Rap music? When assembling an old ford I believe the only music that is appropriate is Benny Goodman, Chick Webb, Artie Shaw and Count Basie. Also must only use vintage Plomb tools.
I feel inadequate to even post, what a great build and awesome build thread to go with it! This will bean amazing lil roadster with a big heart when done!
Starting in on chassis assembly... Lots of contrast here. I'm really starting to fall in love with the indian red and black.
Nice attention to detail! Very clean. What brake hose are you using with the "through the frame" fitting? All I've found is that braided stuff and that won't be going on my sedan. Thanks!
Great work and I am impressed by the cleanliness of the workshop. Looks more like an operating room than a car workshop. But a professional result begins with a clean workplace. I hold you in high esteem guys.
Project is looking great. I may have missed it, but what finish is on the intake and heads? Thanks, Neal
This car's turning out very nice. I'm a big fan. None of my business, but wasn't Tardel part of Austin Speed Shop? Is this a sideline project?
He left the speedshop a couple of months ago to start Rex Rods back up... No hard feelings at all. The owners of the Speed Shop are very close friends of mine. Doc Dan saved my life, literally. And Joyo is one of my closest pals. Personally, I'm still a very big fan of ASS. Keith is just better mentally when he's alone... in isolation with his hip hop music. Anyway, how about some stupidity? The engine is all buttoned up and I shot some portraits of it for a feature I'm doing on Monday. After my little shoot was over, I grabbed my old film camera and a very, very expensive (and borrowed) Leica Noctilux lens. This was shot in the dark... like pitch dark... and hand held: The only people that like artsy photos are the people that shot them. I get that. But man, I love this one...
That shot needs to be a Poster of some sorts, excellent picture, best I have ever seen of a Flathead. I would buy a print!
I havent posted in a long time. I'm much better when I keep my lips tight, that said I like artsy photos and Organic builds. This thread calms me down from my lately very stressful life. it takes me away to a special place. I imagine Heaven is just like that little shop. Thanks for the mental vacation.
Today, we drank tequila, listened to mariachi music, and worked on the ass end of this here roadster. Here's some visual cues: Further updating will have to wait until Monday. Surplus tequila must be handled with haste and a sense of urgency. Plus, the mariachi band should be here any minute now. It would be rude of me to show them my back while I pecked away on this damned machine. Till then,
Black walls for life - wrapped over body color wheels. You sir, are a scholar and a gentlemen. But you need a new steering wheel. All natural...
Anybody that doesn't like that picture should get their status as a hotrodder revoked. That deserves to be on the wall in the Hot Rod Hall of Fame!
Oh yeah...I like that tall Tattersfield intake a bunch more than the short Sharp you started out with.