Today was a big day... The last of the painting bullshit is finally done. Keith got the chassis sprayed, the cowl/tank, etc... But the chassis is really story here. It looks absolutely killer. Remember, the idea is that this car was once black, but was sprayed indian red without jamming, getting the inside of the frame rails, etc... Also, at lunch we went and picked up all of the nickel plaiting. Nothing fancy at all... But it's gonna really pop off all of the red and black. Tomorrow, the paint booth comes down and final assembly can finally begin!
This car is one of those, that is going to be sooo mutch nicer than the sum total of its parts! Can't wait to see it all come together.
Oh no .... the ghost of Boyd is near ??? Can't recall .... crush zone versus looking cool ?? That thing is frekn' awesome by the way.
Blue Bear is a guy that used to work for Boyd. He was ridiculed on national TV for a solid hour for not boxing his frame... Boyd felt that every frame built today should be boxed regardless of the circumstance. Meanwhile, Blue Bear felt that a boxed frame was inappropriate on car built to a specific late 1940s period. I was on Team Blue Bear.
Strangely enough, I watched the blue bear frame boxing debacle unfold from a hotel room in Havana Cuba.
That was the point where I seriously questioned why I paid a cable bill, or watched tv at all for that matter. No longer do either.
In a sort of related incident, awhile back I was working on a 32' chassis that I had just installed a beefy K member in when a late model Dodge 1 ton dually bare chassis showed up, looking at my K member and the lack of anything resembling it in the 1 ton got me thinking that maybe I'm overstating the importance of the K member. I finally landed on it's a place to put weight on the back and down low which is desperately needed on most rods and felt justified, although a simple ladder style frame is probably more than adequate.
How about a mid-day update? Fuck the paint booth! It's gone! Ohh... and how about some spam with your roadster? Rex Rods work shirts are now available... Check it: Details here.
What? That old thing? Just a little '32 5w waiting in the wings... The '29 will be on the road soon. Gotta have something to mess with when it's done. Otherwise, Tardel will bug the hell out of me in the office... No idle minds at the TJJ world headquarters.