So here's something that I never knew you had to do when leaning back the sanctions of a '29 roadster. The further back you lean the sanctions, the more you hinder the windshield frame from laying flush with the sanctions because the frame ends up hitting the area where the dash header meets the upper cowl. And you see this quite a bit - a roadster with aggressively slanted "a-pillars" and a windshield frame that looks as though it's swung out a bit even though it's not. So, to keep Randy's roadster looking proper, Keith trimmed the dash header as well as the upper cowl. This is hard to photograph, but if you have a 28/29 in front of you, you'll see it. The end result is a windshield frame that lays flush to the heavily slanted sanctions. More pics of the chop here in a bit...
Oh... as a sidebar of sorts... I was shooting some video in the shop today for a video review that's coming on Monday. After doing so, I left the camera on by accident and when I went to edit the footage, I found something gold. No one would ever accuse Keith or I of talking to much. The following isn't typical. If you listen real close, you might hear some actual words. That's a big damn deal.
Ok... Chop is done and it ended up at 4.5" on the nose. In my opinion, this is the perfect chop and lean on a 28/29 windshield. A really important part of any roadster mock-up is the "monkey fucking a football" test. Here, you mock up the seat and then get in the car to test the altitude of your armpits relative to the beltline of the car. If your armpits are over the beltline, you throw the whole thing away and start over. Here's our results: Note that Mr. Tardel is well confined in the car. He's sitting "IN" the car and not "ON" the car. Winner. And with the "monkey fucking a football" test passed, Keith could move on to the headlight stand: Yep... That will do. It was a damn good week....
2A.M. initial post, killer shop with a view(actually more then one), tools everywhere, signage with your name, good bud' screwing together a hot rod ... and ya' write and play with the computer there, for a living ? Forgive me for asking this ... but where the hell is the beer ? It's beyond casual Friday at your place, that's frekn' heaven man !
I am liking the wish................uh...............bone or split bones................sort of a half and half, never seen it before. Whatever the term is for that set up it is a neat idea to tuck back into my head. Thanks for starting this thread its the kind that you check everyday to see what is going on. Awesome car btw!
Wow, lots of neat details and ideas on this car, I love the use of the 37 dash while retaining the 29 dash rail.. I am also liking the detailed progress makes it seem like a well done magazine tech article (when magazine articles were still about tech and not an advertisement)
Hooked me on this one Ryan. What's not to love about a '29 on '32 rails with a built flattie. Essence of hotrod personified!
Realized I sit on top of my roadster. Damn! I guess its more comfortable for me, but it doesn't look as cool I am sure. My windshield is more 'nerdy' too I guess. I love the treatment on this car. This is a great thread. Man that car has great proportions! Nothing more beautiful than a '28-'29 roadster on '32 rails IMHO.
I've seen your car. Frankly, I love it. It has less of a racer look and more of a stroker mcgurk look... Nothing at all wrong with that.
what i imagine; the second bang on the door woke Ryan with a jolt, his forehead had a mark from the slide handle of the Royal typewriter, he had been working all night on. a glance at the clock showed 2:45. "am? "what the?" the bang at the door again, this time hit with something harder than a knuckle. "police, open up!" "crap, wheres Keith?" Ryan sneaks out to the shop, lights are still on, pizza box and some empties on the work bench, but no Keith. another knock on the door, this time louder. as he makes his way to the window he notices the stuff next the front wheel of the roadster. "shit!" he hurries over, pulls up the wood cover and slides the stuff into the hole "ouch" "Keith?" "yes" he whispers "get rid of the cops" "i'm working on it" he says as he moves to the window. a rat fink poster had been hung over it to block the sun from beating in and Ryan moved the edge of it to peer out. he could make out four cop cars, with bubble lights and spots, all lit. "damn" moving to the door "yeah i'm coming"........ "what do you want?" "open up" Ryan works the latch on the door and it opens up followed by two cops "ok where is it?" looking over his shoulder nervously at the wood hatch cover, partially hidden by the roadster "where what?" "come on Cochran! ENOUGH! we know you have it" " was...." but he was interrupted by the other patrolman "there it is!" did Keith forget something? had the cover moved? no, the cop moved to the drill press next to the work bench "there it is, thats the drill press the chief wanted to buy"
Slow on visual progress as the mock up is getting pretty close to done. Lots of welding today... But, Keith did get the spreader bar (made out of a model-a emergency brake cross shaft) done and mounted. And while we are the topic of emergencies and what not, Keith also got the emergency brake handle mounted. Rather than going outside the column as typically done, he went inside. There's no cowl vent here to worry about, so this works out well and saves precious knee room. Plus, it just looks cool.
Subscribed! I'm a bit bias, but I love the proportions of the car, especially the chopped and leaned windscreen!
Like this build, especially the front wishbone and dash treatment!! Love to see more of the actual frame build ,but I guess it's too covered up with the body on it right now. Maybe when it comes back apart for paint. Great inspirational car too! Any more pictures/info on it?
I believe that is Chris Casny's roadster. Search and you'll find plenty of pix. If you look in this year's picture threads from Lonestar Roundup from Tom Davison and Dan Greenberg, both cover this car.
Here you go: Oh, and I don't think it'll come apart again for paint...
I think in some other thread he said he is stuck somewhere in bad weather?
Sorry for the delay guys... I was out of town, then stuck out of town, then... Anyway, Tardel spent the time tearing the car back down and today is doing some final welding on the chassis. It's all about ready for paint now. Here is some quick photographic evidence: