Excellent job. RE: mac browser testing In case you werent familiar with this software. Here is a great site that will give you screen shots of any OS and browser. http://www.browsercam.com/ Here is the HAMB on browser cam. http://www.browsercam.com/public.aspx?proj_id=132023 hope that helps.
I love the changes Ryan! Still getting used to our new home but it's jsut what we needed. Thank you! I used to be a big gamer and hung out at http://www.quakecon.org I always thought it was a really well setup forum. I think your topping it! - kyle
I miss the "Email this post to a friend" button. Maybe I just havn't found it yet. The default display is pretty basic. You get Insert Image,and Quote buttons if you select Enhanced Display, or something like that. Maybe Ryan can change the default ?
I strangely get a larger amount of ballsweat on my right testicle since the switchover? Can you fix that as well?
I'm running a Mac G5 / OS-X too... Looks great in Firefox, Camino and Mozilla. There's a split in the banner in Safari, and the header completely falls apart in Explorer. I took screen caps of each one and slapped a page together of what I saw... http://www.championgarage.com/hamb_views/ Anybody else see it this way in these browsers? I love the new look!
after a couple of years i was just gettin settled with the ol board....LOL.....i'm old and hate change,...and computers..... why cant i get the smilies into the actual message??
[*]See about adding an animated GIF to the PM interface so that it will be more obvious to people they have a PM (Hey, you guys do know you can make a window pop up when you do have a pm, right? Set that up in your options in User CP. [/list]This Color = added after getting more feedback[/QUOTE] Do this please, I like the blinking and animated gifs... in case you hadn't noticed.
ok i found this . ryan id like to be able to search 3 letter words. also orginization with subcategories would be nice. i go on other v bulletin forums and they have different subcategories it makes everything easier in my opinion. we could have categories like member art engine posts and sub categories like v8's 6's 4's brakes fabricating bodywork chassis you get the idea. that way you can narrow down what you want to look at and all of it will be related example is www.s10forum.com they also have galleries where you can host all your pics and people have links to them in the bottom of their posts.
My 2 cents goes the same way. Loved the red text of the new posts. Any body else prefer the red to the bold? I'm new here so the old HAMB was NEW to me. But I can still appreciate all the work that went into (and continues to) the big change. That would have made my melonhead explode! Keep up the great work!
Yeah, the post reply being a quote unless you scroll all the way back to the top. Would like the flashing pm flag back I haven't poked around much but it seems a bunch of members have shown up with new avitars, and a bunch of them are just plain annoying. Not that I want avitar cops or anything.
That's been a rule since RYAN saw fit to let Rocky and myself be Storm Troopers in the Classifieds.... It does make it easier to figure out what's going on and it makes it easier for Rocky and myself to moderate. As for the registration date, that's a little tougher now as it does not show the day, just the month and year. Any in question may be found easy enough by checking their profile which does show the day, month and year. Thanks for the input... RASHY
Ian, I don't know if you've figured this one out yet or if it is here because you requested it, I just found it today... If you look at the top of the thread, you will see a button like this.. Click on that bad boy and you will get your email option. RASHY
Hey [size=+2]Rashy[/size], what about when you hit Hokey Ass Message Board to go back to look at other threads. I used to be able to hit that and go right back to the page I was on, now I always go back to the first page. Is there a tool I haven't found on here to do that?
I just noticed the logo was changed at the top of the page. I will have to disagree with Sir Gus on this one. I think the "superhero" thing looked kind of cool, the new thing doesnt look so cool. After all what does Gus know about style? Just look at that ugly little roadster he drives! haha, you know i love that car Gus. Nick
Maybe I'm not finding it in the CP, but is there a way to make the fonts larger? Otherwise the new format looks great!
Interesting on the Stanford study about readability with a white background and gray text. I've found a cyan background with black text to be the best for me and have my word processing program set up that way. The bright white screen is very tiring to the eyes. At least it is for me. Would it be easy to set things up so the viewer can choose their own background and/or text colors?
Dunno, I will try and duplicate what you're talking about and see.... First, off to the airport. RASHY
I agree with C9, a color option would be nice. I also use a light green background and it is a lot easier on the eyes. Must be getting old.-MIKE
Leon- you might try setting your browser on your computer (Internet Explorer, etc.) to change this. It depends on which browser you're using, but basically, you can go into the preferences (Usually under either "File" or "Edit" at the top of the screen/window), and set a minimum font size there. (You can also make your browser always use the same fonts, overriding what the websites specify, but this is rarely a good thing.) Also, many browsers have the function of hitting Control + ("plus" key) or Control - ("minus" key) to increase/decrease the fonts shown. Keep hitting that and you make the font a little bigger/smaller each time. And while we are on the subject of browsers, you really ought to be using Firefox instead of Internet Explorer. Faster and more secure.
Is there any chance it would be possible to add a dictionary function to the board? Websters has an option to add their dictionary to a website: http://www.websters-online-dictionary.org/searchbox.asp
if i may add one on the old hamb it used to show the number of replies and then the number of replies since the last time i logged on in parenthesis i always liked that cuz i was able to figure out w/ ease which threads were brand new not just having new replies just a thought but great board ryan