OH Yeah!! only not enough rooom in this one to "do" Fran Dresher in the back like the '56 in Hollywood Knights
I think that you will find this thread on Coffin Corner to be very interesting! http://coffincorner.proboards89.com...d=general&thread=1188181397&page=1#1188227705 You'll have to scroll back to the top. For some reason the link takes you to the middle of the thread.
That one sounds like it was the Ai Fiberglass '23 C-cab delivery body. I think that you can still buy those from Rod n Race Fiberglass (301-777-3800, http://www.rodnrace.com/) .
saw one of those go on ebay just recently..wasnt a bad price eather..i forget$$ wasnt interested in tupperware
Do you have a better pic of that Purple one you just posted? Looks a lot like that Yellow one I saw the other day...
If your looking for a C-cab rod........here's a pretty decient kit that you can get. Hope it helps. D http://shop.spiritcars.com/index.php
Cheap too 4842.00 for a whole rolling car minus rims and tires http://shop.spiritcars.com/kits/23-c-cab-stage-3-kit/prod_113.html
metal shapes... that purple one is the ice truck that is currently being restored by dave schuten. I saw it in an l.a. car show as a kid , and have wanted a c cab ever since.
Glad to see it is being redone,Bob Schoonhoven is a great guy and had that for a long time.about 3 years ago I was in LA for the Moon christmas party and stopped by Boyds place.This was sittin in the show room I was afraid the boydsters would billet it up glad to see its in great hands the other show version that was in the ISCA showworld book is here in tucson in kinda rough shape and for sale I hear..long live show rods!
Those C-cab kits are not the same as meatballs body if you look at the lines, besides the fact that Mr. Ball's cab has an engine compartment molded in as well. That purple C-cab is the Pizza Wagon, it was out at Starbird's a couple years ago, it isn't one of the ones that Davey is re-doing but it is very similar...
Damn, Thats right. I should of known better! the charcoal grey 64 elcamino....that was parked in front of the fire hydrant.
I like it. I don't think they did build a real one. If they did it was glass. They did have the milk truck and the ice truck, but I don't remember ever reading about the pie wagon. Very kool!
plowboy you are right , I was wondering how daves turned red and lost the twin blower setup. If anybody can post a pic of daves, and the purple one. It would be cool to see them side by side. back to the pie wagon, I think a recreation of the 1968 kit box is in order. cool find!
Anybody know of a website that features full size show rods, not just the models like the coffin site?
http://www.showrods.com/home_page_links/home.html this site has the main links in red to casper's ,daniels couple of other full size cars
Here are some pics of the Ice and Milk trucks. I thought I had some cureent ones of the Ice truck but I guess I don't.
ahhhh It's all coming clear now schoonhoven's is my favorite, with the ice wagon a close second. Both basicaly an indy car with a c cab panel body . too cool.