring.
  23. whodaky
    Joined: Dec 6, 2003
    Posts: 4,626

    from Aust

    Thanks for the comments guys.
    Yes Henry, it special stuff and so enjoyable in so many ways.
    Hey Jeff, I just noticed your new avatar. Then I went into you profile. So you got yourself a 5 window? Congratulations!
    Yesterday I got the coupe all cleaned underneath. So ít's all ready to roll for next weekend.
    Of course I took some images. But only a couple, as the pickup was now parked in front of the garage. So it gave me the chance to get a shot of the Victoria, coupe and pickup all together. The pickup is looking a bit neglected, as the other 2 are clean top to bottom. I will probably give the pickup a much needed clean today.


    So I was looking for images, came across a couple that are very of dear to me. As they were taken the morning of my late mother's funeral. And just to make them a little different I changed them to black and white. I know Tony will like them. Tony, not quite '59, but I really like the feel of them!

    Geoff aka whodaky

    Last edited: Jan 23, 2014
  24. brandos55
    Joined: Mar 26, 2011
    Posts: 73

    from Australia

  25. lowlids
    Joined: Feb 26, 2009
    Posts: 147

    from australia

    hey Geoff, tommy flathead arrived this afternoon some small issues before Geelong ,it was getting hot, so tom flashed the radiator and adjusted the timing then it went like shit of a shovel the way to port fairy and never missed a beat, the new sidewacker sounds sweet. We are just relaxing chilling out. Geoff we also think we fixed my roadster also the earth wire was loose and a wire to the pump had a loose connection. Hoping that was it. I need to drive for long drive and see what it does then. We all cant wait to see you blokes down here.............. Tony.
  26. whodaky
    Joined: Dec 6, 2003
    Posts: 4,626

    from Aust

    Sounds good Tony. Kind of thought a loose connection may have been the culprit.
    It's great that Tom is there.
    What was his reaction to our 3W.
    I said above the coupe was ready to roll. I took it for a run on Sunday afternoon. When I got back the water pump had a slight leak out the front seal and it had sought of been a little bit noisy I thought. So I ordered new pump online from Performance Warehouse yesterday afternoon. It was sent today, so hopefully it will be here tomorrow. Probably won't get to fit it until Wednesday after work, as I have an apointment for a plasma donation at the blood bank tomorrow night.
    I hit he boss up for Friday off and that is all go. But I will ring you and let you know for sure later in the week.
    You guys take it easy and I look forward to seeing you all in a few days
    Geoff aka whodaky
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2014
  27. whodaky
    Joined: Dec 6, 2003
    Posts: 4,626

    from Aust

    In my reply to Tony ( lowlids ) above, I said I am going to replace my water pump before I head down to Port Fairy on Friday.
    So tonight I have taken the hood top and right hood side off, which is only about a 15 minute job.
    I am hoping to recieve a parcel with the new water pump tomorrow. However me being me I am not pulling the old water pump off until I have the new water pump here.
    The coupe looks strange with these hood panels off. I can't remember when I last had a hood side off.
    As you will see from the images my little 289 is nothing flashy. But it has been a very reliable little engine. Being not real flashy or hot rod looking I always have run the full hood.

    Geoff aka whodaky


    Last edited: Jan 6, 2014
  28. JAWS
    Joined: Jul 22, 2005
    Posts: 1,848


    I didn't know the car was ford smallblock powered. I guess I never asked.

    To me the worst part of waterpumps on small fords is the thermostat. I know they are in the intake, but still. I change them when the waterpump gets anew.

    Love that car. I can't wait to hear about the new one.

    I must admit, I'm more than a little excited to hear that you are taking the coupe down to see the other coupe and work on the "last grasp special".
  29. whodaky
    Joined: Dec 6, 2003
    Posts: 4,626

    from Aust

    Here's some shots to entertain Tony and Tom.

    A man and his dog 1959


    Chris Weir's place 1959


    Great Ocean Road, road trip 1959


    Mangalore drags 1959


    Now that I have played with those images I need to try and remember when they were actually taken.
    The first with Tony and Lucy was earlier this year by Rita. The others I need to think about more.

    Geoff aka whodaky
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2014
  30. whodaky
    Joined: Dec 6, 2003
    Posts: 4,626

    from Aust

    Hey Brant, good to see you.
    Actually we probably won't get anything done on our 3W.
    Every year at this time there is a rod run in Port Fairy. It has become a bit of a tradition for a lot of Rita and Tony's hot rod friends to come down on that weekend. Quite a few actually stay at Rita and Tony's. For the most part this group of people don't participate in the rod run. They mostly just hang out at Rita and Tony's. Most of these folk do however attend the show and shine on the Sunday.
    I haven't been down on this weekend for a couple of years ( I am not big in being around big groups of people these days ). But Tony has been on my case to come down this year, mainly to be there when people are seeing and commenting on our 3W.
    I have to admit I am looking forward to going. I will get to catch up with a number of friends I haven't seen in a few years. But more special will be seeing and meeting Rita and Tony's newest grandchild ( Mabel Rose ) for the first time.
    Yup a little 289 and C4 in the coupe. Just got a little 350 holley and 2.78 gears in the 9 inch rear end. But she scoots along nicely and has been very reliable. It has taken me anywhere and everywhere. It is more than a hot rod it is one of my best friends.

    Geoff aka whodaky

    PS Brant I did the thermostat housing the other weekend. I was sought of listening to the water pump then. Then I saw the drips coming from it on Sunday after I came back from my little test drive. Thought I had best fit a new one.

    PPS Rita and Tony's driveway Port Fairy rod run weekend 1959 ( aka 2012 ) .

    Last edited: Jan 6, 2014

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