well a week ago the LOCO GREENGO decided to have a blow-by problem. i am in the middle of thrashing on a freind's car to have ready, now all the sudden i am thrashing on TWO 51 fords! i call it therapy. it's all about the love of the machine. Crash.
You have to love them all. Paso is always going to be special. But Billetproof, Asphalt Invit, Round-up and the rest all have something to offer. Just go to as many as you can big and small. They are a ton of work to put on I need to get my Caddy back in working order I it will not be going to Paso this year. see ya
For what it's worth. Even if West Coast Kustoms relocates Paso, it will NEVER be Paso. So, there's no such thing here as the new Paso. I know the thread's not literal, but..................
The Dirtys have been thrashing for the past ??? and the going these going to bed at 1 ams is killing this old man. I dont know how Rusty (Dirty31) does it. And Danyelle ,,,, I pick her up from school yesterday and the teacher tells me how good she has been this week and that she known about all the cars and 1 special one named Cynthia.... We go home to change her clothes and back to the shop.. We do a little home work and a quick picknic and daddys back at it.. and it seems like every 5 mins. she wants to know something or bathroom or I hear her going thru my toolbox. Well I promised after this thrash we are going to do what she wants to, SOoooo look foward for a big SALE to take Danyelle (The Dirty Midget) to Disney. Any way on the car I got most of it done last night just waiting on the NEW water pump. So we will be going to Rustys to finish his coupe.. Danny
West has Paso, Southwest has Round Up, the Midwest has (ta me) Pile Up. What is the 'event' for the East? Of this same vein.
I am going! I had to take out a sick flathead and put in a less sick flathead. oil... check gas money...check well a little atleast AAA card...check Austin, here we come